Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

Books, Craft and More at Books by Rose, February 2023

In This Blog Post You Will Find:

*Reading Goals

*Books I’ve Read So Far This Year

*Craft For You To Make

*National Day – February 04, 2023

*What’s In the Works at Books By Rose

*More Authors For You to Check Out

Reading Goals

I have been meaning to get more serious with the challenges they have each year in my Goodreads account. This year, I decided to give it my best shot.

The other day, I spent most of the morning cleaning up my Goodreads list of books. It’s hard to believe I’ve neglected to follow up on some of my books from 2017.

I had so much fun adding them to my physical list. I actually went a little overboard. I call it “Hold Happy at the Library.” Oops, a whole bunch of them came all at once.

PS. That little black ball of fur is one of my reading buddies, our sweet Jeter. It’s cold here in the Midwest so she was happy to find this warm little spot of sunshine.


I will be back these next several months to talk about the books I’ve read. Keep watching if you are looking for book suggestions.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. My goal is to read 50 in 2023. That sounds like a lot, but I made this goal many years ago and made it. I only wished I would have kept that list.

Books I’ve Read So Far This Year

(Reviews for these books are in my Goodreads account)

1) ► “The Simply Happy Cookbook: 100-Plus Recipes to Take the Stress Out of Cooking (The Happy Cookbook Series)

A easy to follow recipe book with lots of great stories.

2) ► “The Maid”

A fun, “who done it” mystery. You will be cheering Molly the Maid once you meet her.

3) ► “Clara’s Kitchen”

A sweet grandmother shares her life and recipes during, “The Depression” years.

4) ► “Professor Pincushions: The Beginners Guide to Sewing

A wonderful, easy to follow, step by step to sewing for newbies.

Craft For You To Make

Okay, I have to admit, I’m cheating here sharing last years Valentine’s Day craft. I don’t think you’ll mind seeing it again, though. It was a big hit last year and it brought lots of smiles when we gave our cards out on February 14, 2022.

Just paint or draw this on any paper or cardstock. Use your imagination on more things to include. Maybe a house in the background? Add a few animals?

Valentine's Day Card to Make
Valentine’s Card to Make

National Day – February 04, 2023

Did you know Saturday, February 04, 2023 is “National Take Your Child to the Library Day?”

I loved taking our sons the first Wednesday for story time every month. We would bring home a stack of books. I was able to continue this tradition with our grandson when he was younger, too. I hope you get to make it to your local library. Most branches will have lots of fun of activities, I’m sure.

Again, you can click here to learn more. ► “National Take Your Child to the Library Day.”

What’s In the Works at Books By Rose

My book coming this spring/summer has been sent to my Beta Readers and what great feedback I’ve received. A few more tweaks and it will be ready. Keep watching. You know me, I always love to throw big parties when I release a new book. I’ll have to put my thinking cap on for this one.

Don’t forget, books make great gifts for holidays or any day. I hope you will give the gift of reading to those you love.

If you have not seen all my books before now, click on the poster below to check them out.

Give the gift of reading
“Give the Gift to Reading”

More Authors For You to Check Out

Speaking of books, here are a few of my author friend’s books you will want to check out, too. Sorry I can’t include them all. I sure wish I could.

If you are an author reading this, please leave your name and website in the comment section for us to check out your books, as well.

Julie Gorges

Cat Michaels

Carmela Dutra

Sandra Bennett

► James Milson

Jessica Adams

Auden Johnson

Rebecca Lyndsey

Peggy McAloon

► Chris Gorges

As always, Happy Reading and Happy Valentine’s Day, too!



  1. Auden Johnson

    Well done on cleaning your Goodreads list. I should do the same. I’ve been in a reading slump. I may try that Goodreads challenge. There are probably some books I’ve totally forgotten about. Congrats on your book coming soon! So exciting.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Auden, it was so great to see your note today! 🙂
      That is exactly what I did. I forgot all about my “to-read” list. When the challenge came back up in January, I figured it was time to get those books read. It has been so much fun. I’m having a blast reading them and it’s also helping me to take the time to read.
      Thank you for your kind words about my new book. I’ll keep you posted.
      I hope you have a wonderful February, Auden.
      Happy Reading!

  2. Chris Gorges

    I love the reading goal of 50 books a year, my goal each year is usually the same. I appreciate that you share what you’re reading too. Also, getting your kids and grandkids to the library is just great. Our 5-year-old daughter absolutely loves going to the library every week and each time we go she comes home with a giant stack of books. She especially has been enjoying the 1,000 books challenge at our local library and really loves keeping track of each book she reads. Anyways, great article and I look forward to your next post, keep up the great work!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Chris, so nice to see you here. 🙂
      We had so much fun with the reading challenges when our guys were young. They too, loved keeping track of their books and turning them in for different prizes offered at the time. I remember one year, they both won a personal pan pizza. Dinner was set for us that evening.
      I saw you in Goodreads this morning. Thank you for following me. I know you are a big Zig Ziglar fan. I am too. My husband and I have always read his books and we have our oldest son following his great advice on positive thinking, as well.
      Again, thanks for your note and have a great weekend.

  3. Jessica Adams

    Congratulations on the new book coming soon! I can’t wait for the party to start! I always love your parties!
    I keep track of my reading goals on Goodreads as well. It’s so much easier to remember what books I’ve already read and reviewed that way.
    Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Jessica, thanks for stopping by.
      I love having my launch parties. I appreciate you coming to them. We have so much fun! 🙂
      In the past few years, I start the reading challenges and then forget about adding them. This year, I’m determined to keep track of all the books I read.
      I’ll go look at your list to find some new books to read.
      Thanks again and Happy Valentine’s Day!

  4. Peggy M McAloon

    Why am I not surprised your fur baby is named Jeter?!? I have missed reading over the past year due to rehab, but am hoping above all to get back to it soon! Thank you, so much, for sharing! All of us could use the magic of Elle Burton’s Guardian Angels right about now!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Peggy, so nice to get your note. 🙂
      Ha, yes, (she) is named after Derek Jeter when we thought she was a boy. The name stuck as Derek Jeter is one of our favorite baseball players.
      You are so right Miss Peggy, we sure could use the “magic of Elle Burton’s Guardian Angels” right now. Love that book and Little Bit still carries around the bookmark you gave me. It warms my heart every time.
      Thanks again and have a wonderful Wednesday!

  5. Sandra Bennett

    Hi Rosie, good on you for spending time on your Goodreads updates. I have sadly neglected mine for years too. I doubt I will get to it any time soon. BTW, it doesn’t matter if your grandson is growing up, still take him to the library, it will make special memories that you continued to share this time with him.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Sandra, glad I’m not the only one that has been missing Goodreads and their challenges. I am pretty excited to keep track of the books I read now. I’ll rate them with reviews, too.
      I love your idea about taking him to the library still. He is our busy baseball player, but I make sure he receives books every holiday.
      If he has the time, I’m all in.
      Enjoy your weekend, Sandra. 🙂

  6. Julie Gorges

    Love when writers share their favorite reads. The Maid is on my list of books to read, have to get to it on your recommendation. As one of your privileged beta readers, I absolutely love your new book! Best wishes on your release!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Julie, our friend, Cat Michaels recommended it and I loved it. I think you will, too.
      It’s fun to hear of books out there.
      I appreciate your kinds words and your help so much. Thank you, Julie! 🙂
      Have a great weekend.

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