Welcome everyone! Happy Spring 2022!
As promised, we are going to take a look at the behind the scenes of my recent book launch for my new children’s book, “Beasley Helps.” Without telling you too much, I don’t want to give the whole story away. I will however, try to explain a few fun facts for you and why I decided to use the images I made for this book.
When and Where Did This Book Launch Take Place?
In case any of you missed it, my book launch was held on my business Facebook page at, “Books by Rose.”
It ran for 12 days, from April 06, 2022 to April 21, 2022. We started daily, at 9 am (CST) with images and clues to my story. I’m always confused on what dates to pick. With me being so symbolic about my books, I looked at the numbers. “Twenty-one” is a backwards “12.” The 21st of April was also our dad’s birthday. I think he would have liked that. It seemed to turn out perfect.
Day 1
“Where Did All The Trees Go?”

We had lots of answers and guesses on this one. We had many that were even worried about those trees. I felt for them, as we had to have many trees removed here at our home this past year. They were at least 75 years old and were decayed so much, they were becoming dangerous for us to have them around.
I will tell you one good thing. The trees in this story were removed to build something new for a very good cause.
Day 2
“What’s All That Noise?”

One visitor thought it was the trees that fell that made all the noise.
Nope, but some very big machines were working very hard to clear a large portion of land on, Farmer Bill’s farm.
Day 3
“Whoa Whoa, Little Fella”

Someone had suggested a trespasser was trying to get by, they even suggested a horse. This little fella was much smaller than a horse, but carried a loud bark!
Day 4
“Brother Read a Book to Little Fella One Day And He Let Out A Big A-ROO!

Okay, by now you know it’s safe to say, there’s a dog in the story, right?
Why was he scared?
How I came up with this idea. When I was around 3 or 4 years old, my brothers had a book all about animals. I loved looking through that book, well, until I came to one page. I’ll never forget, it was photo of a Moose and that big Moose scared me so much, I had to close the book. I thought back on that memory and wanted to include it my story.
With this being a farm book, I wanted to pick a bull. We live in the suburbs, so finding a bull around here is next to impossible. Our friend came to the rescue! This photo took our friend a very, very long time to get that shot. Every night she’d ride past the pasture, of course the bull was on the other side. No way was she going to climb in there to risk her life. Finally one day, it all worked out and she got her photo. Thanks again for this photo, Susie!
Day 5
“What In The World is Going On Here?”

“What In The World is Going On Here?”
This one is my favorite images in this book. Once you see the whole photo, you will understand more why I love this one so much.
First of all, Farmer Bill is my older brother. He’s the one in a frenzy about something. Ha, Ha! (Thank you, Bill for posing for this book. You did great!)
My wonderful husband, Farmer Bob, is pulling a rope with something very strong and big attached to it. He actually posed for me out on our deck and we laughed and laughed. (Thank you, Bob!)
The men you see behind him are my two older brothers. Farmer John and Farmer Jim. It means a lot to me to have them in this book. John passed away almost 11 years ago and Jim passed away last October.
Oh and the pig? He belongs to our friend, Angela. She lives in the suburbs, too, so having a pig this size in her neighborhood, is somewhat special.
Day 6
“Someone Has A Bright Idea!”

This part of the story is what authors call a “solution” to the problem in the story. We know there’s a problem with Farmer Bob struggling with something. The pup in the story remembered something he thought would work. I’ll get to that in a moment and revealed one thing that worked.
Day 7
“Someone Came Up With An Idea Using Recycled Products.”

In our story, our pup friend made many, many trips back and forth to gather all these things. When he returned these items to Farmer Bill’s barn, I can only imagine how tired he was.
This was a fun day in my book launch as we all talked about what to make with recycled products.
Day 8
“It Will Take You A Million Years To Guess This One”

Ha, this one stumped everyone and we had many laughs.
This is part of the story, I’ll have to reveal what this is, because it was very confusing.
This image has something to do with drums. Let’s just say, if you and your kids enjoy music, this last part of the book will be something you will enjoy reading, making and talking about.
Quick story and what I learned about this image. When I was in my first year of college studying Early Childhood Education, I attended a band with a female drummer. I had never seen anything like her talent and energy before. Well, that was it, I wanted to be a drummer. Here’s where the problem came in, I didn’t have drums or even drumsticks. A friend of ours did play the drums and he suggested for me to get different sizes and widths of wood and something with a “ding” sound to practice until I was able to get a drum set. Well, long story short, I never learned to play, but to this day, I can pick out the drums in a song and love that sound so much. By the way, I’m glad I stayed with the Early Childhood Education, because it has served me well over the years.
Pay 9
“Meet New Friends, Cocoa and Fred”

These animals show up in the story for a very special reason. Liked we talked about, Fred the pig is our friend’s and Cocoa belonged to our friend’s, as well. Sadly, Cocoa the horse passed away many years ago. Thanks to our friends, Perry and Angela, for allowing me to use their pets for this story.
Day 10
“Will You Be Able To Find All 12 Of These?”

I’m giving the reader of this book a bonus activity to find 12 of these bones. As you will see, I wrote this on the back page. I did it this way for a few reasons. I didn’t want it to be a “search and find” book, however, I do have three books of those, if you’re interested in them. Another reason, I didn’t want to distract the reader from this story.
Day 11
“Title Reveal”

Yay! Finally, the title reveal and what my new book is what about!
If you have been following, Books by Rose, you know “Beasley’s Journey” was the 1st book I wrote back in, 2014, followed by, “Beasley and Friends to the Rescue in 2016.
This 3rd book of Beasley has set on the back burner for a few years and I’m so glad to have it finished. The love of it grew bigger and bigger over time with new ideas coming to me every time I sat down to finish it.
I have to admit, I struggled with what type of illustrations I was going to use for this book. My friend Paula had given me all of her Beagle photos. Since the 2nd book, those Beagles, Lexy and Penny, had passed away. Thank you for all your photos, Paula.
One day I’m on Facebook and another friend of ours had a Beagle that looked just like them. That’s where the dog you see named, Spike came in. Thank you, Jim and Debi for Spike’s adorable photos.

Day 12
“Cover Reveal”

The day I had been waiting for, my cover reveal!
I couldn’t have made this book without all my family and friends support. As you will see in the book, this story is about pet rescue shelters. I’m going to be saving up a portion of the royalties to support our local shelters. I hope you will be able to help those shelters in your community, if you wish to do so.
If you would like a paperback or Kindle copy of this new release,
click here ► Amazon
Now, For More News To Come!
There’s a big reason why I had my book launch for 12 days. “Beasley Helps” was my 12th book. I also celebrated 8 years of my business, “Books by Rose,” on April 27, 2022.
I have a very special video of something to share with you soon. I can’t wait to show it to you!
Tell us some exciting news you may have coming up in the comment session below. Do you have a new book you’d like to share? How about your plans for spring or summer? We love to hear from you.
Thank you for stopping by, and as always,
Happy Reading!
Hi Rosie, I love seeing how you come up with ideas for your books and your launches. Also pleased to know it was such a fun success. It’s always great to see how other authors decide to launch their book babies into the world. You go to great lengths to make it interesting and enjoyable for everyone who gets involved. Congratulations on your 12th book. xx
Hi Sandra, thank you so much for your note and kind words. Book launches are a lot of work, but so much fun. I had a blast with this one and I hope everyone that joined in, enjoyed it, too.
Yes, this one was a special one to me as it reached me to 12 books! When things get settled down, I will talk more about that soon. 🙂
Thanks always, Sandra!
It’s always so cool to see the behind the scenes! Congratulations on the new book!
Thanks so much, Jessica! It is fun to see how authors come up with their stories. I enjoy that part, too. I’m glad you enjoyed this. Thank you again, always! 🙂
Now that I have a copy of your book, it all makes sense! Loved that you shared the story behind the farmer in a frenzy! Can picture the photo session which made me smile. Wonderful book about creating a pet rescue shelter. Loved the part when the animals share their stories. Very unique and fun book launch! Big congrats!
Julie, so glad you enjoyed this behind the scenes post. It took me weeks to make my book launch up and I was pleased it turned out to be fun for you all. I know many images and clues would be confusing, so making this blog post was a must.
So glad you liked the story and the pet rescue shelter part. That subject tugs at my heart daily and all the work they do out there for lost or, sadly, abandoned pets.
Thanks again, Julie and have a wonderful weekend! 🙂