Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

Ideas on How to Cope in a Coronavirus World

Our GR8Blog author friends have decided to get together and create some ideas and suggestions on how to cope for the coming days and weeks ahead.

With everything feeling unsure in the world right now, it’s important to encourage each other and be there for one another more than ever before.

The other day, my thoughts were on how lucky I am to have such a supportive group of family and friends. Being isolated is not bothering me as it may bother others. Well, I should say, not yet. With our cold, snowy winters, I’m used to being homebound in the winter. The positive side is, it’s now spring and we can all get outside.  Although, not getting together with our sons and their family will take its toll on me if this does go on too long, though. I’m so thankful for facetime!

Many will have disappointments for canceled events. Some events may be delayed down the road. I’ve mentioned this before, “things are what we make them.” We’ve had to change the dates for holidays and birthdays. When that has happened, they have been just as much fun.

Ways You Can Help Others.

The people out there that will suffer huge losses with their businesses are the ones that concerns me. This is where we all can help and support them.

Pixabay Image Share
Image Credit: Pixabay

If you know of a business in your area or your favorite place that is during curbside service, share the link to their business to your family and friends. Even if they get a few more customers a day, it will help them out a lot.  

Reach Out to Those that Need that Extra Support.

Active Listening
Image Credit: Pixabay

Pick up the phone or write an email to those having a hard time dealing with this. Have a listening ear without discounting their feelings. I know it’s hard not to add our opinions, but sometimes people just need to vent and get it all out. Isn’t that how we all feel? We want to be heard as we process our way through this. Enlighten each other with pleasant news and other events.

Make it Your Purpose to Help Others

I’m currently reading a book called, “The Miracle Morning,” written by Hal Elrod. This book was recently suggested to me by our GR8Blog friend, Chris Gorges. (Thanks Chris.)

Reach out to others.
Image Credit: Pixabay

The first part of this book talks about having a purpose to get up every morning. Having a purpose is the key element in forging ahead and being successful in one’s life. Reach out to others. You may be working from home now, but what a better time to take part in helping others cope as they get through this day by day. It will also help you and it will leave you with a good feeling to know when you go to bed at night, you made someone’s day a little brighter.

Stay Positive

Enjoy the little things.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Last, but not least, stay positive and stay busy with things you enjoy. Let this be a time you and your family can look back on with good memories. You and your family can watch movies, have a read aloud time, do puzzles, or work on projects together. This is the perfect time to do so. Not only will it be fun, but it will relieve stress for everyone.

My Favorite Quote I Heard this Week

I heard a quote the other day that was passed on by author and illustrator, A. J. Cosmo. (Just for the record, some think Maya Angelou quoted this, but after doing some research she said she wished she had wrote it. It’s actually a song written and sung by Gary Allan.

Here’s the quote:

“Every storm runs out of rain.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

Isn’t that the truth? We all will have to find our “new normal” in the days ahead. It will get better and it will be okay.  Take care and be safe.

Please take a look and click on the links at the bottom of this post to find more ideas and inspirations from my #Gr8Blogs partners.

Don’t forget to write a note to let us know how you are coping and add any helpful suggestions you may have.

As always, I’m here if you need a listening ear.



Cat Michaels – I Refuse to Waste Away in Coronaville

Julie Gorges – Ten Things Baby Boomers Can Do if Self-Quarantined

Chris Gorges – 7 Ways to Cope with Coronavirus Fatigue

James Milson – It’s Here — Coping With The Coronavirus Challenge Now

Rebecca Lyndsey – Coping in Coronaville

Sandra Bennett – Staying Grateful in a Coronavirus World


Carmela Dutra – How to Stay Positive in a Coronavirus World


  1. Sandra Bennett

    A great post Rosie, it’s the little things in life that matter or count the most. It is so important to be there for each other, we can all get through this, we just have to be imaginative to find solutions and maintain connections. Take care. xx

    • rosieadmin

      So true, Sandra. I love all the ways people out there are coming up with creative ideas to stay busy and keep as happy as they can.
      Have fun on your walks with your little one. Maybe you can “Go On a Kangaroo Hunt.” 🙂
      Take care and stay well.

  2. Julie


    • rosieadmin

      I really loved that quote when I saw it too, Julie. 🙂
      Your video of “Bite Size Sparkles” are so wonderful. Thank you for making those for everyone.
      Take care and be well, Julie and family.

  3. carol

    Someone just left a container of homemade soup bread and chocolate chip homemade cookies on my doorstep then texted that it was there!!!!! Wasn’t that a great thing to do?????

    • rosieadmin

      How amazing, Carol. Yes, it’s wonderful people are reaching out and thinking of others.
      Thank you for your note today.
      Take care and be well. 🙂

  4. Cat Michaels

    Rosie, what a great reminder to help others in these crazy times! There are ways to do this even from home and keeping a safe distance. Beautiful and uplifting quote and image I will remember when feeling down. To stay upbeat, I continue exercising, but with an app instead of going to the gym, walk the hood and play in the garden. Evenings, I watch a lot of Hallmark movies to take my mind off the news and scary statistics. Be well!!!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Cat, I’m glad you liked the quote. I really loved it the moment I saw it.
      Glad you are keeping busy. You are a pro at this as the rest of us have learned of this just the past week or so. My, it is surreal to me at times, but it will get better.
      We just got back from a walk around the block and we saw lots of neighbors out and about. Everyone seemed pretty upbeat.
      Hallmark movies sounds like the perfect way to go to get away from the news. Sure, it’s great to stay informed, but sometimes, too much is too much.
      Take care Cat and talk to you real soon. 🙂

  5. Rebecca Lyndsey

    Love your quote. It is true. This will be hard but we will handle it. Positivity is how to cope with it. No reason to panic over something that hasn’t even happened yet. Prepare yourself the best you can and hope for the best. I am like you, we can have severe winters, so I’m usually stocked up pretty well. Hang in there!! Hugs!

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks so much, Rebecca. Yes, no need to panic. That’s all we can do is be prepared in a reasonable amount. Those that stockpiling will hopefully use it to help others, if needed. I think people are panic buying right now. Let’s hope that part all calms down.
      Yes, the winters can keep me homebound for weeks. If it’s not the snow or ice, it’s loaning out my car so other family members can get around safely. I’m been very used to that part.
      You hang in there too, Rebecca. I hope you will be able to do some of the things you love. Take care and hugs back to you. 🙂

  6. Chris Gorges

    I really appreciate hearing a positive message in the mix of all of this. It is so easy to feel anxious, but I think now it is more important then ever to focus on others and the good that we can accomplish. Great article, thanks!

    • rosieadmin

      Thank you for your kind words, Chris. It is hard not to feel anxious. As a nation, we all are in this together and helping each other out is something we can pull together and do.
      Wishing you and your family an easy time through this. Take care and be safe.
      PS. Thanks again for suggesting the book I mentioned in my blog. I’m half way through it. 🙂

  7. Julie Gorges

    I so loved your blog. Thinking of others, staying positive, and keeping purpose in our lives is definitely part of what will get us through this. And as you said, we will get through this. So inspiring. Great article!

    • rosieadmin

      Thank you so much, Julie. I hope you and your family have an easy time with this. If we all take part in following what they are asking, the sooner we can get back to out daily lives, right?
      Take care, Julie. Thanks to you and Cat for bringing us all together during this time. 🙂

  8. Carrmela Dutra

    Positivity is key to anything. If you have a bad attitude you will have a bad time. If you have a good attitude then you are bound to find something that you enjoy. Thank you, for the words of encouragement, wishing you stay safe during this challenging stressful time.

    • rosieadmin

      You are so correct, Carmela. Attitude can make or break just about anything.
      I’m glad you found this encouraging. 🙂 I’m thinking about you all in CA as you get through the coming days.

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