In this Blog You’ll Find:
*Goodreads Challenge 2023
*Four Tips to Finding Time to Read
*What’s New at Books by Rose
*Books I’ve Read in March and Reviews
Goodreads Challenge
Since I’ve started the Goodreads reading challenge in January 2023, many have asked me how I find the time to read.
I plan to read fifty books in 2023. I’ve always read a lot, but, I haven’t always kept track of those titles. I wish I had now.
Being a children’s author and illustrator, children’s books are always welcomed on my to-read list. I did find out, books under 100 pages are not applicable under the reading challenge. Once you read a book and review it, it automatically goes into your reading challenge shelf. I have since taken those books out, but they still remain on my shelves of my, “read” list and I have reviewed them.
Here are four tips I found helpful for getting those titles read.
My Favorite Reading Time
One of my favorite times to read is in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
My mind is fresh. If I’m reading a nonfiction book, I’m more apt to learn about what I’m reading. As you’ll see, I have some nonfiction books and more, on my list from Goodreads at the bottom of this post.
Find your favorite time to read and enjoy.

If I know I have an appointment, I always take a book along. Kindle and audio books are great options for this, as well.

Keep Books Close By
I keep a stack of my books handy to grab at any given time.
One can even get a few pages read waiting for dinner to be cooked.
If I know we are going somewhere, instead of getting involved in a big task, I take that time to get in a few more pages to read.

Don’t Forget to Read Cookbooks
I love cookbooks, but the one’s I love the most are ones filled with stories and how recipes came about. You can learn a lot of history through stories shared in cookbooks.

Before I get to those books I’ve read, I need to tell you about this…
What’s New at Books by Rose
My 13th book is live and we are having a wonderful book launch for 13 days. It’s so much fun! I appreciate all the wonderful people stopping by with their amazing comments. We have close to 175 names so far entered for prizes and we will have 13 winners. Don’t forget to stop by my “Books by Rose” Facebook page to check it out. Launch ends on the 12th of April and winners picked on the 13th of April!
Welcome, Big E’s Trick to Fishing

If you are unable to visit my book launch, you can take a look at Big E’s Picture Book here.
► Paperback – (Size 7X 10, 32 pages)
► Kindle
💚 Books I’ve Read in March and Reviews 💚
Drawing on The Dominant Eye: Decoding the Way We Perceive, Create, and Learn, by Betty Edwards.

“Drawing on The Dominant Eye: Decoding the Way We Perceive, Create, and Learn,” by Betty Edwards was very interesting.
If you studied art and science in high school or college, much of the information in this book will come back to you.
Once learning the fundamentals on how our brains work, one can apply the drawing lessons towards the end of the book.”
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive Edition by Betty Edwards.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (I found this one so fascinating, too!)

“Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive Edition” by, Betty Edwards was an interesting book in which I learned a lot. This edition was written in 2012 and had been updated many times. Watch for the updated version.
Edwards explains, drawing is much like learning the ABC’s and learning to read. The more you practice, the better you will get. This goes for most tasks, though. If you are aware of the left/right brain theories, different parts of our brains are what helps us do the things we do in everyday life.
She suggests to forget the noisy chatter in your mind and draw what you see. Pay attention to negative space, positive forms, angles, proportions and so much more.
Once the techniques in his book are applied with the important information given, most will find themselves a much better artist.”
Billy Miller Makes a Wish by, Kevin Henkes

“Readers 6-8 years old will enjoy the real life events of Billy Miller written by Kevin Henkes. “Billy Makes a Wish” is a story that will engage young readers. A perfect read aloud for further discussions on various topics.” ***(A bit of a spoiler alert. Since death may be a sensitive subject for young readers, caretakers may want to read this book first.)***
The Best is Yet to Come by Debbie Macomber

“I’ve read quite a few of author Debbie Macomber books and her 2022 release, “The Best Is Yet to Come,” did not disappoint.
Although this is an adult romance book, I think it’s safe to add it as an YA book, as well. The twists and turns were interesting and the outcome of the plot towards the high school issue was a surprise.
Readers will also enjoy this clean romance as Cade and Hope move through their relationship throughout the story.”
Starfish by Lisa Fipps

“Starfish,” By Lisa Fipps is an easy to read free-verse novel.
“It may be a painful subject for some, but the level of content is one that should be considered for discussion among readers.
I was so saddened by the mother’s take on her daughter’s weight. Thank goodness she had her father, a few friends and, of course her, therapist on her side.
Bullying is the strong subject here and should not be taken lightly.”
101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles by, Julia Rutland

“If you like the concept of layered meals like Lasagna, you will enjoy this book by, Julia Rutland. “101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles,” is filled with a variety of options. I especially liked the non-tomato based recipes. The quick and easy instructions will please even the first time cook.”
The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives by, Ree Drummond

“I enjoyed Ree Drumond’s easy to follow cookbook, “The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives.”
There are step by step photos with instructions to go along with each recipe.
She has great stories about living on a ranch with her family and animals.
I loved the photographs, as well.
A perfect cookbook to refer to time and time again.”
What’s To Come…
I’m halfway through illustrating another Picture Book. I hope to get back to it in May. You all will enjoy this helpful, funny story for young readers. Okay, I’d better go before I say anymore. Excited for this next one, too! 😃😊
That’s all for this month. I hope you all have a wonderful April.
Let us know what has been keeping you busy. Any new projects? We’d love to hear from you.
As always,
Happy Reading!
I’m also a morning reader. I have some downtime between breakfast and getting ready for work. I’ll relax by reading something fun. I do most of my reading/listening on the train to and from work. Great tips. Congrats on your book release!
Thank you so much for stopping by, Auden. I know how busy you are.
Glad to know you are a morning reader, too. Yes, I’ve seen those commutes in New York and I’m glad you get in your reading time to pass the time.
Thank you for your kind words on my latest release. It has been a lot of fun.
Enjoy your spring! 🙂
Hi Rosie, I take my hat off to you for aiming to read that many books. I am always in awe of friends who manage such a high book reading count. These ideas are very helpful, I’m sure I already knew them, but never put enough into practise. Congrats again on your 13 book, amazing!
Hi Sandra, thanks for stopping by and your kind words. 🙂
I hope these simple tips will help others find time to read. I’m looking for more ways to find time to read, even if it’s a chapter here and there. This summer (for us) may be tricky, as you know we will be out and about with various activities. With that being said, I just remembered one I try to do. I take a book along in the car when my husband is driving. It’s a limited reading time for me though as I find a moving car and reading doesn’t mix with me for very long. I wonder if others have that problem, too?
Thanks again, Sandra and I look forward to your ongoing events and projects.
As a fellow book lover, I enjoyed your tips and book selections. Congrats on the launch of your new book and looking forward to your next one!
Hi Julie, so glad you liked my list. Your son, Chris put out some book suggestions and I’m reading one of them now. Wow, it’s a great one and I’ll be talking about that one very soon.
Thank you for your kind words on my new book and launch. It’s been lots of fun and I’m learning more and more about fishing in different parts of the USA. 🙂 So interesting.
Happy April!