Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

My Wonderful Year With Books at Books by Rose

A new year is always a great time to do some quiet reflections to gain perspective on how to move forward.

Join me and my author friends in this Blog Hop as we have our different journeys to report back to you. We hope you’ll join us with the following questions and let us know how your year went, as well.

Reflections 2024

Let’s Talk About Your Year

Please read the following questions and pick one, or two of them, and let us know how your year went in the comment section below.

* How would you describe 2023 in one word?

* What was your biggest challenge last year? How did you overcome it? What didn’t work? What life lesson did you learn from the experience that you’ll take with you in the new year?

* Describe the happiest day of 2023? What can you do to have more days like that in 2024?

* Name one change or difficult decision you made in 2023 that improved your life in a substantial way. What will you change this year to improve your life?

* What do you regret doing – or not doing – last year that you plan to stop/start doing in the new year?

* What were you most grateful for last year? What are you most excited about for this new year?

* What is the most courageous thing you did in 2023? How do you plan to push yourself out of your comfort zone in 2024?

* What was your biggest accomplishment in 2023? What do you want to accomplish this year?

Here’s Mine…

My biggest accomplishment in 2023?

New Releases

I released three new titles! One in the spring and two in the fall.

2023 Books Release at Books by Rose

Goodreads Challenge

What a year in reading for me!

I made it to 50 books with it ending just in time for the holiday rush. Christmas Eve Eve, I finished my last book and was so relieved. Sure, I could have taken it to December 31th, but I knew there would be lots to do to wrap up 2023.

Here’s my last December 2023 Marathon of Titles I finished up…

A few of these last books were chosen because of the page numbers. As long as they were 100 pages or more, they counted towards the challenge. I really did enjoy them and will look for more of those this next year if I get in a bind again.

I’ve decided to only go for 40 books in 2024. The crunch time in getting them read, almost took the fun out of reading. That made me a little sad because I love looking forward to my reading time.

I will have to say, I did enjoy the books I read. Yes, there were a few you never saw on my list. If I felt at the beginning if a book was not going to be one I didn’t want to spend time with, it went into the return file. (I get most my books at our local library. I’ve also been lucky enough to find some in our Little Free Library my husband built for me in 2020.)

My 50 Books for the Goodreads Challenge

I didn’t review all these books yet, but I did rate them with stars. You can see more of those ratings ► here on Goodreads.

Like I said, loved them all, but my favorite ones?


“Being Henry: The Fonz…and Beyond,” by Henry Winkler

“Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond,” by Henry Winkler is an entertaining book from start to finish. Winker writes this truthful, candid memoir of his life as an actor and more.
We all knew Henry Winkler as, “The Fonz,” on the sitcom, “Happy Days.” Mr. Winkler shows us his time during those years where he didn’t feel as cool as what we saw on screen.
Growing up, he never had the support of his parents due to his inability to succeed in school.
Back in those days, they didn’t know about dyslexia, which is a disability where spoken and/or written language is difficult for readers. It also can cause poor concentration, difficulty following instructions, forgetting words. This impacted most of his life.

I’m so glad he wrote this book. He will help inform adults about this issue as well as young children struggling with this. He also has a series of books for young readers with learning differences. which are funny and resourceful

I applaud Henry Winkler for writing this book. You will also enjoy how he writes this book in his own genuine voice.

2nd Place…

“Remarkably Bright Creatures,” by Shelby Van Pelt

“Remarkably Bright Creatures,” by Shelby Van Pelt was a book I enjoyed returning to each day.
When I told my sister it started out being narrated by an octopus, she laughed and said, “Hum, I’m not sure about that.” I told her, No, no, it has a great storyline intertwined as the chapters unfold.”
I received a hard copy of this book at our local library. There were no errors liked mentioned in the reviews. I highly recommend those that stopped reading it, to give it another try.
The characters were well developed, the settings were descriptive which made this story very visual.
I’m looking forward to more books written by this author.

3rd Place…

“The Maid,” Nita Prose

I enjoyed this book, even though it’s not one I’d normally read.
Molly in “The Maid,” was one I wanted to protect and cheer for throughout the story.
It was somewhat predictable at times, but a page turner to the very end.
I’m looking forward to more of Nita Prose’s books.

Other Books…

Art Books

What a fun year I had reading art books. I’m so excited to try out new techniques with all the new art supplies my family gifted me at Christmas. Keep watching for those.

Why So Many Cookbooks?

Our family was blessed with a new family member in January!

I knew I was going to cook for her family so mom and dad would have the time to not fret over, “what’s for dinner?”

We gifted ourselves a “Food Saver” for freezing meals. The cookbooks I devoured this past year had great tips and recipes.

What’s To Come From Books By Rose

Art, Audio Books and Remakes?

Art, Audio Books and Remakes?

I know for sure, art and audio books will be a thing for me in 2024. I found the site to our local library to listen to books. Yes, those still count for the Goodreads Challenge.

Like I said, I received many art supplies over the holidays. So, I’m picturing listening to books and creating something, not sure what yet, ha! I guess I’ll see where the muses take me.

Another thought for 2024, and I want your opinions on this.

Making my “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie” books into a hardcover chapter book. Yes, I will still have the picture, illustrated books for younger readers. I’m thinking of using the same stories, tweaked a bit for higher readers and maybe an added story or additional activities? Please let me know what you think about this in the comment section below.

Tell Us About Your Plans For 2024!

What Are Your Plans For 2024?

Did you read a lot of books?

Authors, are you writing any new books you’d like to share?

Artists, what new projects can you share with us?

I hope you all have a wonderful 2024! May you have everything you want and need in this year to come.

As always,

Happy Reading!


Don’t Forget To Read These Author’s Post

► Author Sandra Bennett

► Author Julie Gorges


  1. Jessica Adams

    Hi Rosie,
    Your chapter book sounds like a great idea but I would recommend checking with Amazon to see if there are any restrictions on doing this. The only reason I’m saying this is because I’ve recently seen authors who have gotten kicked off of Amazon for various reasons and some don’t even know why. All I know is they don’t like to see the same book uploaded so I don’t know how this works for combining already published books into one. Maybe it wouldn’t matter since it would be a hardcover. Still, I’d contact them just to be on the safe side.
    Happy New Year and I hope it’s a great one for you!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Jessica, thank you for your suggestion. 🙂
      My thoughts were to make a chapter book with a whole new title, ISBN and barcode. I plan to mention the triplets and their “magical adventures,” also creating a brand new story with an extra activity.
      I still plan to keep my illustrated books for younger readers which they will still have access to.
      What are your thoughts on that?
      I’ve already been researching a way to pull it all together. It will take me awhile, but I’m excited.
      Thanks again and I hope you and yours have a wonderful 2024!

  2. Eiry Rees Thomas

    Congratulations on such a successful 2023, Rosie. 2024 looks very promising too. Happy reading, writing and illustrating 📚✍️🎨

    • rosieadmin

      Thank you so much, Eiry! 🙂 I appreciate you stopping by and your support always!
      I wish you an amazing 2024 with your books and illustrating. What an exciting time you are having with your most recent ones and having them available in the USA is so wonderful for us here.
      Thanks always, Eiry!

  3. Eiry Rees Thomas

    Congratulations on such asuccessful 2023, Rosie. 2024 looks very promising too. Happy reading, writing and illustrating 📚✍️🎨

  4. Sandra Bennett

    Hi Rosie, I was so proud to see you reach your goal of reading 50 books, that was an amazing task. I would love to read Henry Winkler’s new book, maybe one day I will. I did a writing class via zoom during covid with him and now admire him more than ever.
    I think making your books into a chapter book is a great idea, it will increase your readership potential as long as you do make the language in the books appropriate for the age group you are targeting. Good luck in 2024, I will follow your plans with interest.

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks for your note today, Sandra!
      Yes, I made it to 50 books! Phew!
      I think you will enjoy Henry Winker’s book. So exciting you were able to do a writing class via Zoom. I saw those going on for awhile with different famous authors.
      Thanks for your advice on the chapter books. Yes, I will have to make it for older readers. We’ll see how it works out and I’ll keep you all posted.
      Happy New year and looking forward for what’s to come with you in your part of the world. I hope you are enjoying your summer. It is full time winter here with lots of cold and snow. 🙂

  5. Julie Gorges

    Wow! Three books in one year. You should pat yourself on the back. That’s amazing! I love to read too – two of your favorite books were mine as well. Love your ideas for the “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie” books! Have a great 2024, Rosie!

    • rosieadmin

      Thank you so much, Julie!
      Those three books kept coming back to me as my favorites. I did enjoy so many of the books I read in 2023, though.
      I’m looking forward to yours going into print! It’s such a great one and I’m excited to share it with my friends.
      Thanks for your thoughts on making a chapter books from my “Maggie Millie and Merrie” series. Like I told Sandra, we will see how it goes.
      Happy New Year to you and yours, Julie. 🙂

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