Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

April 2021 is Blooming Strong at Books by Rose!

Happy April 2021, everyone!

Happy Spring 2021
Happy Spring!

The first part of this blog is written in the form of an acrostic poem for April.

I have so much other fun news to share with you, too!

First off, let’s talk about what acrostic poems are. An acrostic poem is when a word is spelled vertically, with the first letter capitalized. Short sentences or a single word represent the word to some extent. It does not have to rhyme. I’ll tell you more about why I’m using this idea at the end. For example, let’s take the word April.

A ir that is fresh!

P astel colors!

R ainy days.

I irises

L awns full of green grass.

When you are finished reading this blog post, try this poem idea in the comment section below. Pick a spring word, or any word for that matter, and have fun making your own acrostic poem. I’m excited to see what you come up with.

Why Did I Choose This Subject?

I’ve been so excited to tell you about my next book! It will be an early reader and a simple search and find, written in an acrostic poems. I just finished illustrating page 23. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you in the months to come. For now, here’s an example of page 4 in my new book.

Coming soon!

Interviews Galore!

I had the honor to do an interview with an author from my hometown. Kathy J. Perry. She has written many wonderful books for readers. To learn more about, Kathy, take a look at this interesting visit she had with Jennifer Milius.

Click on the image below to listen.

Interview with Jennifer Milius
Kathy J. Perry on the TufFish SHow

Jennifer Milius has a great podcast show and interviews many fabulous authors. I hope you sign up to her page so you can follow them, too. Here’s more about Jennifer ► here.

Jennifer Milius

Now, My Interview With Kathy J. Perry

Kathy J Perry

Click on the image below to hear our interview.

Interview with Kathy J Perry

Other Surprising News About My Books

I made a comment on a blog post I follow by book reviewer and blogger, Gina Rae Mitchell.

Little did I know when I did this, I won a spot on her page to be featured with my books. Thank you again, Gina! Click here to check them out. ► My books.

Not all were listed yet on the Ingram Page she uses, so I’ve added them below for you to see those, too.

“Maggie, Millie and Merrie’s Magical Adventure.”

“Just Between Sam and Me.” Written with Cat Michaels Writer

I hope you will follow, Gina’s page. Her blog is one of my go-to pages to find fun and interesting books, recipes and so much more.

Gina Rae Mitchell

That’s all I have for now. Stay tune as I’m going to feature a very special author in May. Her story and books will will warm your heart and bring you hope. Hmm, I wonder who that could be?

See you back in May!

As always, happy reading!


PS. Don’t forget to leave me an acostic poem in the comment section below.



  1. Sandra+Bennett

    Wow you have been busy, congratulations on all your interviews. Here is my opposite take on April.
    Autumn winds send a chill.
    Parks covered in fallen leaves to crunch.
    Rain brings a sigh of relief from the summer heat.
    Indoor play happens more often.
    Lighting the fire brings cosy snuggles.

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks, Sandra!
      I love your acrostic poem. Yes, our weather is opposite so your take on April is perfect.
      I’m excited to hear more of your new book you spoke about in your blog. Your grands will love that.

      Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your week.

  2. Auden Johnson

    That’s cool that you won a feature on a blog. You never know where opportunities will come. A good thing to keep in mind. I’ve never been good at writing poems. Ironic since I’m named after a poet. Looking forward to learning more about your new book.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Auden, thank you for your note and kind words.
      How cool you were named after a poet! 🙂
      I’ll keep you posted on my new book.
      Thanks again.

  3. Carmela

    You have been busy, Rosie! I love how you’ve been working diligently, and nothing slows you down. Loved your poem and cannot wait to learn more about your new book!

    • rosieadmin

      Awe, thank you so much, Carmela. Staying busy keeps me somewhat sane, ha, ha! I do love when new projects come about.
      Glad you enjoy the poem and will keep you posted as the time gets closer to publish.
      Thanks again. 🙂

  4. Julie Gorges

    Excited to hear about your new book, sounds fab! Here’s my poem:
    S Sweet as pie and so supportive
    P Passionate about penning books
    R Rosie, yes, I’m talking about you!
    I Insightful interviews
    N Nice to everyone
    G Good friend to have!

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks and I’m excited for you to see my new children’s book, too.
      Love, love, love your sweet acrostic poem, Julie. So nice! 🙂
      Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you get to go and do something fun.

    • Cat Michaels

      Whoa! You HAVE been busy, Rosie! Congrats on your interviews and win from GIna Rae! – Sadly, the only poem from me is a R*A*P, Really Awful Poem:
      My brain is too fried
      From being outside
      Battered by wind and pollen,
      So no Acostic poetry comes a-callin’

      • rosieadmin

        Hi Cat, yes, keeping busy. 🙂
        I was so happy for the interview with, Kathy J. Perry and spot on Gina Rae Mitchell’s page, too.
        Love your R*A*P poem! It’s perfect.
        Have a great weekend.

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