Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

Squeezing In The Last Summer Months This August 2022

Hey, everyone! I hope your summer is going great so far!

If you have been following my blogs, you know I try and post the first of every month. July was one I missed this year. You’ll see why as you read on.

I’ve been busy with various of activities.

The one that has taken most of my time is watching some super special…

Baseball Games

We even traveled to Omaha, NE for a few days to take in a weekend of fun. The good news, they won!! What’s funny is, we went all that way and they won against a team in our hometown. What an amazing group of players on both sides. We met some very nice people from all areas of the Midwest.

Lots of Baseball
Lots of Baseball

It seemed after that, time was spent catching up before Fall Ball starts.

You may also noticed on my social media pages, I’ve been posting lots of baseball quotes and stories. Summertime brings baseball feelings to our family and it always has.

I can remember our grandfather sitting by every radio he could find, listening to the latest game. I sure wish he were here now so we could visit about baseball.

You may remember, I added our grandfather to one of my books. “Maggie, Millie and Merrie’s Magical Coins.” He is the one on the right. The one on the left is my husband’s grandfather.

From my book, “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Coins”

Honoring This Great Sport

What I’d like to do to honor this great sport, is a special giveaway to a sports team or a player in need of sports equipment in our area. To do that, I’m going to save all the royalties sold from this special baseball book I wrote. It’s actually my first one. It’s based on our sons growing up and the fun things they enjoyed. In the story they are best friends. I’m proud to say our sons are best friends to this day.

Avi and Jackson Best Friends

From now until the end of August 2022, I will be collecting 100% of the royalties from this book. If you are interested in this story, here are the links. Just click on the one of your choice.

Paperback or Kindle

I promise to keep you posted on how this all goes. Keep watching.

Books by Rose, among other great businesses, are proud sponsors this year to a growing baseball team this summer.

Books by Rose Logo for Baseball Banner

Other Busy News

I have two projects in the works. One Early Reader has been written and the pictures I’m going to use for references for the illustrations just came in. I’m excited to get started on it soon.

Coming soon in 2022

The other project is HUGE and has taken me a long time to make. I have most of it done, but have many more days and months ahead to finish it. Each month I’ll post a sneak peek of it in a blog. Once it’s completed, you will see it all. This is actually a fun activity I’m making for someone. If it all goes well, I hope to have something for readers to enjoy with this project, too.

Drawing Challenge

Every so often, I stop what I’m doing and practice some art. A Facebook group I joined, gives us prompts for us to come up with an image. I picked this one because the word was “rain.” This was fun and it cooled off my thoughts on our very hot days here in the Midwest we’ve had this summer.

Summer Art Challenge Drawing

Last, But Not Least

The other day, I was sitting here looking up to see if any of the books I put on hold at our local library came in. I have been an avid reader this summer and reading as many books as I can squeeze in.

I typed in one of my books, “Moonshadow Mae.” I do this every so often, just in case. Lo and behold, it was there! I looked into it more, and three libraries in our area are now carrying copies of it. I can’t tell you how excited this has been. We have been hoping for this since 2018.

“Moonshadow Mae at the Library

If you would like to have your library carry this book, just give your local branch this information. Thank you and I hope it lands on your book shelves for you to enjoy, too.

“Moonshadow Mae” (Children’s Fiction)


Library of Congress Control Number: 2018907295

How’s Your Summer Going?

Summertime Fun

What have you been up to this summer? Please leave us a comment in the section below. We’d love to hear from you.

As always,

Happy Reading!



  1. Rebecca Lyndsey

    Wow, you have been busy and accomplishing so much. Good for you! I have a friend whose son played baseball all through his school years, even college. This was the first year he didn’t play and it was a huge adjustment for him and his mom because she went to every game.
    Excited to hear about your new WIP’s. Can’t wait to read them.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Rebecca, I feel for your friend. We call that, “baseball withdrawal.” We still have Fall Ball to get through so we know it’s not quite over yet.
      I’m excited to share my new projects with you. I hope to give you a sneak peek of them in the coming months.
      Have a great rest of the summer. 🙂

  2. Robin Heggemeyer

    So excited to hear about your new project!! We can’t wait!! I’m going to check and see if Moonshadow Mae is at our library. I’ll keep you posted!! Enjoy the last few days of summer.

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks, Robin! We are excited, too! It will be lots of fun. 🙂
      I appreciate you asking about “Moonshadow Mae” being in your local library. That means a lot to us.
      Enjoy the rest of your summer, too.

  3. Carmela

    Thanks for sharing your summer with us, Rosie. You have been so busy I don’t know how you find the time for everything, especially working on two projects. I loved Moonshadow Mae and was thrilled to read your announcement of discovering three libraries are carrying it. I hope many children are excited about the moon and space after reading Mae’s story.

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks for stopping by today, Carmela. I hope to present my projects to you all soon. I’m having fun with them. 🙂
      I’m so excited for readers to get a copy of “Moonshadow Mae” in our libraries. I hope to get a reading at one of them before long.
      I’m excited to hear more about your new story coming out. Best wishes always!
      Thanks again!

  4. Julie

    What a cool update. I love it when I find one of my books in the local library. Thrilled for you.

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks so much, Julie! 🙂 It is so exciting, isn’t it?
      Have a great rest of the winter, in your case.

  5. Sandra+Bennett

    Hi Rosie, wow, you have been busy, how do you fit it all in? We don’t tend to follow baseball over here, Rugby league is our sport of choice, but I have even stopped watching that in recent years. I adore that ‘Rain” image, I remember when you shared it on FB, it’s so tender and sweet. Good luck with all your plans for your upcoming books, I will continue to watch your progress with great interest.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Sandra, so interesting you mentioned, Rugby. I’ve heard of it, of course, but it’s not a popular sport here. I would say, football, basketball and baseball seem to be the big ones played here in the states. Soccer and hockey are the other two I know many follow, too.
      Thank you for your kind words on my drawing. I had so much fun making that. 🙂
      I’m excited to share my upcoming projects. As they get closer to getting finished, I’ll share what those are.
      Have a great rest of winter, where you are. I love following your snowy pictures on your side of the world.

  6. Cat Michaels

    Wow, a summer of fun for you, Rosie! Squeezing lots of things in for sure! My Dad was a huge Mets fan, my siblings played in college, and my nieces are on league-winning softball teams. I like sitting in the stands, in the shade, people-watching during the last inning .

    How exciting Moonshadow Mae is in local libraries! I hope you do a reading there, too, one day soon. All the best with your next tale for young readers!

    • rosieadmin

      Glad to hear you have some baseball followers in your family too, Cat.
      It’s so fun to watch the games. We have had some very exciting ones this year. I forgot to mention we are still going strong on 15 years now for our sons softball team, too. My husband and I, well mostly me, are not playing as much, but we show up suited and ready to go, if needed. We have the nicest people on our teams and it’s a joy to watch them have so much fun.
      Thank you for your kind words on, “Moonshadow Mae.” I’ve already contacted one library and waiting to hear back from them. I’m so excited to share Mae’s story.
      Thanks always and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer, Cat. 🙂

  7. Julie Gorges

    What a great summer you are having! And being so productive on top of it. Can’t wait to see your new projects. The illustration of “rain” is one of my favorites of yours. Big congrats on getting your book into libraries – such a thrill! My summer has been filled with getting ready for many changes, but I have snuck in some fun – sailing, a few beach days, and going to Legoland with kids and grandkids. Enjoy what’s left of summer, Rosie!

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks for stopping by, Julie!
      Yes, it’s been a busy fun summer. We’ve had our share of heat off and on, so days spent inside are a must. It gives me lots of extra time to work on bookish and art things, which I love, too.
      How fun for you to get in some time at the ocean and spend time with your family. It’s so hard to believe school will start in just a few weeks. Spending time with family is always such a joy, isn’t it?
      Thank you for your kind words on everything. I appreciate your support always.
      Enjoy the rest of your summer too, Julie. 🙂

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