Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

October 2020 Brings Us Closer To Sharing Our Book

Happy October 2020, everyone!

Happy October 2020!
Happy October 2020!

Can you believe two months from today, Cat Michaels Writer and I will be releasing our Middle Grade book for tweens?

Coming December 02, 2020

Now, we feel like we can start revealing more and more about our story. Not too much of course, but enough to let you know what a big part of our tale is about.

National Bullying Prevention Month

Did you know October is National Bullying Prevention Month?

Read more about what this is about here: National Bullying Prevention Month

Sadly, a large part about our story is about our protagonist, 11 year old Olivia, who is bullied by a new girl that moves to town. It doesn’t just stop there. She’s also being socially bullied by two of her friends she’s known since early elementary school.

To give you an idea of how this story came about, Author Tonja Drecker has written this wonderful interview with us to explain more.

Click on the image below to visit, author Tonja Drecker’s page.

If you missed the first chapter of, Just Between Sam and Me, you can down load it here.

Just Between Sam and Me

Chapter 2 is when things really start to happen. Here’s an excerpt from our book when Olivia meets the new girl in town, Candace.

Just Between Sam and Me
Just Between Sam and Me

Cat Michaels Writer also wrote an extensive piece on this, as well.

Click on the image below to see more…

Cat's Corner
Cat’s Corner

If you have any questions for Cat and I, leave us a note and we’d be glad to answer them.

What Plans Do You Have For October?

Image Credit: Pixabay Leaves
Image Credit: Pixabay

Do you have a new project you’re working on? Leave a note in the comment section to tell us all about it.

Stay safe, stay well, and spread kindness wherever you go. ❤️

Happy Reading!


Don’t forget to subscribe to my page for more updates.

Rosie Russell – www.booksbyrose.com

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  1. Carmela

    Such a great post to be shared right now. I do wish Bully Prevention Month was all year long. Wishing you the best on the release of your new book!

    • rosieadmin

      Carmela, thanks. Yes, a great idea.

      We appreciate you stopping by and your support always. Thanks always!

  2. Sandra Bennett

    Hi Rosie, sometimes I feel like bullying will never be stamped out of schools. As long as kids are different, there will always be some kind of teasing. I would like to think your new book will help those kids being bullied and make those doing it, think twice before they continue. Good luck with the new release, I look forward to reading it soon. Maybe we can do a swap.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Sandra, I know exactly what you mean. It only takes one thing for a person to find, causing hurtful actions towards another. That is if they have the tendencies to act that way in the first place. As you will see, there is always a reason a person bullies.
      We are hoping it will help others out there too, Sandra. Even if it makes one person stop and think, we’ve done our job.

      Congratulations again on your new book. Having read the other two, I’m so excited to to read one, as well.

      Thanks for stopping by today and for your support always. 🙂

  3. Rebecca Lyndsey

    Great book idea. It goes right along with mine, Bullies? No Worries!. It has a few different scenarios and how they could be handled. Best of luck with your book launch!

    • rosieadmin

      Rebecca, I remember your book! It was so great. Loved it!
      Thank you for your kind words and we appreciate your support always.

  4. Julie Gorges

    What a timely subject! As someone who has had the privilege of previewing your book, it addresses this issue in a way that entertains and educates at the same time. Wishing you all the best on your book launch!

    • rosieadmin

      Thank you so much, Julie.
      Yes, it’s a large part of our book, but we have also have weaved some fun laughs for readers.
      Cat and I appreciate your support always.
      We’re getting closer! 🙂
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Auden Johnson

    I didn’t know about National Bullying Prevention Month. I was bullied all through middle school and most of high school so I’m glad you at Cat are addressing this topic. It’s sad stuff like this still goes on.

    • rosieadmin

      Auden, it makes me very sad this is still something that needs to be addressed.
      I’m so sorry that happened to you. Look at the wonderful talented lady you are. We are proud of you, Auden!
      Have a wonderful weekend and thank you always for stopping by with your kind words. 🙂
      Enjoy your weekend!

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