Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

Tag: Books

My Wonderful Year With Books at Books by Rose

A new year is always a great time to do some quiet reflections to gain perspective on how to move forward.

Join me and my author friends in this Blog Hop as we have our different journeys to report back to you. We hope you’ll join us with the following questions and let us know how your year went, as well.

Reflections 2024

Let’s Talk About Your Year

Please read the following questions and pick one, or two of them, and let us know how your year went in the comment section below.

* How would you describe 2023 in one word?

* What was your biggest challenge last year? How did you overcome it? What didn’t work? What life lesson did you learn from the experience that you’ll take with you in the new year?

* Describe the happiest day of 2023? What can you do to have more days like that in 2024?

* Name one change or difficult decision you made in 2023 that improved your life in a substantial way. What will you change this year to improve your life?

* What do you regret doing – or not doing – last year that you plan to stop/start doing in the new year?

* What were you most grateful for last year? What are you most excited about for this new year?

* What is the most courageous thing you did in 2023? How do you plan to push yourself out of your comfort zone in 2024?

* What was your biggest accomplishment in 2023? What do you want to accomplish this year?

Here’s Mine…

My biggest accomplishment in 2023?

New Releases

I released three new titles! One in the spring and two in the fall.

2023 Books Release at Books by Rose

Goodreads Challenge

What a year in reading for me!

I made it to 50 books with it ending just in time for the holiday rush. Christmas Eve Eve, I finished my last book and was so relieved. Sure, I could have taken it to December 31th, but I knew there would be lots to do to wrap up 2023.

Here’s my last December 2023 Marathon of Titles I finished up…

A few of these last books were chosen because of the page numbers. As long as they were 100 pages or more, they counted towards the challenge. I really did enjoy them and will look for more of those this next year if I get in a bind again.

I’ve decided to only go for 40 books in 2024. The crunch time in getting them read, almost took the fun out of reading. That made me a little sad because I love looking forward to my reading time.

I will have to say, I did enjoy the books I read. Yes, there were a few you never saw on my list. If I felt at the beginning if a book was not going to be one I didn’t want to spend time with, it went into the return file. (I get most my books at our local library. I’ve also been lucky enough to find some in our Little Free Library my husband built for me in 2020.)

My 50 Books for the Goodreads Challenge

I didn’t review all these books yet, but I did rate them with stars. You can see more of those ratings ► here on Goodreads.

Like I said, loved them all, but my favorite ones?


“Being Henry: The Fonz…and Beyond,” by Henry Winkler

“Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond,” by Henry Winkler is an entertaining book from start to finish. Winker writes this truthful, candid memoir of his life as an actor and more.
We all knew Henry Winkler as, “The Fonz,” on the sitcom, “Happy Days.” Mr. Winkler shows us his time during those years where he didn’t feel as cool as what we saw on screen.
Growing up, he never had the support of his parents due to his inability to succeed in school.
Back in those days, they didn’t know about dyslexia, which is a disability where spoken and/or written language is difficult for readers. It also can cause poor concentration, difficulty following instructions, forgetting words. This impacted most of his life.

I’m so glad he wrote this book. He will help inform adults about this issue as well as young children struggling with this. He also has a series of books for young readers with learning differences. which are funny and resourceful

I applaud Henry Winkler for writing this book. You will also enjoy how he writes this book in his own genuine voice.

2nd Place…

“Remarkably Bright Creatures,” by Shelby Van Pelt

“Remarkably Bright Creatures,” by Shelby Van Pelt was a book I enjoyed returning to each day.
When I told my sister it started out being narrated by an octopus, she laughed and said, “Hum, I’m not sure about that.” I told her, No, no, it has a great storyline intertwined as the chapters unfold.”
I received a hard copy of this book at our local library. There were no errors liked mentioned in the reviews. I highly recommend those that stopped reading it, to give it another try.
The characters were well developed, the settings were descriptive which made this story very visual.
I’m looking forward to more books written by this author.

3rd Place…

“The Maid,” Nita Prose

I enjoyed this book, even though it’s not one I’d normally read.
Molly in “The Maid,” was one I wanted to protect and cheer for throughout the story.
It was somewhat predictable at times, but a page turner to the very end.
I’m looking forward to more of Nita Prose’s books.

Other Books…

Art Books

What a fun year I had reading art books. I’m so excited to try out new techniques with all the new art supplies my family gifted me at Christmas. Keep watching for those.

Why So Many Cookbooks?

Our family was blessed with a new family member in January!

I knew I was going to cook for her family so mom and dad would have the time to not fret over, “what’s for dinner?”

We gifted ourselves a “Food Saver” for freezing meals. The cookbooks I devoured this past year had great tips and recipes.

What’s To Come From Books By Rose

Art, Audio Books and Remakes?

Art, Audio Books and Remakes?

I know for sure, art and audio books will be a thing for me in 2024. I found the site to our local library to listen to books. Yes, those still count for the Goodreads Challenge.

Like I said, I received many art supplies over the holidays. So, I’m picturing listening to books and creating something, not sure what yet, ha! I guess I’ll see where the muses take me.

Another thought for 2024, and I want your opinions on this.

Making my “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie” books into a hardcover chapter book. Yes, I will still have the picture, illustrated books for younger readers. I’m thinking of using the same stories, tweaked a bit for higher readers and maybe an added story or additional activities? Please let me know what you think about this in the comment section below.

Tell Us About Your Plans For 2024!

What Are Your Plans For 2024?

Did you read a lot of books?

Authors, are you writing any new books you’d like to share?

Artists, what new projects can you share with us?

I hope you all have a wonderful 2024! May you have everything you want and need in this year to come.

As always,

Happy Reading!


Don’t Forget To Read These Author’s Post

► Author Sandra Bennett

► Author Julie Gorges

How to Introduce Art Supplies to Your Young Children Before School Starts.

Hi everyone! I hope your summer is going well.

Happy July 2023

Time is going fast and before you know it, you’ll be thinking about your kids returning back to school. Psst, don’t tell them I said that. They want to enjoy every bit of their summer while they can. Parents, you should, too. 😊

When I was planning this month’s blog, I had many other things in mind, but something occur to me over the 4th of July.

When our grands are here, I almost always end up getting my art supplies out. That’s quite alright with me because I love it. We make cards for those we love, but most of the time we just “art,” as I like to call it.

The oldest one is well settled into “art.” The younger one has to be shown how to use paint, glue, tape, scissors, etc.

I remember when our sons started school, the teachers were impressed they both knew how to handle cutting and how to respectfully treat their art supplies. That’s because we spent hours and hours making things for holidays, or just for the fun of it, almost everyday.

Kids Need Art For So Many Reasons.

Art Improves:

Fine motor skills

Problem solving

Cognitive development

Social-Emotional and mastering self-esteem and creativity, and so much more.

Ways To Teach How To Use Simple Art Supplies

We are going to explore just a few tips today on how to use common art supplies you have around your home. These tips may sound simple to us, but they are not for little hands.

Glue and Paint in Bottles

We’ve all heard the expression, “Just a Dot, Not a lot.” Sounds good, but do children really know how to do that?

Let them explore with glue or paint in bottles. Have them squeeze a small amount on a piece of paper. The first few times, they will add large blobs and that’s okay. How will they ever know how much control to use when doing this if they haven’t experimented, right?

Glue or Paint

Yes, sometimes it’s okay to add large amounts, but more often than not, they won’t need so much. Learning this way before school when teachers are giving them instructions, will make them ahead in the game. It also teaches them not to waste valuable art supplies.


Once you know which hand your child will be more comfortable cutting with, you can start with instructions by doing this. (Note: Just because they write with their left or right hand, doesn’t mean they will choose that hand. (Example: I’m left handed, but cut with my right. I know, different, right?)

Holding a pair of scissors. This will all depend on the size of the scissors they use. The example I’m using here is for the style of scissors pictured below. Vary this technique on the style and what’s comfortable for your child.


In this example, remember the pinky finger is the smallest. It’s too young to cut, so they have to stay back out of the scissors.

Ring finger, middle and pointer finger gets to go together in the largest section of the scissors.

In the smaller circle, the thumb gets to point up and guides to help the scissors move.

Then, go to town snipping. Snip, snip, snip. (Keeping the other hand holding the paper and clear out of the way. No need getting those guys involved, right? Ouch!

Don’t expect your child to become proficient in this for a long time. Let them get used to the feel and motion of how it all works. Once they get this skill down, then you can move on to cutting straight lines, moving on to curves, etc.


Such a simple thing for us to use, but little hands have to be taught.

Most household adhesive tapes have small metal teeth on them to cut the tape off. Show your child where those teeth are and what it does. Remind them this part is sharp so be careful getting their fingers too close.

Other tapes come in rolls which are easy to pinch and tear. (Another great “fine motor skill” for them to learn.)

If using household adhesive tape, show them how to keep the tape flat between their pointer finger and thumb and gently pull once they get to the teeth to break off the amount they need. Again, these first few times, they will use a lot, but that’s okay. They’ll get the hang of it over time. Your kids will love taping things, and I mean everything.

Paint and Paint Brushes

Not everyone has an abundance of paint brushes around the house. Check to see if your dollar store carries them. They don’t have to be fancy, they just need to work. If you want to use Q-Tips or cotton balls to paint with or apply glue, that’s great, too. I always keep a lot on hand to make clean up easier.



Again, paint does not have to be expensive to work. This is a great time for your child to experiment with mixing the primary colors. Example: Red and blue make purple. Blue and yellow make green, red and yellow make orange, and so forth.


Bottom line, art is fun but also teaches them so many great things. Don’t forget to have them tell you about their projects to further their language skills, too. 😊

Teachers reading these suggestions, please feel free to add more tips for what students need to learn about using art supplies before starting school. Thank you!

Now, On To Other News at Books by Rose.

Goodreads Challenge 2023

I’m up to 26 books for the year in Goodreads. I knew the summer months would slow down with all our outside activities. Here’s my latest updates with two great books I’ve enjoyed this past month.

Big Tree

Don’t let the size of this 528 page book, “Big Tree,” by Brian Selznick scare you. Many illustrations are sprinkled throughout this book with short paragraphs, as well.
This story would be a wonderful read aloud for parents and classrooms adding great discussions for further learning.

“Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most,”
by Adam Alter is a book you’ll want to take your time to read.
Readers will find many stories, situations and examples on how to “breakthrough” tough spots in life, jobs, creativity, and so much more.
I was impressed with this book from the beginning to end. Alter’s writing style is easy to understand.
The amount of research he did to write this book is also followed up at the end for further reading.
I highly recommend everyone to check out this book for those times you feel, “stuck.”

One More Thing…

Want to be a Beta Reader for my next book? It’s ready! Even though this book will not be released until the fall, I’d still like to have it finished and ready to go. If all goes well with my book going into print, I may have some other news to announce. Fingers crossed. 😊

How’s Your Summer Going?

How's Your Summer Going?

Making any new art projects? We’d love to see those!

How about book suggestions you’d like to share?

Any new writing projects you are working on you want to tell us about?

Enjoy your July!

As always,

Happy Reading!


In case you missed last months blog post ► Looking to Make the Most of Your Summer?

Looking to Make the Most of Your Summer?

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, it’s clear that summertime has arrived. The season is filled with opportunities for fun in the sun, from pool parties, backyard barbecues and picnics in the park. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, there’s something for everyone to enjoy during the warmer months.

  "Sunglasses Summer" by Jakub Rostkowski/ CC0 1.0
Sunglasses Summer” by Jakub Rostkowski/ CC0 1.0

My author friends and I are doing a Blog Hop to kick off the summer season. Please click on their blog posts below to see what they have planned, too.

In this months blog post, explore three activities my family and I will spend most of our time for some summertime fun.

My Favorite Three “B” Things to Do in the Summer





For those who have followed me for sometime now, they know baseball is a huge part of our lives and has been for more years than I can count.

With our oldest son starting t-ball at age 5, then playing baseball every year of his life until adulthood. He is currently active in softball, coaching his own team for 17 years now. His dad and I have been welcomed on his team over those years. I’ve become more of a cheerleader than player these days. We have such a great group and they are a blast to be around.


Our youngest son caught the baseball bug early on, as well. He too, excelled with this sport all through childhood, high school and pitched in college. He’s currently coaching he’s son’s year round team and loves every minute of it. Yes, they even practice in an enclosed area in the winter. He has a team of players and parents who are as dedicated to this sport as he is.

That leaves us attending lots of baseball games, which we love!

Lots of Baseball
Lots of Baseball

Watching our grandson play and grow in this game is our favorite!

Oh, I forgot to mention. We have our granddaughter in t-ball now and it’s the cutest thing ever. Of course this grandma’s opinion, they are both top notch in their games. 😉


Living in the Midwest, and particularly, KCMO and Kansas City, KS, BBQ is the much requested meal and talked about food.

    "Free grilled BBQ ribs photo"/ CC0 1.0
Free grilled BBQ ribs photo“/ CC0 1.0

I conducted a survey with a few of our friends and asked their favorite places and what they like the most about their choices of BBQ restaurants.

Slap’s BBQ (KCK) is Jim R’s favorite. Their BBQ Ribs with the white BBQ sauce is his go-to. He also mentioned their Bake Potato Casserole is a side dish you won’t want miss.

Mindy R. claims Joe’s Barbeque, in KS (formally known as Oklahoma Joe’s) and is her favorite place to dine for BBQ.

Jeff Z. said, “Gates BBQ and their sauce is his all time favorite.”

I personally like, Arthur Bryant’s. Their sandwiches are served with just a few slices of white bread, nothing fancy, but the meat? Amazing!

Gates and Arthur Bryant’s were noted to be the two oldest barbecue spots in our city. In fact, they style their BBQ back to a well known chef, Henry Perry, Kansas City’s original barbecue king.

Click here to read more about how he started it all in the early 1900s! ► Henry Perry (Credit: NPR in Kansas City)


After being shut in all winter, I love sitting out on our deck in the summertime reading.

I think I’ve mentioned once the baseball months start, my reading would slow down a bit and it sure has. I still have tried to read everyday, even if it’s a page here and there. My goal in Goodreads is to read 50 in 2023 and I have completed 23 books so far.

My Books in May:

“Dying of Politeness: A Memoir,” by Geena Davis

Geena Davis

My Review: (For Adult Readers)

“If you have enjoyed movies with Geena Davis, you’ll like her new book, “Dying of Politeness: A Memoir,” with stories behind her movies and life growing up. She shares a candid, (strong language) look at her years in show business, marriages and so much more. Even though I did not hear the CD of this story, I could almost hear her say the words as I read her memoir.”

“As Bright as Heaven,” by Susan Meissner

"As Bright as Heaven"

My Review: (For Adult Readers)

“As Bright as Heaven,” by Susan Meissner, written in 2018, is not a book I would have been able to read close to the events of 2020.
In 1918, the Spanish Flu took many lives. Author Meissner’s historical fiction explains this emotional story with the Bright family and their three daughters. After living in rural rural Quakertown, they move and began their new lives in Philadelphia. The father, Thomas, is asked to come and work in his uncle’s funeral home, which is also located where they will live, as well.
The first half of the book sets the stage with twists and turns for the second half of this story.
I enjoyed how this was written, breaking it down to each of the daughters thoughts and feelings throughout the pages.
I’m looking forward to reading more of Susan Meissner’s books.”

“100 Things to Do in Kansas City Before You Die,” by Traci Angel (For All Readers.)

"100 Things to Do in Kansas City Before You Die,"

My Review:

It didn’t take me long to read this 160 page book, “100 Things to Do in Kansas City Before You Die,” by Traci Angel. Since growing up in KCMO, I knew of most of these places, but not all. I’m looking forward to checking them out.
Angel’s has a 2nd edition, which I was able to put on hold at our local library. I’m looking forward to that one, as well.
If you ever plan to visit KCMO and our surrounding areas, you’ll want to look into these books. Make sure you check online to see if these sites are still open since a lot has changed since this 1st book was written in 2015. Her 2nd edition is more current, 2022.

Currently Reading: (For Adult Readers)

 "What Happened to the Bennetts,"

I’m on page 119 with this book I’m currently reading, “What Happened to the Bennetts,” by Lisa Scottoline. So far, it’s a real page turner. My sister suggested it from her book club and they all said it’s a really great story. I have to agree and looking forward to finishing it.

Now, let’s join some more summertime blogs below…

 "Blog Text" by Words as Pictures/ CC0 1.0
Blog Text” by Words as Pictures/ CC0 1.0

Take a trip to where these awesome authors live and how they will spend their summer months.

Sandra Bennett, Author – How Do You Find Your Winter Bliss?

Julie Gorges – Finding Some Summertime Bliss

Author Rebecca Lyndsey – Summertime Bliss

Don’t forget to leave a comment and tell us about what you have planned for this summer? 🙂

Happy Summer!

As always,

Happy Reading, too. 🙂


Did you miss my May’s blog post? If so, click here ► Exciting Book Release Party With Tips, Recipes, Reviews And More”

Books, Craft and More at Books by Rose, February 2023

In This Blog Post You Will Find:

*Reading Goals

*Books I’ve Read So Far This Year

*Craft For You To Make

*National Day – February 04, 2023

*What’s In the Works at Books By Rose

*More Authors For You to Check Out

Reading Goals

I have been meaning to get more serious with the challenges they have each year in my Goodreads account. This year, I decided to give it my best shot.

The other day, I spent most of the morning cleaning up my Goodreads list of books. It’s hard to believe I’ve neglected to follow up on some of my books from 2017.

I had so much fun adding them to my physical list. I actually went a little overboard. I call it “Hold Happy at the Library.” Oops, a whole bunch of them came all at once.

PS. That little black ball of fur is one of my reading buddies, our sweet Jeter. It’s cold here in the Midwest so she was happy to find this warm little spot of sunshine.


I will be back these next several months to talk about the books I’ve read. Keep watching if you are looking for book suggestions.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. My goal is to read 50 in 2023. That sounds like a lot, but I made this goal many years ago and made it. I only wished I would have kept that list.

Books I’ve Read So Far This Year

(Reviews for these books are in my Goodreads account)

1) ► “The Simply Happy Cookbook: 100-Plus Recipes to Take the Stress Out of Cooking (The Happy Cookbook Series)

A easy to follow recipe book with lots of great stories.

2) ► “The Maid”

A fun, “who done it” mystery. You will be cheering Molly the Maid once you meet her.

3) ► “Clara’s Kitchen”

A sweet grandmother shares her life and recipes during, “The Depression” years.

4) ► “Professor Pincushions: The Beginners Guide to Sewing

A wonderful, easy to follow, step by step to sewing for newbies.

Craft For You To Make

Okay, I have to admit, I’m cheating here sharing last years Valentine’s Day craft. I don’t think you’ll mind seeing it again, though. It was a big hit last year and it brought lots of smiles when we gave our cards out on February 14, 2022.

Just paint or draw this on any paper or cardstock. Use your imagination on more things to include. Maybe a house in the background? Add a few animals?

Valentine's Day Card to Make
Valentine’s Card to Make

National Day – February 04, 2023

Did you know Saturday, February 04, 2023 is “National Take Your Child to the Library Day?”

I loved taking our sons the first Wednesday for story time every month. We would bring home a stack of books. I was able to continue this tradition with our grandson when he was younger, too. I hope you get to make it to your local library. Most branches will have lots of fun of activities, I’m sure.

Again, you can click here to learn more. ► “National Take Your Child to the Library Day.”

What’s In the Works at Books By Rose

My book coming this spring/summer has been sent to my Beta Readers and what great feedback I’ve received. A few more tweaks and it will be ready. Keep watching. You know me, I always love to throw big parties when I release a new book. I’ll have to put my thinking cap on for this one.

Don’t forget, books make great gifts for holidays or any day. I hope you will give the gift of reading to those you love.

If you have not seen all my books before now, click on the poster below to check them out.

Give the gift of reading
“Give the Gift to Reading”

More Authors For You to Check Out

Speaking of books, here are a few of my author friend’s books you will want to check out, too. Sorry I can’t include them all. I sure wish I could.

If you are an author reading this, please leave your name and website in the comment section for us to check out your books, as well.

Julie Gorges

Cat Michaels

Carmela Dutra

Sandra Bennett

► James Milson

Jessica Adams

Auden Johnson

Rebecca Lyndsey

Peggy McAloon

► Chris Gorges

As always, Happy Reading and Happy Valentine’s Day, too!


Three Of My Favorite Things For Valentine’s Day!

💝 Happy February everyone! 💝

Join me and my author friends as we share some fun posts for this month. Check theirs out at the end.

Today, I’m going to share three of my favorite things for Valentine’s Day. One of my favorite holidays.




First Up, This Fun Card To Make

Growing up, our mom was always making crafts and Valentine’s Day was one of her favorites. Mine, too! If you follow me, you know I’m all about the hearts, year round. 💝

I also love trees! So, why not combine the two? You can add special sayings like:

“My Love Keeps Growing and Growing For You”

“Spread Your Love Like Leaves On A Tree”

Or, just write a personal message with your name on it.

Use any kind of paper or cardstock. Use, crayons, colored pencils, paints or your favorite art mediums. Follow these directions to make your special card.

Card to make for Valentine’s Day

Next Up…


The Best Peanut Butter and Chocolate Fudge Ever!

You’ll need…

3 cups chocolate chips. Use any chocolates you like. I prefer the milk chocolate.

1 can fat free sweetened condensed milk. (You can’t tell the difference since this fudge is loaded with sweetness.)

24 regular size unwrapped peanut butter cups


  • Line 9×13 baking dish with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray lightly. Line with 12 peanut butter cups If you need to fill the bottom of your pan, add more.
  • Use a large microwave-safe bowl, add chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk. Stir together.  Microwave 30 second. Stir. Keep melting until completely smooth. Pour over peanut butter cups to cover them all.
  • Cut up the remaining Reese’s and press into the top. Let it set to cool to room temperature {30 minutes to 1 hour} before refrigerating. Cover and refrigerate until completely solid. Overnight works great. Once it’s solid, remove from the pan using the foil and cut into small 1 inch by 1 inch squares.
  • These are very rich and soooo good!

Last, But, Not Least…..


Give the gift of reading!

Click on the poster below to read about these eleven titles. If you have any questions about them for your readers, let me know.

Don’t forget to click on the author names below for more February fun! Don’t forget to check out their books, too.

Thanks for stopping by, and as always,

Happy Reading!


Sandra Bennett – “Every Summer Has a Story”

Cat Michaels – Weather Outside is Frightful, But Our Southern Snow Daze is Delightful, Y’all.

James Milson – Small Little Unexpected Acts of Kindness (And a Teabag Squeezer Thingy)

Julie Gorges – 6 New Baby Boomer Home Design Trends to Beautify Your Home

What Do Easter Baskets and Baby Showers Have In Common?

Happy March, everyone! I hope you all doing well.

It’s hard to believe it’s March already, but we’ll take it. Our weather here in the Midwest was below zero a few weeks ago, but thankfully warming up and showing us a hint of Spring. We know March can be a little bit of everything around here, so we’ll keep ready for whatever is to come.

It’s also hard to believe, Easter is a month away. Easter to me is the birth of a new season. We’ve heard of many families celebrating the birth of new little ones, too.

So, what do Easter Baskets and Baby Showers have in common?


Books by Rose

If you have older readers, you may also be interested in the recent book, Cat Michaels and I wrote called, Just Between Sam and Me. (Ages 8-12.)

“Just Between Sam and Me”

Filling your gift baskets with books is a great surprise for readers.

Where to buy these books? Click on the retail sites at the bottom of this page.

If you live near me, write me a note and I will gladly meet up with you for signed copies.

In Other News..

Next Up
Next Up

I have been busy working on yet another picture book these past few months. I can’t wait for you to see my Early Reader which is a simple search and find. It’s also packed with lots of learning, fun facts, and activities. I’m going to start illustrating on page 19 next week, so I’m getting closer.

Once I get this next book finished, the hardest part will be the editing and critiquing. In order to do that, I will be searching for Beta Readers. Cat Michaels and I found them invaluable when writing our last book.

What is a Beta Reader? Visit Cat Michaels Writer page here to find out.

Beta Reader

A Yummy Treat For You!

Now for a yummy treat to leave you with.

I shared this recipe a few years ago and they were a big hit. I hope you make these wonderful, easy cookies. Perfect for St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and parties.

Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies

Mint Chocolate Cookies
Mint Chocolate Cookies


1 Devil Food Cake Mix

2/3 Cup Crisco

2 Eggs

Dark Chocolate Mint M&Ms

Cream cake mix with Crisco and eggs. Take dough and roll into 2 inch circle balls. Place on baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about 9 minutes. It’s best to undercook these.

While the cookies are hot, press four or five Mint M&M’s into the warm cookie. Cool and enjoy!

Here’s something fun I found out. You can make ANY kind of cookies with a box of cake mix, eggs, and anywhere from a ½ cup of Crisco to ¾ cups. The trick to remember is to use just enough Crisco to have the batter thick enough to roll into balls.

One Last Thing…

A big thanks to Jen Milius for having me on her TufFish Show! It was so fun visiting with you, Jen!

I hope you will visit her page and listen to some of the other authors she has recently interviewed, too.

Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by today!


📚 Where to find my books. 📚


Barnes and Noble

Rainy Day Books


A look back from a year ago this March. Our world has learned a lot this past year.

Hoping for more positive news to come.

Books, Books, and More Books at, Books by Rose

Welcome to First Friday’s #GR8Blog post!

How’s your summer going so far? It’s hard to believe we are halfway through this year.

Happy July 2020
Image Credit: Pixabay

In July’s Blog, You Will Find:

5 Star Book Reviews

Video Title Release

Special Gift

When it comes to books, I can’t seem to get enough of them. I was so pleased after reading these 5 titles, I knew I’d have to share their reviews. Click on the titles to find the links so you can read them, too.

5 Star Book Reviews

Adult Book

Julie Schooler‘s book, “Rediscover Your Sparkle: Revive the Real You and Be Rebelliously Happy Every Day (Nourish Your Soul)”


Book - Julie Schooler's book, "Rediscover Your Sparkle: Revive the Real You and Be Rebelliously Happy Every Day (Nourish Your Soul)"
By author, Julie Schooler

Julie’s book is a delightful read.
This book will walk readers through so many ways to rediscover their sparkle.
It shows how to look for the joy of sparkles we had as children. How to find your sparkle when you feel like the world is falling a part around you. How to savor each moment. The importance of play, yes, even as adults.
Seeking to find things to be grateful for. How to breathe, meditate, and sleep well. Creating your own, “Sparkle Day,” and so much more.
I also enjoyed Ms. Schooler’s wonderful challenges she included in the back of this book.
I highly recommend this book for those that are looking to find more sparkle in their everyday lives.

Teen Book

“Time To Cast Away” written by author, Julie A. Gorges.


Book - "Time To Cast Away" written by author, Julie A. Gorges.
By author, Julie A. Gorges.

This story was well written and the characters were well developed.
It’s a story about the up and downs of friendships and set in a tone teens will understand.
When Meg reads Rachel’s diary, she comes to understand how helping friends is an important lesson.
The relationship of Meg and Danny will show readers what it’s like to fight with self-esteem issues and overcome them.

I highly recommend this book. It’s a must read for all teens.

Children’s Books

“Never Ask An Octopus: Funny Read Aloud Story Book for Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids Ages 3-6 (NEVER ASK… Children’s Bedtime Story Picture Books 8.)”


Book - "Never Ask An Octopus: Funny Read Aloud Story Book for Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids Ages 3-6 (NEVER ASK... Children’s Bedtime Story Picture Books 8.)" by Melinda Kinsman
By author Melinda Kinsman

Author Melinda Kinsman brings us this story just in time for summer.

It’s best not to invite an Octopus along on a fishing trip in your boat. My, so many things can happen.
The illustrations are so bright and cheerful. Once again, Ms. Kinsman entertains readers further with fun activities in the back of the book.

I highly recommend this book for young readers.

“What Is Good and What Is Bad?”


Book - "What is Good and What is Bad," by Mrs. D.
By author, Mrs. D

This cute book written by author, Mrs. D and illustrated by Salma Riaz is a book to be enjoyed by young readers.
Gavin is faced with choices on what is good and what is bad and their consequences. A rhyming story with delightful illustrations will engage readers further.
I highly recommend this book.

“The Fox Family Adventures: A Day at the Beach”


Book - "The Fox Family Adventures: A Day at the Beach” Johnni George

“The Fox Family Adventures: A Day at the Beach,” written by Johnni and Chris Gorges and illustrated by Christopher Cervantes, is a darling book readers will enjoy.
Ben, Emily, and their parents set out for a day of fun and relaxation. There’a a mishap with an unexpected event.
I highly recommend this story. It’s full of bright and cheerful illustrations that will engage young readers.
I’m looking forward to more of these stories.

Video Title Release

These past several weeks, Cat Michaels and I have been working hard on coming up with the title to our next book. Here’s the video to share again, in case you missed it. Enjoy!

Title Reveal by Cat Michaels and Rosie Russell

Special Gift

Image Credit: Pixabay
Gold String
Image Credit: Pixabay

Now that you watched the video, Cat Michaels and I have a very special gift for you! A sneak peek to our first chapter. Click on the link below to download.

Sorry, but this download to our first chapter is no longer available. Please keep watching our upcoming interviews, as we will be offering it again for a chance to win.

Once you read it, come back and tell us what you think. If you know readers 8-12 years old, have them read it and come back and share their thoughts, too.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my Books by Rose page. Go to the upper right hand corner of the page or scroll to the bottom of this page to fill out the form. We have more fun news to share with you in the coming months.

Remember to look up the books I’ve mentioned here. Oh, and if you’ve read some titles you have enjoyed this summer, we loved to hear about those, as well.

Have a wonderful July!

As always,

Happy Reading!


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