Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

My Ups and Downs and In-Betweens on the 2019 Writing Road

If you are a writer, what big project have you been working in 2019? Have you faced any challenges? What obstacles have you had to jump? Has your writing road in 2019 been a smooth one?

I’ve had an exciting year and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

This past year, I worked on writing and illustrating my latest book, “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail.” It was a fun book to make and I hope readers are enjoying the art project in this story.

In October, I released my ninth book! I had a book launch in November, giving away lots of fun prizes.

“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail”

If you are thinking of gifting this book, you can read the Kindle Version for the low price of $1.99. (Limited Time Only.)

***The art project will keep your reader busy for hours and hours on those snowy days, or anytime.***

Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Mystery Mail
Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail

Setting Up and Co-Writing with Cat Michaels – Writer

The first few months of this year were spent setting up and writing a story with Cat Michaels for a MG chapter book released next year.

Of course, we wanted to get right to the story, but, we had to decide on some business issues first. We plugged right in, getting started and paved the way to how this was going to work out.

Writing with a Co-Writer

Here are just a few things we had to consider. We had to decide on the technical issues. How were we going to write a book together living so far away from each other? What responsibilities did each one carry? How often would we touch base to discuss updates?  

Technical Issues Credit: Pixabay
Technical Issues

(Cat and I will hopefully explain this better for you down the road. For now, here are a few critical things we had to discuss before starting.)

  1. Objective
  2. Target Audience
  3. Desired Results
  4. Roles (How to divide the work.)
  5. Budget
  6. Royalties (How will they be managed and split?)

And so much more.

Building Timelines and Character Boards

Timeline and Character Boads
Timeline and Character Boards

For the writing part, we built a timeline and character boards. These were not made all in one day. After our characters evolved over time and more ideas kept popping up, we changed things many times. It was interesting when a situation took a whole new route and one we weren’t expecting. Writing is funny that way.


Many times in our story, we run across things that need to be researched. This takes time away from our writing, but it’s been worth its weight in gold.


Credit: Pixabay
Horses – Image Credit: Pixabay

There has been so much that we didn’t know about horses. Luckily, we have found some great people and resources on where to get our answers. Thanks to all that contributed to this. Cat even took this research to the next level on her travels.

Check out one of her trips here.


Country Fried Steak
Country Fried Steak

Another research item you may all remember, was a dinner meal the characters eat in the story. Our story is set in the Midwest and this well-known food is popular in this area. It’s Country Fried Steak. Or, is it Chicken Fried Steak? Since Cat was not familiar with this food, we thought we’d run a survey to our followers.  Country Fried Steak won! That post made us all hungry.

Psssst. There will be a recipe at the back of this book for you all to try out. Yum!

Life Happens

Cat and I both have many things we do in our personal lives. She went on a few trips. I had a few times where family situations came up and had to put writing on the back burner. Knowing these busy times were going to happen, I planned accordingly and wrote as much as I could. I was lucky for the most part. When I’d sit down to write a chapter or two, the ideas flowed like magic most days. A few times though, I’d find myself stuck and have to take a break.

***Taking breaks is highly recommended, by the way.***

Now to the Story

The story we started is very different than the one we originally wrote.

Here’s the image that started it all back in a story prompt Cat posted on February 27, 2015. Wow, that was almost 5 years ago!

Cat's post from 2015
Cat’s Post from 2015

Our older version did involve a horse, but the situation was much different. Also, a mysterious older lady befriended our main character. I won’t tell you too much, because someday, I think the story can actually work in another genre. After looking it over and discussing it, the topic in the main plot was not one a MG reader would enjoy or find interesting. That would not work, right? We have to entertain the reader.

We did keep the setting, the family, and the horse. That was about it.

A best friend was developed for our main character. (I happen to love this character and I can’t wait for you all to meet her.)

Another character we added, is a “mean girl.” It’s probably been the hardest part of the story for me to write.

How We Pulled this All Together

We decided, I would write the chapters and Cat would go in and do her magic. If you have not seen Cat’s work yet, you will see what I mean. She can take a boring ole’ sentence and make it fly off the page.

Cat has a wonderful critique group in her hometown to look it over and add their awesome advice. So far, this system has worked well for us. (Thank you N.C. Critique Group!)

My Dream for December and the New Year

Finishing our story and getting it out into the world to all of you! We still have a long way to go, but I feel we are on track to where we want to be.

I’m also going to work on gathering image ideas for a new Picture Book for Early Readers. That will hopefully come out late next year.

Share your Dreams for December and this Next Year?

Are you a writer in the middle of a story that you can’t wait to finish?

What big projects are you excited about?

Please share in the comment section. Oh, and before you go, find more smiles and inspirational recollections at these #Gr8blogs below.


Happy Reading!


Cat Michaels
My Ups, Downs and In Betweens on the 2019 Writing Road

Rebecca Lyndsey

Holiday Traditions that Ring in the Season

Julie Gorges

Baby Boomer Writer’s Ups, Downs & In-Betweens in 2019

James Milson

Christmas Peanuts & Linus’s Inspirational Message For Us All

Julie Schooler

3 Writing Wins and Lessons in 2019

Sandra Bennett

December Dreaming – 5 Ways Looking Back Can Help You Look Forward


  1. Rebecca Lyndsey

    I know how hard it is collaborating via internet. I illustrated a children’s book for another author in my once upon time publishing company but sadly when it closed it doors, the other author decided not to self publish so I couldn’t do it alone. It was such a cute book too! I am also co-writing a novel with a friend of mine. We work it out very similar to how you and Cat do. It is about a third of the way done at over 20,000 words but who knows if we ever publish it. Lol
    Congratulations on your amazing year! Happy ninth book! Here’s to 2020! 🎉

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Rebecca, To me, collaborating on a art project would be harder. Everyone has different talents and would see something different. When I used to sub in the art classes, I had to use a whole different mindset on how the students did their work. It wasn’t a matter of right or wrong, it was a matter of effect and following directions. At least in writing, there are rules to follow. I did not know you were co-writing a book with a friend. How exciting! Keep us posted if you ever decide to publish it.
      Thanks for your kind words on my books. I wish you the best in 2020, Rebecca. 🙂

  2. Sandra Bennett

    I take my hat off to you and Cat, Rosie. I can’t imagine co-writing with another author. I am following your journey with this project in awe and can’t wait to be a beta reader for this one too. I know it will be something special. Like you, I have had to do lots of research for my upcoming book, although not about horses, book 3 in the Adamson Adventures needed lots of research on dinosaurs, particularly those found here in Australia. Good luck with finishing the book and publishing it in 2020.

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks so much, Sandra. I can’t wait for you to be our beta reader for our new book.
      Oooh, dinosaurs! I know your readers will love that subject. I’m looking forward to book 3 in the Adamson Adventures. Your other two books have been fantastic.
      Thank you for your best wishes, Sandra.
      Wishing you all the best for 2020.

  3. Julie Gorges

    Loved reading about how you and Cat’s book is evolving. How exciting! As a beta reader of your wonderful children’s books, I can’t wait to see the final outcome of combining your wonderful talents. I co-wrote my first book with my father and know what a challenge it can be – but worth the effort! And yes, as a fellow writer, I also recommend taking breaks. Even a walk around the block can help the creative juices start flowing again. Congrats on publishing nine books – that’s quite an accomplishment!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Julie, thank you for your kind words on my books. There’s a special place in my heart for them all.
      Cat and I are having lots of fun. We sure are learning a lot, too.
      I didn’t know you co-wrote a book with your dad. How special!
      Yes, taking breaks is a must. To force writing, it just doesn’t work. It always comes back so I hope those out their struggling will keep at it and keep trying another day.
      Thanks again, Julie and enjoy your Sunday.

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