Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

Tag: Books by Rose (Page 1 of 2)

How to Find Time to Read

In this Blog You’ll Find:

*Goodreads Challenge 2023

*Four Tips to Finding Time to Read

*What’s New at Books by Rose

*Books I’ve Read in March and Reviews

Goodreads Challenge

Since I’ve started the Goodreads reading challenge in January 2023, many have asked me how I find the time to read.

I plan to read fifty books in 2023. I’ve always read a lot, but, I haven’t always kept track of those titles. I wish I had now.

Being a children’s author and illustrator, children’s books are always welcomed on my to-read list. I did find out, books under 100 pages are not applicable under the reading challenge. Once you read a book and review it, it automatically goes into your reading challenge shelf. I have since taken those books out, but they still remain on my shelves of my, “read” list and I have reviewed them.

Here are four tips I found helpful for getting those titles read.

My Favorite Reading Time

One of my favorite times to read is in the morning with my first cup of coffee.

My mind is fresh. If I’m reading a nonfiction book, I’m more apt to learn about what I’m reading. As you’ll see, I have some nonfiction books and more, on my list from Goodreads at the bottom of this post.

Find your favorite time to read and enjoy.

Morning Reading
Image: Pexels – Vincenzo Malagoli


If I know I have an appointment, I always take a book along. Kindle and audio books are great options for this, as well.

Read while you wait for an appointment
Have a book handy for appointments

Keep Books Close By

I keep a stack of my books handy to grab at any given time.

One can even get a few pages read waiting for dinner to be cooked.

If I know we are going somewhere, instead of getting involved in a big task, I take that time to get in a few more pages to read.

Keep books close by
Keep books handy

Don’t Forget to Read Cookbooks

I love cookbooks, but the one’s I love the most are ones filled with stories and how recipes came about. You can learn a lot of history through stories shared in cookbooks.


Before I get to those books I’ve read, I need to tell you about this…

What’s New at Books by Rose

My 13th book is live and we are having a wonderful book launch for 13 days. It’s so much fun! I appreciate all the wonderful people stopping by with their amazing comments. We have close to 175 names so far entered for prizes and we will have 13 winners. Don’t forget to stop by my “Books by Rose” Facebook page to check it out. Launch ends on the 12th of April and winners picked on the 13th of April!

Welcome, Big E’s Trick to Fishing

Big E's Trick to Fishing
Big E’s Trick to Fishing

If you are unable to visit my book launch, you can take a look at Big E’s Picture Book here.


Paperback – (Size 7X 10, 32 pages)


💚 Books I’ve Read in March and Reviews 💚

Drawing on The Dominant Eye: Decoding the Way We Perceive, Create, and Learn, by Betty Edwards.


"Drawing on The Dominant Eye: Decoding the Way We Perceive, Create, and Learn,"
“Drawing on The Dominant Eye: Decoding the Way We Perceive, Create, and Learn,”

“Drawing on The Dominant Eye: Decoding the Way We Perceive, Create, and Learn,” by Betty Edwards was very interesting.
If you studied art and science in high school or college, much of the information in this book will come back to you.
Once learning the fundamentals on how our brains work, one can apply the drawing lessons towards the end of the book.”

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive Edition by Betty Edwards.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (I found this one so fascinating, too!)

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive Editio
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive Edition

“Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive Edition” by, Betty Edwards was an interesting book in which I learned a lot. This edition was written in 2012 and had been updated many times. Watch for the updated version.

Edwards explains, drawing is much like learning the ABC’s and learning to read. The more you practice, the better you will get. This goes for most tasks, though. If you are aware of the left/right brain theories, different parts of our brains are what helps us do the things we do in everyday life.

She suggests to forget the noisy chatter in your mind and draw what you see. Pay attention to negative space, positive forms, angles, proportions and so much more.
Once the techniques in his book are applied with the important information given, most will find themselves a much better artist.”

Billy Miller Makes a Wish by, Kevin Henkes


"Billy Miller Makes a Wish"
“Billy Miller Makes a Wish”

“Readers 6-8 years old will enjoy the real life events of Billy Miller written by Kevin Henkes. “Billy Makes a Wish” is a story that will engage young readers. A perfect read aloud for further discussions on various topics.” ***(A bit of a spoiler alert. Since death may be a sensitive subject for young readers, caretakers may want to read this book first.)***

The Best is Yet to Come by Debbie Macomber


"The Best is Yet to Come"
“The Best is Yet to Come”

“I’ve read quite a few of author Debbie Macomber books and her 2022 release, “The Best Is Yet to Come,” did not disappoint.
Although this is an adult romance book, I think it’s safe to add it as an YA book, as well. The twists and turns were interesting and the outcome of the plot towards the high school issue was a surprise.
Readers will also enjoy this clean romance as Cade and Hope move through their relationship throughout the story.”

Starfish by Lisa Fipps



“Starfish,” By Lisa Fipps is an easy to read free-verse novel.

“It may be a painful subject for some, but the level of content is one that should be considered for discussion among readers.
I was so saddened by the mother’s take on her daughter’s weight. Thank goodness she had her father, a few friends and, of course her, therapist on her side.
Bullying is the strong subject here and should not be taken lightly.”

101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles by, Julia Rutland


"101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles"
101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles”

“If you like the concept of layered meals like Lasagna, you will enjoy this book by, Julia Rutland. “101 Lasagnas & Other Layered Casseroles,” is filled with a variety of options. I especially liked the non-tomato based recipes. The quick and easy instructions will please even the first time cook.”

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives by, Ree Drummond


The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives
“The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives

“I enjoyed Ree Drumond’s easy to follow cookbook, “The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives.”
There are step by step photos with instructions to go along with each recipe.
She has great stories about living on a ranch with her family and animals.
I loved the photographs, as well.
A perfect cookbook to refer to time and time again.”

What’s To Come

I’m halfway through illustrating another Picture Book. I hope to get back to it in May. You all will enjoy this helpful, funny story for young readers. Okay, I’d better go before I say anymore. Excited for this next one, too! 😃😊

That’s all for this month. I hope you all have a wonderful April.

Let us know what has been keeping you busy. Any new projects? We’d love to hear from you.

As always,

Happy Reading!


A New Year: A Time of Reflection at Books by Rose

My authors friends are getting together to share with you our reflections of this past year and what’s to come. Check out their blogs at the bottom of this post.

A Time of Reflection Blog Hop 2023
“A Time of Reflection Blog Hop 2023”

Sense Of Hope

I don’t know about you, but I always have a feeling of hope during the holiday season and the start of a new year.

Even though the New Year can be a time of reflection, it can also teach us a lot of things. Many people take this time to set goals and resolutions, moving forward to new ideas.


Exciting Times For Me In 2022

Spending lots and lots of great times with our family and friends Since the past few years have kept some of us restricted to events, 2022 seemed to improve with all that and let’s hope it stays that way.

Exciting Times
Exciting Times

A few happy things happened, as well. My book, “Beasley Helps” was released in April 2022 and I celebrated 8 years at Books by Rose with a count of 12 books!

I treated myself to a dozen of roses made by my dear friend, Hilda Coronado at

Toya Designs by the Heart.

Roses Made by Hilda Coronado
Roses Made by Hilda Coronado – Image Credit: Hilda

My book launch for “Beasley Helps” ran for 12 days with 12 clues for readers to learn more about his story. Beasley’s book made a big impression on those that followed along during this time.

"Beasley Helps"
“Beasley Helps”

My Other Books

If you would like to look into my other books, click on the poster below.

Books by Rose
Books by Rose

I also have met the nicest people through something I started in October. You can read more about that here in my ► October’s post.

“Saturday Shout Out’s”
“Saturday Shout Out’s”

I ended my “Saturday Shout Out’s” at the end of the year and will pick it back up next fall. Please write me a note if you have pages you follow on Facebook you enjoy. I’ll add them to my list.   

Looking Ahead To 2023

The New Year always gives me a sense of bravery, too. I feel like I can accomplish anything, if I set my mind to it. I’m excited to try new things. I hope to step out of my comfort zone and take a few risks.

One thing I’ve been looking into “Surface Designing” and trying to see how I can connect that with my books. I love art, so this may be the thing that keeps me learning in the art department, too. If you know anyone currently in this field, I’m still doing my research.

Here’s one design I’ve come up with so far.

It’s called, “Stella’s Kaleidoscope Garden”

"Stella’s Kaleidoscope Garden"
“Stella’s Kaleidoscope Garden”

I’ve already made a dress/pinafore out of the fabric for a gift. This fabric is not for sale yet, but I’m going to work on that part this next year. When, and if, more of my designs are ready, you will be the first to know.

Books Coming for 2023

Most of you know I have a children’s book ready to go this spring or summer. I will be reaching out to my Beta Readers soon. If you are interested in reading it, leave me a note in the comment section below.

The 2nd book has all the words written but still needs to be illustrated. I showed just the words to someone recently and they said it was VERY good! I loved that they liked it that much. The illustrations will be fun and I can hardly wait to start it.

Tell Us About You

Tell Us About YOU!
Tell Us About YOU!

What has this past year taught you, if anything?

What’s in store for you in 2023?

Tell us about your projects and what’s to come in 2023.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Author Friends And Their Posts

Don’t forget to follow my author friends and their year and goals for the New Year at the bottom of this post.

As always,

Happy Reading!


Julie Gorges

Rebecca Lyndsey

Sandra Bennett

Carmela Dutra

Updates, News and More at Books by Rose September 2022

Welcome back and happy September 2022!

September 2022
September 2022

Here’s some updates from last month. If you missed it, you can read more here.

“Squeezing in the Last Summer Months this August 2022

Update on Donations for Baseball Players

If you remember, I mentioned I was going to take a 100% of all the royalties from the sale of my “Avi Jackson Best Friends” book and donate it back to baseball players in some way.

Avi and Jackson Best Friends

According to Amazon and their current updates, I sold one paperback book. That’s okay as it gives me enough to work with helping a player or two out. Even if it’s a snack or drink before or after a game, I think they will be pleased.

Other News…

My next Early Reader is coming along nicely. I’m working on my 8th page and I’m having so much fun putting it together. If you remember my “Beasley Helps” book, if will be made very much like that. Real people with added illustrations. I’m excited!

Reveal of the BIG Personal Project I’ve Been Talking About

This next personal project has taken me many months of planning, cutting and gluing to put together. I was going to make it as a gift, but decided it was something that we can work on together over time. So, this project will stay at our home, well, for now. (It wouldn’t be fair to give a gift and tell them they can’t take it home, right?)

Do You Remember?

Do you remember my book, Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail?

If you have read that book and made the project in the story, then you know what exactly that is. It’s a small little, 6 x 6 book that unfolded into a dollhouse. I’ve made many of these and have given them as greeting cards over the years, too.

6 x 6 Art Project
6 x 6 Art Project
All Four Rooms
Card Opened Up

Well, I decided to make one of these on a much, much bigger level!

I made rooms 12 x 12 rooms with added items. Here’s what it looks like folded up and tied together.

A 12 x 12 Book Dollhouse
A 12 x 12 Book Dollhouse

Watch the video below to see it now. (If for some reason you have a hard time watching it, feel free to download and watch on a device that’s best for you. Just click on the three small dots to the right of the video.)

Big Project Revealed

We are going to use an array of characters for our house. Our plan is to make paper doll type figures. I can see this as a fun Barbie dollhouse for later on, too.

Here’s My Question

What Are Your Thoughts?
“What Are Your Thoughts?”

Do you think readers would like to know how to make something like this on a larger level? If so, do you think they would enjoy an activity book/story with templates, measurements, ideas, etc.?

I have a friend that suggested readers could make other things out of this project. Perhaps a grocery store? A department store? A school? A Pet Rescue Center? (I really liked that idea.)

Please leave me a comment. I’d love to know what you think.

Tell Us What You Have Been Up To

What have you been up to and do you have any projects in the works. We’d love to hear all about them.

Enjoy your September, everyone.

As always,

Happy Reading! 📚


Summer Blog Hop, What I’ve Learned As A Writer

June 03, 2022

Please join me and my author friends as we explore the different ways we have grown and learned throughout our years as writers. Many of us also illustrates our books, as well. I will share those experiences with you all today, too. I hope you’ll check out my author friend’s posts at the end of this blog.

What I’ve Learned As A Writer

When It All Started For Me

I just celebrated 8 years of this wonderful writing and illustrating journey on, April 27, 2022. I also released my 12th book in April called, “Beasley Helps.” You can read more about that here ► Book Launch

I can’t tell you the fun I’ve had and have met the greatest people from all over the world. Being somewhat of a shy person, I’ve really come out of my shell. Well, you almost have to, when sharing your work with others. Yes, it was scary at first, but after awhile, you do get used to it.

My First Book

My first book was created for our sons. I wanted to write a story about all the fun they had growing up. In the book, I made them best friends, which I’m proud to say, they still are to this day. It’s an endearing tale and I cherish this one so much.

What I’ve Learned and How I’ve Grown:

Since I’m a self taught illustrator, I had to research the field to see how I was going to make this book. My husband bought me a Walcom drawing pad and I learned as much as I could. My, have I grown a lot since this 1st one. I’ve attended many art workshops over the years and have learned many styles of art. I continue to practice and learn as much as I can.

Avi and Jackson Best Friends
Avi and Jackson Best Friends

My next book was based on a puppy we had growing up named, Georgie. I recreated him and named him Beasley. He has 3 books now in a series and has a huge following of loving fans. Everybody loves Beasley!

What I’ve Learned and How I’ve Grown:

I didn’t think about the first book, “Beasley Journey” turning into a series. Over the years, the beagles in the first book passed away. As the years went by, I had to find beagles to draw that had the same coloring as them. In the 2nd and 3rd book, I decided to use photos given to me to crop in, which even made the images more interesting.

Beasley’s Books

My Next Three Books

My Maggie, Millie and Merrie books. These books are for higher elementary readers and have fun art activities at the back of the books. I love this series and it grew into more and more as time progressed. FYI, be watchful when saying you’re bored around these triplets, something magical always happens.

What I’ve Learned and How I’ve Grown:

Since these books have more words than my Early Readers, there was much more editing involved. People think children’s books are easy to write, well, because they’re children’s books, right? That’s not so much the case. I learned, “less is more” when creating the sentences in these stories.

Maggie, Millie and Merrie’s Magical Series

On To My Search And Finds

These search and find were a lot of fun to make. There are word finds for readers and picture finds for non readers. These books are great to take along for long car travels and will keep your readers entertained for hours. They all have a story to go along with the searches. For example, Sherman will tell his story on what it’s like to have the life as a shopping cart.

What I’ve Learned and How I’ve Grown:

Search and Finds are a blast to make, but they are also a lot of work. If you ever plan to create one to the extent I made mine, (they search for over a hundred of items in two of these books) plan ahead and plan to work on them for awhile. These books didn’t go as fast as my others. Will I make more again? You bet, because readers love them and I enjoy making them. If you have any ideas for a certain theme for a search and find book, write me a note. I’d love to hear your ideas.

My Search and Find Books

My First Hardcover Book – “Moonshadow Mae”

“Moonshadow Mae” is a darling book about a little girl that adores the moon. What a nice reception this book has received. It’s full of learning facts, an art craft and a yummy recipe. Make galaxy rocks and Moon Pies in your very own kitchen.

What I’ve Learned and How I’ve Grown:

Making hardcovers requires a lot of research and making sure you find the right company to print your book. I used Ingram Sparks. I had to buy my own ISBN and barcode for this book, along with setting it up with the Library of Congress. If you want your library to carry this book, have them order a copy. To make that process easy for you, just give them these numbers:


Library of Congress Control Number: 2018907295

“Moonshadow Mae”

My Middle Grade Book with Cat Michaels Writer

Talk about growing as a writer, whew. I never thought in a million years I’d be able to write higher than children’s books, but I did it! Yay! Cat Michaels is a higher level writer, so with her expertise in this field already, we made it. It took us twenty-two months of sharing our chapters back and forth and created, “Just Between Sam and Me.” It’s a book about a young 6th grade girl that lives in the country. All she really wants is to hang out with her best friend and her animals on her farm. Her first day back to school crashes down after a mean girl moves to town and tries to ruin all her dreams.

What I’ve Learned and How I’ve Grown:

I learned so much from this process and enjoyed how our story turned out. I’m so glad Cat and I accomplished our goal of 30,000 plus words and turned it into a story that readers have enjoyed.

Our Middle Grade Book – “Just Between Sam and Me

Now For My Special Share

After celebrating 8 years in writing and 12 books, I treated myself to something very special. I always said I wanted to set a goal for 12 books so I could create a virtual dozen of roses. Why virtual? Our cat, Lola loves flowers so much, she eats them. Yikes! So, that was out of the question. I was blessed to meet a wonderful artist in Texas and guess what? She makes beautiful silk roses! Well, I’ll just let you watch this video to see more…

(Please excuse the low audio. I’ll record on a different device next time. I have written about most of this I’ve told you above. Thank you. )

Hilda Coronado’s Roses

To learn more about Hilda and her products, visit her Facebook page at: TOYA Designs From The Heart

Thank you, again Hilda! I love my roses as they will last forever!

I appreciate you all stopping by today. I hope you will check out my author friend’s post as they share their writing journeys and how they have grown.

Have a great start to your summer and, as always,

Happy Reading!


More Inspiring Posts and What They Have Learned…

Julie Gorges – 3 Ways Writing Made Me a Better Person

Auden Johnson 9 Years as an Indie Fantasy Author-What I’ve Learned

Sandra BennettWhat I Have Learnt As A Writer That Can Also Help You

Behind The Scenes Of My Book Launch For My New Release, “Beasley Helps.”

Welcome everyone! Happy Spring 2022!

As promised, we are going to take a look at the behind the scenes of my recent book launch for my new children’s book, “Beasley Helps.” Without telling you too much, I don’t want to give the whole story away. I will however, try to explain a few fun facts for you and why I decided to use the images I made for this book.

When and Where Did This Book Launch Take Place?

In case any of you missed it, my book launch was held on my business Facebook page at, “Books by Rose.”

It ran for 12 days, from April 06, 2022 to April 21, 2022. We started daily, at 9 am (CST) with images and clues to my story. I’m always confused on what dates to pick. With me being so symbolic about my books, I looked at the numbers. “Twenty-one” is a backwards “12.” The 21st of April was also our dad’s birthday. I think he would have liked that. It seemed to turn out perfect.

Day 1

“Where Did All The Trees Go?”

“Where Did All The Trees Go?”

We had lots of answers and guesses on this one. We had many that were even worried about those trees. I felt for them, as we had to have many trees removed here at our home this past year. They were at least 75 years old and were decayed so much, they were becoming dangerous for us to have them around.

I will tell you one good thing. The trees in this story were removed to build something new for a very good cause.

Day 2

“What’s All That Noise?”

“What’s All That Noise?”

One visitor thought it was the trees that fell that made all the noise.

Nope, but some very big machines were working very hard to clear a large portion of land on, Farmer Bill’s farm.

Day 3

“Whoa Whoa, Little Fella”

“Whoa Whoa Little Fella

Someone had suggested a trespasser was trying to get by, they even suggested a horse. This little fella was much smaller than a horse, but carried a loud bark!

Day 4

“Brother Read a Book to Little Fella One Day And He Let Out A Big A-ROO!

“Brother Read a Book to Little Fella One Day And He Let Out A Big A-ROO!

Okay, by now you know it’s safe to say, there’s a dog in the story, right?

Why was he scared?

How I came up with this idea. When I was around 3 or 4 years old, my brothers had a book all about animals. I loved looking through that book, well, until I came to one page. I’ll never forget, it was photo of a Moose and that big Moose scared me so much, I had to close the book. I thought back on that memory and wanted to include it my story.

With this being a farm book, I wanted to pick a bull. We live in the suburbs, so finding a bull around here is next to impossible. Our friend came to the rescue! This photo took our friend a very, very long time to get that shot. Every night she’d ride past the pasture, of course the bull was on the other side. No way was she going to climb in there to risk her life. Finally one day, it all worked out and she got her photo. Thanks again for this photo, Susie!

Day 5

“What In The World is Going On Here?”

“What In The World is Going On Here?”

This one is my favorite images in this book. Once you see the whole photo, you will understand more why I love this one so much.

First of all, Farmer Bill is my older brother. He’s the one in a frenzy about something. Ha, Ha! (Thank you, Bill for posing for this book. You did great!)

My wonderful husband, Farmer Bob, is pulling a rope with something very strong and big attached to it. He actually posed for me out on our deck and we laughed and laughed. (Thank you, Bob!)

The men you see behind him are my two older brothers. Farmer John and Farmer Jim. It means a lot to me to have them in this book. John passed away almost 11 years ago and Jim passed away last October.

Oh and the pig? He belongs to our friend, Angela. She lives in the suburbs, too, so having a pig this size in her neighborhood, is somewhat special.

Day 6

“Someone Has A Bright Idea!”

“Someone Has A Bright Idea!”

This part of the story is what authors call a “solution” to the problem in the story. We know there’s a problem with Farmer Bob struggling with something. The pup in the story remembered something he thought would work. I’ll get to that in a moment and revealed one thing that worked.

Day 7

“Someone Came Up With An Idea Using Recycled Products.”

“Someone Came Up With An Idea With Recycled Products.”

In our story, our pup friend made many, many trips back and forth to gather all these things. When he returned these items to Farmer Bill’s barn, I can only imagine how tired he was.

This was a fun day in my book launch as we all talked about what to make with recycled products.

Day 8

“It Will Take You A Million Years To Guess This One”

“It Will Take You A Million Years To Guess This One”

Ha, this one stumped everyone and we had many laughs.

This is part of the story, I’ll have to reveal what this is, because it was very confusing.

This image has something to do with drums. Let’s just say, if you and your kids enjoy music, this last part of the book will be something you will enjoy reading, making and talking about.

Quick story and what I learned about this image. When I was in my first year of college studying Early Childhood Education, I attended a band with a female drummer. I had never seen anything like her talent and energy before. Well, that was it, I wanted to be a drummer. Here’s where the problem came in, I didn’t have drums or even drumsticks. A friend of ours did play the drums and he suggested for me to get different sizes and widths of wood and something with a “ding” sound to practice until I was able to get a drum set. Well, long story short, I never learned to play, but to this day, I can pick out the drums in a song and love that sound so much. By the way, I’m glad I stayed with the Early Childhood Education, because it has served me well over the years.

Pay 9

“Meet New Friends, Cocoa and Fred”

“Meet New Friends, Cocoa and Fred”

These animals show up in the story for a very special reason. Liked we talked about, Fred the pig is our friend’s and Cocoa belonged to our friend’s, as well. Sadly, Cocoa the horse passed away many years ago. Thanks to our friends, Perry and Angela, for allowing me to use their pets for this story.

Day 10

“Will You Be Able To Find All 12 Of These?”

“Will You Be Able To Find All 12 Of These?”

I’m giving the reader of this book a bonus activity to find 12 of these bones. As you will see, I wrote this on the back page. I did it this way for a few reasons. I didn’t want it to be a “search and find” book, however, I do have three books of those, if you’re interested in them. Another reason, I didn’t want to distract the reader from this story.

Day 11

“Title Reveal”

Title Reveal

Yay! Finally, the title reveal and what my new book is what about!

If you have been following, Books by Rose, you know “Beasley’s Journey” was the 1st book I wrote back in, 2014, followed by, “Beasley and Friends to the Rescue in 2016.

This 3rd book of Beasley has set on the back burner for a few years and I’m so glad to have it finished. The love of it grew bigger and bigger over time with new ideas coming to me every time I sat down to finish it.

I have to admit, I struggled with what type of illustrations I was going to use for this book. My friend Paula had given me all of her Beagle photos. Since the 2nd book, those Beagles, Lexy and Penny, had passed away. Thank you for all your photos, Paula.

One day I’m on Facebook and another friend of ours had a Beagle that looked just like them. That’s where the dog you see named, Spike came in. Thank you, Jim and Debi for Spike’s adorable photos.

Day 12

“Cover Reveal”

“Cover Reveal”

The day I had been waiting for, my cover reveal!

I couldn’t have made this book without all my family and friends support. As you will see in the book, this story is about pet rescue shelters. I’m going to be saving up a portion of the royalties to support our local shelters. I hope you will be able to help those shelters in your community, if you wish to do so.

If you would like a paperback or Kindle copy of this new release,

click here ► Amazon

Now, For More News To Come!

There’s a big reason why I had my book launch for 12 days. “Beasley Helps” was my 12th book. I also celebrated 8 years of my business, “Books by Rose,” on April 27, 2022.

I have a very special video of something to share with you soon. I can’t wait to show it to you!

Tell us some exciting news you may have coming up in the comment session below. Do you have a new book you’d like to share? How about your plans for spring or summer? We love to hear from you.

Thank you for stopping by, and as always,

Happy Reading!


Mrs. D’s New Books Along With Her Other Wonderful Stories

Interview With Mrs. D! Olga D’ Agostino

Mrs. D
Mrs. D.

Rosie: Join me as I present this 2nd interview with Mr. D and her recent books.

Mrs. D., thank you for joining me today to let us know about your new delightful children’s books.

Let’s start with “Where Did Grandpa Go?”

      "Where Did Grandpa Go?"
“Where Did Grandpa Go?”

This book feels like it was inspired by a real person who may like taking road trips? Is that true? If not, what inspired you to write this story?

Mrs. D: Thank you for the opportunity to be on your blog. I really appreciate you taking time to review my new books.

        Book 1, “Where Did Grandpa Go?” was based on a real grandpa, one that I know and love very much. He is really a grandpa with golden hands, smart and kind. But unlike others, he thinks differently and always likes to do things his way, which isn’t always the shortest way. But I can tell you that his long ways of doing things never disappoint people, because the quality of his work never falls short once he’s finished the job. Let’s put it this way: If you ask our grandpa what time is it, he will gladly explain or show you how the watch was made. Smile! Our grandpa likes educating people about everything he knows. It may seem annoying to some folks, but when you listen to him, everything makes sense, especially for children, who are really interested in how things are made or done. So I thought that our grandpa’s story would show children that it is OK to take time to do things or chores, as long they accomplish their tasks and provide quality work.

Rosie: Your illustrations are by Saima Malik, which are stunning! Tell us how you two were able to create such cute images for your books. In other words, do you send images of what you expect or do you allow your illustrator to work on her own?

Mrs. D: Throughout my writing carrier, and twenty-plus books later, I’ve worked with many illustrators. To my good luck, all of them have been great! But working with Saima is a pure pleasure. It’s seems like she reads my mind. She is very intuitive and feels the story. She knows how to convert my words into art. We are working as a team. First she reads my story and we agree on style. Than I provide descriptions, and sometimes she asks for photos of the real people that my story is based on. After that, she creates all the characters. After we’re both happy with the characters, she creates the sketches, and after approval Saima moves to the coloring stage. She is a very talented artist who always has a feel for the story. She can be serious or funny, depending on the mood of the storyline. She is extremely easygoing, a great communicator, and very easy to work with. She works fast and always delivers her work on time. She is very knowledgeable. She uses new techniques and always has good surprises up her sleeve. I always listen to her suggestions when it comes to art. She has already illustrated four of my books, and I could not be happier and proud of how her artwork represents each book. In addition, she is very fast and affordable. A real gem!

Rosie: Now, let’s talk about your other Grandpa book: “My Grandpa is a Werecow”

What a great, fun story to teach young readers about our heart and eating healthy. (Adults, too.)

As you said, this is based on a real life experience.

Tell us about this story.

“My Grandpa is a Werecow”
My Grandpa is a Werecow

Mrs. D: Book 2, “My Grandpa Is a Werecow” was inspired by my husband, who had a complicated heart surgery a few years ago. He had four bypasses and heart valve replacement. At that time our grandchildren were still young and didn’t understand why they had to be careful when they played with Grandpa. We explained to them that a huge scar on his chest was from repairing his heart when it got sick. And Grandpa always joked with them that because the doctor borrowed the heart valve from a cow, he can moo like a cow now. His story made them laugh and they all mooed together, pretending to be cows. They also asked why he must be a cow now. He told them it only happened when the full moon appeared in the sky. And he told them how they must take care of their hearts so it wouldn’t happen to them. Together they created a great story, and one night when the moon was in its full glory, they waited for hours by the window to see their grandpa flying over the moon. They were very excited, and imagined what Grandpa might look like, telling me all the versions they could come up with. It was really a fun night, and after they finally fell asleep, “without Grandpa turning into a cow, of course,” I immediately put their stories on paper. Since then, whenever they stay with us they want to listen to this story, sometimes a little bit scared but sincerely believing that one day they will see Grandpa flying over the moon as a cow. What could be more adorable than listening to their stories until they fall asleep? They are bigger now, but they still talk about this story every time they see a full moon. The youngest still believe it and wait by the window. But now, the older siblings have stopped feeding the youngest with all kinds of mischievous versions of the story because my book is out and they can see the pictures. So much fun!

Rosie: Last but not least, you have another book you’ve written this past year. It’s a chapter book for older readers, “The Cat That Wanders by Itself.”

What can you tell our readers about this darling book and Nyda’s adventures?

“The Cat That Wanders by Itself.”
The Cat That Wanders by Itself

Mrs. D: I always thought that as long as I have a cat, I have a good, trusted friend. My cat friend was a little quirky and opinionated, but she was always by my side. Nyda and I shared a special bond and love. She entertained me with her behavior, and I put up with her disappearing for weeks at a time. She was an unusual calico cat, an expert on life, with intelligence, dignity, and playfulness in equal proportion. She understood when to be sweet and charming and when to ignore everything, when to be independent and strong and when to cuddle up to me. Amusing, impulsive, and often unpredictable, she lived on the edge, exploring every opportunity and taking risks, believing that there must be more than nine lives. I wrote this story as a tribute to her adventurous life. My hope is that readers will see how unique Nyda was—a loyal and caring companion, a brave explorer and lucky survivor, a free spirit that wandered many places but was always in my heart.

        As you already noticed, I love to write children’s stories, but I also love to write in different styles.

The Cat That Wandered by Itself” isa beautifully illustrated, black-and-white style, size 6×9, about 325 pages, for readers age 10 and up. It is a heartwarming story told from the perspective of an unusual calico kitten named Nyda that went on a dangerous journey, practically using all her nine lives, if the old saying is true, but always managing to return safely to the people she loved. This book is for older independent readers and is out on Amazon in e-book, paperback, and hardcover versions.

Also, I hope to finish my new novel “The Chinese Princess,” publish three books from “The Kitten’s Stories” series (“The Kitten in the Window,” “The Day Before Thanksgiving,” and “The Forgotten Christmas Tree”), and illustrate a few books from “The Lost Baby Tooth” series. Saima is doing a wonderful job with these books. They are so colorful and festive! Real treats for any age!

Rosie: Thank you for sharing more about your stories. Please share a link where we can find your books.

Mrs. D: My books are not simple; they are intended to make the young reader stop and think about the message that the story is delivering. I am a strong believer in good-quality illustrations, calming, but fun; nothing drastic or overpowering. They are colorful and represent the story before a child starts reading it. They are also creative and perfect for a child’s growing mind. I do not choose the story; the story chooses me. Mostly, I write for children ages 4 to 10, but I have books for older readers, like “The Little Girl Praying on the Hill,” “Taste of Bread,” and my new book “The Cat That Wanders by Itself.”

Stories are everywhere. I write what I know, not what sells. This may sound like a bad business decision, but this is the only time I do not treat writing like a business.

Fortunately for children and also for me, I have many books to share. Here are a few:

Carlo the Mouse—A full series of six books. This series of enchanting books is an entertaining look into the life of a little mouse born inside a hospital’s walls. His insatiable desire for adventure gets him in constant trouble with the exterminator, the head cook, Fidel the cat, and the hospital manager, who becomes his worst nightmare.

Who Is Most Important in the Fridge? Series of three books. These fun rhyming stories introduce young readers to delightful food characters with goofy personalities, real feelings, passions and fears, who always disagree with each other about who will feed a hungry little girl first.

The Mysterious Life Inside a Closet. A humorous story about the mysterious life inside the closet and a curious little kitten, which sneaks inside the closet and causes mayhem.

The Royal Palm. A teaching story about a snobby silver palm, which learns a valuable lesson and the meaning of real friendship.

Runaway Clothes. An instructional story about a little girl who didn’t like to take care of her clothes and toys. In the end, she learns how easy it is to lose something you love.

That Is How Things Are. A beautiful story about friendship between a kitten and a sparrow, and how the little kitten learns about the power of nature.

Good Morning, World! A happy and uplifting story about Baby Thomas and his grandpa. Baby Thomas wants to hug and embrace a beautiful world full of amazing things, but Grandpa takes the world very seriously. They see the same picture, but each takes a different approach.

City Kittens and the Old House Cat. A beautifully illustrated, heartwarming Christmas book about sharing and giving.

The Trees Have Hearts

Runaway Clothes: Coloring and Activity Book for Kids

The Royal Palm: Coloring and Activity Book for Kids

The Little Girl Praying on the Hill (short story)

A Taste of Bread (novella)

Somewhere Between Two Worlds (novel)

Who Let the Cookies Out?

Who Let the Cookies Out?: Coloring and Activity Book for Kids

Baby from the Moon

What Is GOOD and What Is BAD

What Is GOOD and What Is BAD: Coloring and Activity Book for Kids

Who Is Most Important in the Fridge: Coloring Book for Kids

Carlo the Mouse: Coloring Books 1 and 2

The Cat That Wanders by Itself (novel)

Where Did Grandpa Go?  

My Grandpa Is a Werecow

To order paperback copies of my published books, please visit



E-book versions are also available through Amazon

I long for people to see the internal beauty through the eyes of a child. Usually I turn for help to nature when I write. It never refuses to give me the inspiration for the characters I am looking for in my stories. I am fascinated by the wonders of nature, especially with the wind, trees, palms, and all kinds of animals. They are wonderful characters for children. With the help of these characters, children will learn about how things change and behave in nature, and sometimes how they misbehave. Thank you so much for having me on your blog.

Exciting News At Books By Rose

Don’t forget to come to my “Books by Rose” Facebook page on Wednesday, April 06, 2022. (9 am CST) I have some exciting news and plans for you all. I’m very excited!

Exciting News!
Exciting News!

As always,

Happy Reading!


Three Of My Favorite Things For Valentine’s Day!

💝 Happy February everyone! 💝

Join me and my author friends as we share some fun posts for this month. Check theirs out at the end.

Today, I’m going to share three of my favorite things for Valentine’s Day. One of my favorite holidays.




First Up, This Fun Card To Make

Growing up, our mom was always making crafts and Valentine’s Day was one of her favorites. Mine, too! If you follow me, you know I’m all about the hearts, year round. 💝

I also love trees! So, why not combine the two? You can add special sayings like:

“My Love Keeps Growing and Growing For You”

“Spread Your Love Like Leaves On A Tree”

Or, just write a personal message with your name on it.

Use any kind of paper or cardstock. Use, crayons, colored pencils, paints or your favorite art mediums. Follow these directions to make your special card.

Card to make for Valentine’s Day

Next Up…


The Best Peanut Butter and Chocolate Fudge Ever!

You’ll need…

3 cups chocolate chips. Use any chocolates you like. I prefer the milk chocolate.

1 can fat free sweetened condensed milk. (You can’t tell the difference since this fudge is loaded with sweetness.)

24 regular size unwrapped peanut butter cups


  • Line 9×13 baking dish with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray lightly. Line with 12 peanut butter cups If you need to fill the bottom of your pan, add more.
  • Use a large microwave-safe bowl, add chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk. Stir together.  Microwave 30 second. Stir. Keep melting until completely smooth. Pour over peanut butter cups to cover them all.
  • Cut up the remaining Reese’s and press into the top. Let it set to cool to room temperature {30 minutes to 1 hour} before refrigerating. Cover and refrigerate until completely solid. Overnight works great. Once it’s solid, remove from the pan using the foil and cut into small 1 inch by 1 inch squares.
  • These are very rich and soooo good!

Last, But, Not Least…..


Give the gift of reading!

Click on the poster below to read about these eleven titles. If you have any questions about them for your readers, let me know.

Don’t forget to click on the author names below for more February fun! Don’t forget to check out their books, too.

Thanks for stopping by, and as always,

Happy Reading!


Sandra Bennett – “Every Summer Has a Story”

Cat Michaels – Weather Outside is Frightful, But Our Southern Snow Daze is Delightful, Y’all.

James Milson – Small Little Unexpected Acts of Kindness (And a Teabag Squeezer Thingy)

Julie Gorges – 6 New Baby Boomer Home Design Trends to Beautify Your Home

Snowy Day Book, Just In Time For The Holidays!

On October 21, 2019, I released a very special book close to my heart. The last of the “Maggie, Millie and Merrie” series. This book has brought much joy to many who have read it.

What’s “Maggie, Millie and Merrie’s Mystery Mail” about?

Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Mystery Mail
Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail

“The triplets are back, and my, have they grown. The Midwest winter strikes them with a vengeance of snow. Stuck in the house with too many snow days, they turn grumpy with nothing to do. That is, until a mysterious package is delivered. Will the trio be pulled from their boredom as mail arrives each day?”

There’s a super fun art activity in the back of this book with endless ideas on what to make. I even have provided a sheet below for you to gather your supplies to get started.

Don’t forget to check out the yummy recipe in the back of the book for you to serve over the holidays or anytime.

Click on the image below to order your paperback or ebook.

Supplies and treats!
Supplies you’ll need for this art activity. Yummy Treat Recipe!

If you are looking for other books to give to your readers this holiday season, you’ve come to the right place. We have Early Readers all the way up to Middle Grade!

Click on the image below to get your copies today!

Books from Books by Rose
Books from Books by Rose

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful holiday season, everyone!

Let us know what you all have planned for the holidays.

If you have any new up and coming projects, we’d love to hear about those, too!

As always,

Happy Reading!


Jumping into Fall 2021 with Big News at Books by Rose

Happy Fall and October everyone!

We have big news at, Books by Rose

I’ve just released my eleventh book! “Stella and the Four Seasons.” Woo hoo!

I hope you’ll enjoy celebrating this time with me and we’ll talk more about the “behind the scenes” of this book, too.

Oh, and don’t forget to check out my author friends posts about fall at the end of this post. You’ll enjoy reading what they have in store for this season.

Celebration poster
Celebrating my 11th book!

The Contest I Had For My Title Reveal.

Thanks to all my fans for showing up on my Facebook page to guess the letters and words for my title reveal. Here it is!

Fans had a fun time guessing each day. I wasn’t sure how long it would take, so authors, if you decide to do this, take it one day at a time. One wonderful thing about this? Everyone will remember the title of your book. I love that part.

Title Reveal Poster
Title Reveal

Now For The Cover….

“Stella and the Four Seasons” is an Early Reader written in the form of acrostic poems, (we will get to more on that in a moment) for ages Preschool through 1st grade. Younger children will enjoy the bright, colorful images on the pages, too.

Cover of Stella and the Four Seasons
Stella and the Four Seasons

This 9×6, 32 page book is perfect for young readers to enjoy the four seasons. Stella tells what she loves the most about each one. Here’s something else that she offers! A search and find! How fun is that?

Acrostic Poems

As I stated earlier, each page on the left hand side will show an acrostic poem. On the right page, readers will search for the items or phrases listed.

What is an acrostic poem? Here’s how I explained it to readers on the first few pages.

Explanation of acrostic poems
What are acrostic poems?

Here’s an example of the first two pages.

Sample page of acrostic poems
The first two pages of “Stella and the Four Seasons

Why Was This Book Hard To Write?

This book has been something I’ve wanted to write for a long time. When I went to create these, acrostic poems, I had to find words that began with each letter. That was not always easy. We’ll, most words were easy for an adult, but not so much for a young reader to understand. So, this book turned into a learning book, as well.

Readers Will Learn About The Names Of New…

Apples, Pies and Trees
Apples, Pies and Trees

...and so much more!

In The Back Of The Book

If you and your family love to explore nature together, you will love the added activity in the back of the book.

Fun Facts and Activities
Fun Facts and Activities

Where To Find This Book?

Right now, it’s listed for paperback and kindle on Amazon. It will take awhile for expanding distribution channels to pick it up and I’m hoping for that to happen very soon. Keep watching.

Amazon’s listings here:



The paperback book is at a reduced price for $8.99 for a limited time only. The Kindle is only $2.99. We hope you pick up a copy for your young readers.

If you read this book, please let me know what you think. We’d love to hear from you and your reviews means the world to us. ❤️

Thanks for stopping by today, and as always,

Happy Reading!


Now, check out these awesome blog posts!

Julie GorgesA Fall Self-Care Bucket List to Make the Most Out of Autumn

Cat MichaelsWhat’s Not to Love? – Six Things to Make You Fall for Fall

James Milson – Happy Autumn, Pumpkin Spice, and Everything Nice about Fall!

Sandra Bennett – Spring Into The Season

Rebecca Lyndsey – Fall Favorites

Julie Schooler – 3 Harmful Habits to Cast Aside in the New Season

Auden JohnsonWhat’s on Your Fall Bucket List?

“The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE” by, Toby A. Williams

Welcome everyone!

Today we have a special guest here at Books by Rose.

Meet Toby A. Williams. She’s the author of the Brooke Lynn Series.

Let’s get started so you can learn more about her wonderful stories.

Author Toby A Williams
Toby A. Williams

Hi Toby, tell us about yourself.

I was born and raised in Nashua, New Hampshire, I currently reside in the San Diego area of Southern California with my best friend, who also happens to be my husband of many years. We enjoy travel, golf, helping in the community and of course, reading and writing. My appetite for writing was nurtured by my silly and vivid imagination as a child, along with my mother’s quirky fun storytelling. Most of my writings over the years have been for my personal enjoyment. My favorite place to write… at the dining room table, mostly on my laptop.

What inspired you to become an author?

It wasn’t until I wrote My Lil’ Ladybug Friend that I truly felt re-energized to write again. It was created as a gift for my great-niece, Ava. With a bit (okay – a lot) of prodding by my dear friend, Sue Campion, in December 2018, it was published as my first rhyming picture book. The inspiration for The BROOKE LYNN Adventures series was based on Ava’s first experiences, i.e., seeing-touching-smelling the ocean, first day of school jitters, wanting a new pup and meeting scary Santa. All were new “Ava” adventures as told through the eyes of Brooke Lynn. The series highlights kindness, sharing, perseverance, being brave, responsible, and staying positive. With several book awards, along with local author spotlight recognition in the San Diego Central Public Library, I am grateful my books are helping early readers thrive.

Recently, you published a middle grade book called, “The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE,” (The BROOKE LYNN Mysteries Book 1.)

Tell us more about this book and what’s to come?

Paperback and Kindle images
Click on this image to read more about, “The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE.”

Oh, what a blind hurdle… jumping from rhyming picture books to middle-grade fiction. But when a few friends and fans asked if there would be additional stories about the main character, Brooke Lynn (we all wanted more), I made the leap. I envisioned this fun-loving child blossoming into a spunky, curious pre-teen. Drawing from the previous books, her pup, Samantha Sue (aka Sam) and best friend, Mike accompany her on the middle grade adventures.

About the Book: The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE (The BROOKE LYNN Mysteries – Book 1)

Middle-grader Brooke Lynn is curious – a new housing development is being built in her sleepy town. Rumors spread about the new homeowners and sightings of celebrities. When the crime-busting duo, Brooke Lynn and Mike, stumble upon a red-stained shoe hidden in one of the vacant homes, a new mystery unfolds. Is the stain blood and more importantly, why is it there? But it’s not just the new homes making Brooke Lynn curious. Her best pals, Mike and Susie seem different and her parents are getting strict! Will she be able to get to the bottom of not only the hidden shoe, but also the changes in her life? This cozy, exciting mystery full of pre-teen angst will have you guessing until the end.

Credits: Cover Design – Corrina Holyoake (@corrinaholyoake); Editor – Lor Bingham, Calico Editing Service (@laurabingham)

Available in eBook, paperback & hardcover on Amazon.

You used the amazing illustrator, Corrina Holyoake with all your books.  Tell us more about how you two met and how you managed your partnership in this publishing journey?

What a delight to work with Corrina Holyoake these past few years! We were introduced by my mentor and dear friend, Sue Campion. After researching several other illustrators, Corrina’s conceptual ideas were in sync with my vision and an agreement was reached with the first book, My Lil’ Ladybug Friend. Once the 2nd rhyming story was written, we agreed to extend our relationship for the entire series. She was thrilled to jump back in with the new MG series. Her cover concept for The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE was spot-on!

What was the process in finding an editor for your story?

I worked with a new editor, Lor Bingham of Calico Editing Services (@laurabingham)

Without her help, knowledge, polish and inspiration, this book would not have been possible. She has an uncanny way of knowing exactly where and when to assist during the entire process. Her warm yet professional style is what truly got me through this project and I am grateful to have her on my writing team.

What is one message you would like to send out to your readers?

Each story I have created carries a positive and kind resolve after experiencing new or uncomfortable situations; and if the reader stays immersed in the storyline itching to turn the page, then I’m a happy writer. #childliteracy #sharingkindness #gratefulheart

Toby, your new book is so great! I placed an order and have loved every bit of your story.

Cover of "The Case of the Hidden Shoe."

Here is my 5 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review:

“I was so excited when, “The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE (The BROOKE LYNN Mysteries Book 1)” by Toby A. Williams’s book arrived in our mail.
Middle grade readers will enjoy this book. It has so many levels of great events to follow. Williams has painted a wonderful imagery with the characters and their feelings, along with the descriptive settings in this mystery tale.
Brooke Lynn and her longtime friend, Mike, have been the detective duo in their neighborhood for years. Now, things are changing a bit as they grow older. When a new housing development is being built in their area, they are curious as they hear rumors of celebrities moving in.
As they investigate, they find a red-stained shoe in one of the buildings, but that’s only half of it. How did it get there? Who does it belong to?
Not only does Brooke Lynn have this mystery to worry about, she has to deal with Mike, who seems different nowadays, her best friend, Susie, who is changing, too. Her parents have become stricter by the day, not to mention how hard it is for her to concentrate on her school subjects.
I highly recommend this book as readers will go on adventure, turning the pages to the end to see how this mystery is resolved.”

To find more about this book and Toby’s other books, visit the following places:

Contact Info:

Author Website

Amazon Page



For additional photos, videos, book trailer and new release updates, please visit Toby’s website.

Thanks for stopping by today, everyone!

I have some exciting news to reveal in this month of September. Keep watching.

Happy Reading,


April 2021 is Blooming Strong at Books by Rose!

Happy April 2021, everyone!

Happy Spring 2021
Happy Spring!

The first part of this blog is written in the form of an acrostic poem for April.

I have so much other fun news to share with you, too!

First off, let’s talk about what acrostic poems are. An acrostic poem is when a word is spelled vertically, with the first letter capitalized. Short sentences or a single word represent the word to some extent. It does not have to rhyme. I’ll tell you more about why I’m using this idea at the end. For example, let’s take the word April.

A ir that is fresh!

P astel colors!

R ainy days.

I irises

L awns full of green grass.

When you are finished reading this blog post, try this poem idea in the comment section below. Pick a spring word, or any word for that matter, and have fun making your own acrostic poem. I’m excited to see what you come up with.

Why Did I Choose This Subject?

I’ve been so excited to tell you about my next book! It will be an early reader and a simple search and find, written in an acrostic poems. I just finished illustrating page 23. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you in the months to come. For now, here’s an example of page 4 in my new book.

Coming soon!

Interviews Galore!

I had the honor to do an interview with an author from my hometown. Kathy J. Perry. She has written many wonderful books for readers. To learn more about, Kathy, take a look at this interesting visit she had with Jennifer Milius.

Click on the image below to listen.

Interview with Jennifer Milius
Kathy J. Perry on the TufFish SHow

Jennifer Milius has a great podcast show and interviews many fabulous authors. I hope you sign up to her page so you can follow them, too. Here’s more about Jennifer ► here.

Jennifer Milius

Now, My Interview With Kathy J. Perry

Kathy J Perry

Click on the image below to hear our interview.

Interview with Kathy J Perry

Other Surprising News About My Books

I made a comment on a blog post I follow by book reviewer and blogger, Gina Rae Mitchell.

Little did I know when I did this, I won a spot on her page to be featured with my books. Thank you again, Gina! Click here to check them out. ► My books.

Not all were listed yet on the Ingram Page she uses, so I’ve added them below for you to see those, too.

“Maggie, Millie and Merrie’s Magical Adventure.”

“Just Between Sam and Me.” Written with Cat Michaels Writer

I hope you will follow, Gina’s page. Her blog is one of my go-to pages to find fun and interesting books, recipes and so much more.

Gina Rae Mitchell

That’s all I have for now. Stay tune as I’m going to feature a very special author in May. Her story and books will will warm your heart and bring you hope. Hmm, I wonder who that could be?

See you back in May!

As always, happy reading!


PS. Don’t forget to leave me an acostic poem in the comment section below.


What Do Easter Baskets and Baby Showers Have In Common?

Happy March, everyone! I hope you all doing well.

It’s hard to believe it’s March already, but we’ll take it. Our weather here in the Midwest was below zero a few weeks ago, but thankfully warming up and showing us a hint of Spring. We know March can be a little bit of everything around here, so we’ll keep ready for whatever is to come.

It’s also hard to believe, Easter is a month away. Easter to me is the birth of a new season. We’ve heard of many families celebrating the birth of new little ones, too.

So, what do Easter Baskets and Baby Showers have in common?


Books by Rose

If you have older readers, you may also be interested in the recent book, Cat Michaels and I wrote called, Just Between Sam and Me. (Ages 8-12.)

“Just Between Sam and Me”

Filling your gift baskets with books is a great surprise for readers.

Where to buy these books? Click on the retail sites at the bottom of this page.

If you live near me, write me a note and I will gladly meet up with you for signed copies.

In Other News..

Next Up
Next Up

I have been busy working on yet another picture book these past few months. I can’t wait for you to see my Early Reader which is a simple search and find. It’s also packed with lots of learning, fun facts, and activities. I’m going to start illustrating on page 19 next week, so I’m getting closer.

Once I get this next book finished, the hardest part will be the editing and critiquing. In order to do that, I will be searching for Beta Readers. Cat Michaels and I found them invaluable when writing our last book.

What is a Beta Reader? Visit Cat Michaels Writer page here to find out.

Beta Reader

A Yummy Treat For You!

Now for a yummy treat to leave you with.

I shared this recipe a few years ago and they were a big hit. I hope you make these wonderful, easy cookies. Perfect for St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and parties.

Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies

Mint Chocolate Cookies
Mint Chocolate Cookies


1 Devil Food Cake Mix

2/3 Cup Crisco

2 Eggs

Dark Chocolate Mint M&Ms

Cream cake mix with Crisco and eggs. Take dough and roll into 2 inch circle balls. Place on baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about 9 minutes. It’s best to undercook these.

While the cookies are hot, press four or five Mint M&M’s into the warm cookie. Cool and enjoy!

Here’s something fun I found out. You can make ANY kind of cookies with a box of cake mix, eggs, and anywhere from a ½ cup of Crisco to ¾ cups. The trick to remember is to use just enough Crisco to have the batter thick enough to roll into balls.

One Last Thing…

A big thanks to Jen Milius for having me on her TufFish Show! It was so fun visiting with you, Jen!

I hope you will visit her page and listen to some of the other authors she has recently interviewed, too.

Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by today!


📚 Where to find my books. 📚


Barnes and Noble

Rainy Day Books


A look back from a year ago this March. Our world has learned a lot this past year.

Hoping for more positive news to come.

What a Year Can Make, or Not, From Books by Rose

Oh that, 2020! Right?

Last February, a group of author friends and I got together and created some fun posts for last February since it was Leap Year. Little did we know what was ahead of us.

I chose to write about trends for the year 2020. Sounded fun at the time, but then the next month, the whole world shut down.

Here’s the article from that here: ► We’re Leaping and Hopping for Leap Year 2020

Trends in 2020

Let’s break it down.

Fashion and Home Decor Colors

The big color for 2020 was suppose to be classic blue.

Classic Blue
Classic Blue

Friends, how would we know if this color for decor came true? None of us visited anyone’s homes. Even if we did, we had other more important things on our mind, like whether or not the stores would have toilet paper. Hmm, do they still sell blue toilet paper? I remember it coming in different colors. Maybe that’s why we never saw it on the shelves. It all makes sense now. 😂

 Bell Bottoms

Someone mentioned last year that Bell Bottoms were going to make a comeback from the 1970’s

Bell Bottoms

Again, how would we know if that happened?

So many times I read that people were not even getting dressed on any given day. Many start working at home, so PJ’s were the biggest clothing trends. I wonder if the sales went up for that apparel? 💲

Personally, I dressed each day and did my daily ritual. I haven’t been as rushed to do so, since we seldom left the house. I have cut down on doing the whole hair and make-up to the extent I was, unless there was a ZOOM call, of course. 💻


I don’t think I have to tell you about this subject. So many sports were canceled. Little League Baseball continued, which was a saving grace for us. We got to see our family and friends and have face to face conversations with people. What a treat! 💕⚾️ 💕

Friends and Family

Now, if you wanted to attend a big league baseball game, you could pay to have a cardboard cutout of yourself in the stands. We opted out, we were saving our money incase a toilet paper shortage were to happen again. 🧻


Awe, food. Now here’s a big one!

Pop Up Restaurants
Pop Up Restaurants

Pop Up Restaurants were suppose to be all the rage.

Eating out in 2020 didn’t happened for several months. Sadly, some of the small hometown restaurants didn’t make it. The one good thing, is businesses upped their game and created wonderful curbside deliveries. I don’t know about you, but we found some great restaurants and made sure we gave them our support to keep them going strong. 💪

Personal Growth and Self Care

Self Care
Personal Growth and Self Care

Many people were having trouble with this one, including me.

Not going bowling, not getting out going here and there made a big difference on just not moving enough. I’ve heard others say 2020 slowed them down and they were stress eating, or just plain eating more because they were home everyday.

I went through this some, so when I had my numbers checked at the end of the year, everything was “mildly elevated.” I did not like that, so I started moving more. I started watching what grams of fats and sugars I were taking in and it has really made a difference.

Audio Books

Audio Books
Audio Books

Audio books were projected to be on the rise.

With the libraries closed, with curbside services, I really missed going into the libraries browsing the shelves for those. Don’t worry, I kept them busy enough. I even told them they should keep a index card by the phone with the make of my car, because I would be there weekly. So, reading has not changed much at all for me this last year. 📚

Another hint: If you can’t find an Audio Book at your library, don’t forget to check Youtube. I have found some great ones on there. 😊



Here’s another big one that has been going strong and thrived through 2020. I can’t believe all the awesome classes out there I’ve seen this past year.

If you follow my pages, you know art has been a huge outlet for me. When I don’t create something, from being too busy with other things, I truly miss it. It’s been a 100% lifesaver for me. 🎨


Streaming TV shows has been highly popular these past years.

Watching TV has not changed for me. We watch our shows at night, but for me, it’s writing, reading and art during the day. Oh, that and conversing with family, friends and neighbors, which leaves me with…



I have visited with more people this last year than ever. Friends from long ago, neighbors that we barely saw, and family members to check in on. Even though, many of us can’t connect in person, it’s has been great catching up and staying in touch. 💞

Time Capsule

Last year at this time, our grandson and I buried this rock and a Time Capsule in our back yard with this list in it.

List for Time Capsule
Time Capsule

I really wanted you to see a video of us digging this up, but our ground is frozen and the cold snowy days have prevented us from doing this. We hope to soon.

Now For All The Good Things in 2020!

Outside of finally getting to visit and hug our kids and grandkids on Mother’s Day, Cat Michaels and I were busy, busy, finishing up and releasing our Middle Grade book, “Just Between Sam and Me.” It was released on December 02, 2020 and we couldn’t have been more pleased how everything turned out.

We were featured on many blogs, interviews and podcasts. In case you missed it, you can see them here.

“Reading with Your Kids”

Click on the image below to listen:

Reading with Your Kids
Reading With Your Kids Podcast

“The TufFish Show”

Click on the image below to listen;

The TufFish Show
The TufFish Show

“Adventures in Reading”

Here are some great authors featured here, but if you would like to listen to part of our chapter 17, from “Just Between Sam and Me,” I’m reading a few pages of our new book at, (17:32-21:42.)

Click on the image below to listen:

Adventures in Reading
Adventures in Reading

So, how have you all been holding up these past months. What big changes have you encountered? I hope you’ll leave us a note and tell us how you are doing and any new projects you have been working on.

Speaking of projects, I will have a new Picture Book for young readers coming out this year. All I can tell you is, I just finished page 13 out of 32 pages. I’m almost halfway finished and I’m having a blast with this one. 😊

As always, stay safe and stay well and…

Happy Reading! 💖


If you would like to get a copy of our new book, or any copies of my books, click on the icons below.

Barnes and Noble

PS. A fun “Valentine’s/Kindness/Pay it Forward” post is coming soon. Keep Watching! 💖

Valentine’s Day Giveaway Coming Soon!

More Questions about “Just Between Sam and Me”

Everyone likes to know how books get started and where the ideas come from when questioning authors. Many of these questions have been answered from, Cat Michaels and I over the past several months. You can see more of those here. ► The Story Behind “Just Between Sam and Me”

Image Credit: Pixabay

Today, we’re here with an all new set of questions from readers about our book, “Just Between Sam and Me.” I’ll share my first four, then I leave a link for you to visit Cat’s page to read hers.

Okay, here we go!

Many readers have asked us:

Did either of you have a cat as a child and, if so, how did it inspire you to write about Sam?

Yes, I grew up with cats my whole life. We did have a cat named, Sam, but he was black and white like this one. So when, Cat Michaels mentioned our cat having the name, Sam, I was excited.

Image Credit: Pixabay
Robin from MO asked:

What childhood memories would you like to share about your cats?

This is super easy and one I can’t live this story down with my family to this day. When I was very young, I had to make sure the cat we had at the time was fully dressed everyday. Of course I had all the doll clothes, so why not, right?

One day my older brother, John asked me how I thought our cat, Katrina at the time, liked being dressed up.

I said, “Oh she loves it!”

Then he said to me, “It looks like she doesn’t have much a choice in the matter.” 😂

She was so cute running around our house in her little bonnet! To be honest, she didn’t really seem to mind. With that being said, I would not try this at home, not all cats will go along with that. Meow!

Imagine Credit: Pixabay

Others have asked if we are current cat owners?

Cat Michaels will tell you no, but I believe she has a relative and neighbor with a cat.

If you follow my pages, you know we have owned our three kittens the past 15 years. Yes, they will always be kittens in my heart. ❤️️

Sadly, our male cat, Frank passed away two years ago this month. We still have his sisters, Lola and Jeter. They are the sweetest and stay by my side most of the day as I sit here and work.

Frank, Jeter and Lola

Jane, from North Carolina wanted to know:

Is Sam a magical talking cat?

If you have read the story, at one point he does reveal his feelings, but that’s all I can tell you about that part.

Is he magical? No, but we considered it. The reason we decided against it, was then we’d have to add it to a “fantasy genre” and we didn’t want this story to be that. Our book is very true to life with real life situations.

Jill from MA wanted to know:

Did you have a childhood BFF like Isabella?

Very much so. If you have read any of my “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie” stories, I dedicated those books to my sister and our best friend growing up. (Even though the girls in my story are triplets.) Our friend, Cindy and I have known each other since I was in the 4th grade. My sister and I have always felt like she has been a sister to us, as she spent many, many years at our home.

What kind of things did you enjoy doing together?

We did a few of the same things you will read about in the book. Sleepovers and we played the card game, Solitaire a lot. We’d spend countless late nights enjoying that game.

Credit Image: Pixabay

We didn’t have horses, but we pretended we did one winter. We always acted out movies we had seen. I can’t remember the movie, but we’d gallop around in the snow and it very real to us. I sure hope kids use their imaginations these days. We have the best memories of that and so much more.

Imagine Credit: Pixabay

Sue from, Connecticut wanted to know:

What’s your favorite Middle Grade book you read as a child?

To be honest, I was not a big reader of Middle Grade novels at that age. Of course I was always reading school books. I loved magazines and our mother bought many of them. Comics, Teen Magazines with famous stars, fashion and all the top music hits.

Since I can’t share the images of those here, you can see more about them on this link. ► Teen Magazines. (♪ I think many of you will remember these. ♪)

So, that’s all I have for now. Are you ready to hear some more questions Cat and I’ve been asked lately? Tap on the photo below to visit her page.

Cat's Corner
Cat’s Corner

Until next time,

Happy Reading!


✨If you still would like to get a copy of our new book or any of my other titles, visit the following pages. ✨ Don’t forget, “Just Between Sam and Me” is on sale until January 09, 2021 till midnight.

Thanks always!


Barnes and Noble

PS. Don’t forget to check back in the first part of February. ❤️️ I have a few projects in the mix for 2021 and will hopefully by then have a few things to share with you about that.


Travel to the Town in “Just Between Sam and Me”

Are you ready to travel to Spring Hope, MO?

Yes, that’s the fictitious setting in our story, “Just Between Sam and Me.”

My co-writer, Cat Michaels and I have been having more fun thinking of ways for us to introduce the different aspects of our new book for you, the reader.

First, let’s take a visit to, Cat’s page so you can see more on how we came up with the setting for our story.

Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes

Yeah! You’re back!

Tap the picture below as we give you another taste of our story from Chapter 17.

Now for the Reading!

Chapter 17 Winter Break
Chapter 17 Winter Break

More Great News to Share!

Author Mari Barnes has a super fun event for reader in December.

Don’t forget to watch for, Flying Turtle Publishing Presents Adventures in Reading with Bessie Boxturtle as The Pilot. ” Coming December 05, 2020

We’re not done yet!

In case you missed it, click below to download the first chapter to, Just Between Sam and Me.

Chapter 1 “Just Between Sam and Me”

What setting do you wish to visit in a book you’ve read?

Leave a comment in the section below. We’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Happy Reading,



October 2020 Brings Us Closer To Sharing Our Book

Happy October 2020, everyone!

Happy October 2020!
Happy October 2020!

Can you believe two months from today, Cat Michaels Writer and I will be releasing our Middle Grade book for tweens?

Coming December 02, 2020

Now, we feel like we can start revealing more and more about our story. Not too much of course, but enough to let you know what a big part of our tale is about.

National Bullying Prevention Month

Did you know October is National Bullying Prevention Month?

Read more about what this is about here: National Bullying Prevention Month

Sadly, a large part about our story is about our protagonist, 11 year old Olivia, who is bullied by a new girl that moves to town. It doesn’t just stop there. She’s also being socially bullied by two of her friends she’s known since early elementary school.

To give you an idea of how this story came about, Author Tonja Drecker has written this wonderful interview with us to explain more.

Click on the image below to visit, author Tonja Drecker’s page.

If you missed the first chapter of, Just Between Sam and Me, you can down load it here.

Just Between Sam and Me

Chapter 2 is when things really start to happen. Here’s an excerpt from our book when Olivia meets the new girl in town, Candace.

Just Between Sam and Me
Just Between Sam and Me

Cat Michaels Writer also wrote an extensive piece on this, as well.

Click on the image below to see more…

Cat's Corner
Cat’s Corner

If you have any questions for Cat and I, leave us a note and we’d be glad to answer them.

What Plans Do You Have For October?

Image Credit: Pixabay Leaves
Image Credit: Pixabay

Do you have a new project you’re working on? Leave a note in the comment section to tell us all about it.

Stay safe, stay well, and spread kindness wherever you go. ❤️

Happy Reading!


Don’t forget to subscribe to my page for more updates.

Rosie Russell – www.booksbyrose.com

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Co-Writing Roles, Bumps in the Road, and Self-Publishing

By now, you’ve seen our interview with Author, Carol Baldwin in August. We were featured on her page in Part I on how Cat and I met and how we got started as co-authors. In case you missed it, you can read more about it here.

Interview with Carol Baldwin

Click on the image below.

Carol Baldwin, Cat Michaels and Rosie Russell
Carol Baldwin, Cat Michaels and Rosie Russell

Today we’re back to tell you on how we came about deciding many issues on who was going to write what for our story, Just Between Sam and Me.

Who was going to write the opening? The end? How did we develop our characters? How did we solve our issues when we disagreed on a particular scene?

Bumps in the Road

We discussed the hard facts on what bumps in the road we came across. Writing a 30,000 word plus book is not an easy task. For those out there considering this journey, we hope to give you a glimpse of what we faced as we worked together creating our story.

Part II: Writing Roles, Bumps in the Road, and Self-Publishing

Click on the image below.

Image Credit: Pixabay
Image Credit: Pixabay

Great to have you back. Did you see the part about leaving a comment on Carol Baldwin’s page?

If you leave one, you will be entered for a chance to win a ARC print copy of our book. If you are outside the USA, you will receive an digital copy.

Extra Bonus

Thinking about co-authoring? If you stop by Cat’s page, she has something for you to download.

Click on the image below.

Cat's Corner
Cat’s Corner

Good luck!

As always, feel free to write us with any additional questions.

Cat Michaels Writer

Rosie Russell at Books by Rose

Stay tuned for Part III, as we have more to share with you in October, with Carol Baldwin.

Here’s a Sneak Peek…

Unfortunately, our main character in our story, Just Between Sam and Me, is socially bullied.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Image Credit: Pixabay
October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month and we have some helpful suggestions to share with you.

Thanks for stopping by today.

As always, Happy Reading!


“Just Between Sam and Me” Cover Reveal and More…

Cat Michaels and I have been working on our story, Just Between Sam and Me, for the last year and an half and we are getting so close to getting it released!

By now, hopefully, you have visited Cat Michaels from North Carolina to see her page first, to see how this cover came about? Cat had to drive a long way on a hot humid day to meet up with the artist, Irene Jahns, for our cover to be finished.

If you haven’t been over to her page yet, check it out here or click on the image below!

Cat Corner Blog Post.

Cat’s Corner

Welcome Back

Oh good, you’re back in Missouri! The Midwest weather here today is delightful!


I don’t have Country Fried Steak to serve you like Cat suggested. (Hee, hee.)

You’ll have to come back on Monday, October 26, 2020 for that. We’ll have a fun post to share about that delicious meal, a recipe, and a sneak peek of a clip from our book.

However, I do have some yummy Apple Cider from the Martin’s Apple Orchard, though. (Yes, another little tidbit about from our tale.)

Apple Cider and Cookies
Image Credit: Pixabay

Kick back and relax. Enjoy this video of our cover release. Don’t forget to turn up your sound and watch it on the full screen. You will enjoy it much more that way.

Click on the image below.

Cover Reveal for “Just Between Sam and Me”

What did you think?

Did you see our release date, too? Yes! December 02, 2020!

Also, we have a bunch of fun interviews coming up these next few months to reveal more about us and our story. Stay tuned!

Cat Michaels and I are so excited to share our new book with you.

We’d appreciate if you would share our posts to help us get the word out.

Thanks for stopping by, today.

Make sure to click on the names below to read these other GR8Blogs.


Sandra Bennett Children’s Author How To Do A Cover with Impact

Julie Gorges 7 Bizarre Lessons from The Brady Bunch

Auden Johnson Design Idea: Make A Unique Animated Book Cover

Julie Schooler Finding Time to Write – Podcast with Authors Who Lead

Happy Reading!


Five Fun Facts and Quiz about Books for Book Lovers Day 2020

If you are reading this blog, then it’s a fair guess you love to read and love books.

Happy Book Lovers Day 2020
Image: Pixabay
Image: Pixabay

In this featured post, we are here to celebrate “Book Lovers Day” on August 09, 2020. Let’s have fun with some quiz questions. Yes, you can use the internet, if you wish.  I will reveal the answers on Monday morning, August 10, 2020, on my Facebook and Twitter pages. But wait, there’s more!

Fun facts poster
Image Credit: Pixabay

Answer one, or any of these questions, in the comment section for a random chance to win a free copy of any of my books at “Books by Rose.”

(USA only. Sorry, the shipping is too high to mail out of the United States.)

Books by Rose 2020
Books by Rose 2020

I had fun learning these facts and I hope you will, too.

Let’s get started!

1) What is Bibliosmia?

(Scroll down for options.)

Image Credit: Pixabay

A) A person that loves to read.

B) A person that loves the smell of books.

C) A person that is fascinated by the cover of a book.

We’ve all heard of the beloved stories of Winnie the Pooh written by author, A. A. Milne.

2)   What is the name of the illustrator that drew the images for his first books?  

(Scroll down for options.)

Name that Illustrator
Name that Illustrator

A)  E. H. Shepard

B) John Tenniel

C) Beatrix Potter

3) Why did Charles Dickens have a novelty bookcase filled with fake Books?

(Scroll down for options.)

Image Credit: Pixabay

A)    He liked the look of a filled book case.

B)    They were given to him as gifts.

C)    The book case was not a bookcase and functioned as a secret door. 

Speaking of Charles Dickens’s fake books, those books also had humorous titles.

Lol, Acronym, Laugh Out Loud, Laughing, Funny
Image Credit: Pixabay

4) Which one of these three titles was one of them?

(I’m making this one super easy. See how tricky I got here?)

A)   The Art of Cutting Teeth 

B) Tale of Three Cities

C) Oliver Twist Goes West

Okay last one…

5) People that engage in reading throughout their lives, have a better chance of preventing Alzheimer’s and Dementia later in their life.  

(Scroll down for options.)

Book with glasses
Image Credit: Pixabay
  1. True
  2. False

I hope you enjoyed these little tidbits about reading and books.

Do you have any fun facts to share? We loved for you to throw some our way in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by today and good luck winning a book!

Happy Book Lovers Day. We have some other GR8Bloggers that are jumping on board to celebrate this day. Don’t forget to check out their blogs at the bottom of this page, too.

Happy Reading!


PS. Don’t forget to subscribe to my page for more updates.
Cat Michaels Writer and I have lots of big news to share about our Middle Grade novel in the coming months!
Coming soon...
Coming soon…

We can’t wait to share it with you all!


Carmela Dutra Book Lovers Day: A Day for Bookworms

Sandra Bennett Characters in a Book are like Friends

Julie Schooler – 3 Paradoxical Takeaways from Brené Brown’s Books

Cat Michaels – Lift Your Bibliophile Heart During Covid with a Rap, Really Awful Poem to Celebrate Book Lover’s Day

Auden Johnson – Best Horror Tropes in Books and Movies (Infographic)

Rebecca Lyndsey – Celebrating Shark Week with Books and So Much More!

Julie Gorges – 8 Life Lessons Learned From the Coronavirus

Give the Gift of Reading for Valentine’s Day 2020

Valentine’s Day 2020 is coming! If you have young readers, here’s a list of my books for a special treat for Valentine’s Day. There are many to choose from for all ages.

Click on the titles to find out more. These title links will take you to Amazon. If you would like to purchase them at Barnes and Noble, or Rainy Day Books, they are available there, as well. If you live in the U.S.A and would like a signed copy, write me a note at: booksbyrose4u@gmail.com


First up,

“Avi and Jackson Best Friends”

Avi and Jackson Best Friends
Avi and Jackson Best Friends

This is my first book, which is near and dear to my heart. It’s based on our sons growing up. They are best friends to this day.

Join Avi and Jackson to see all the fun things they like to do.
Can you find the special item that is their favorite thing to play with?

Available in paperback and kindle.

“Beasley’s Journey.”

If you haven’t met Beasley yet, you’re in for a real treat.

Everybody loves Beasley!

"Beasley's Journey."
“Beasley’s Journey”

Beasley goes on an unexpected journey. He meets many friends along the way. Will he make it to his destination? Come along to find out!! ( A portion of the profits sold goes to animals in need.)

This early reader is available in paperback and kindle.

“Beasley and Friends to the Rescue”

Readers will laugh as Lola Duck has big news she wants to share with Beasley. What will they find in Farmer Bill’s barn?

"Beasley and Friends to the Rescue"

Beasley loves living in the country! He spends his days chasing butterflies, digging for treasures, and playing hide and seek with his bunny friend. Just as he settles in for his afternoon nap, his friend Lola Duck comes squawking from down the road. She says there’s a terrible racket going on over at Farmer Bill’s Barn. Beasley and Lola Duck gather their friends and off they go to solve the problem. What will Beasley, Lola Duck and their friends find when they get there? Come along and follow their adventurous day. This tale will leave readers with laughs, giggles, and will warm the hearts of young and old. (A portion of the profits book sold will go to animals in need.)

“A Search and Find of Every Kind with Jake and his dog named Cain”

"A Search and Find of Every Kind with Jake and his dog named Cain"
“A Search and Find of Every Kind with Jake and his dog named Cain”

Enjoy looking for over a hundred items in this search and find about Jake and his dog named Cain. Picture finds for those not yet reading, word finds for those that are. Continue the fun at home with extra search and find ideas that are included at the end of this book. (A portion of the profits sold will be donated to animals in need.)

This book is available in paperback and kindle.

“Sherman the Shopping Cart: A Search and Find”

"Sherman the Shopping Cart: A Search and Find"
“Sherman the Shopping Cart: A Search and Find”

Meet Sherman the Shopping Cart! Join him as he guides you on this journey of his life as a shopping cart. Have fun searching for over a hundred items. He has picture finds for non-readers and word finds for readers. Enjoy the fun activities in the back of this book. ( A portion of the profits book sold will go to children in need of art supplies.)

“What an absolutely delightful book. Loved the illustrations, the clever and imaginative idea of the life of a shopping cart, the humor, and all the learning activities that don’t feel like learning at all.” Author of “Just Call Me Goody-Two-Shoes” – Julie Gorges, Blogger, and Freelance Writer.

This book is available in paperback and kindle.

“Maggie, Millie and Merrie’s Magical Adventure”

"Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Magical Adventure"
“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie;s Magical Adventure”

These next three books you’ll see is a series about the triplets. They are for readers that are a little more advance but still enjoy pictures books. (Grades level 3rd-5th grade, depending on their reading level.) Available in paperback and kindle.

The triplets are more than excited to move in the very same home that their mother had grown up in, on Whimsical Avenue. Come along and join Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s, Magical Adventure! Enjoy the fun art project included at the end of the book. (A portion of the profits sold will be donated to students in need of art supplies.)

“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Coins”

"Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Magical Coins"
“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Coins”

This is book two from “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Adventure.” The triplets enjoy a fun visit with Grandmother when she returns from Florida. As they are helping her go through the attic, they find a wooden box. Inside, there are three bright shiny coins. Grandmother tells them they are magical. What do the magical coins hold? Readers will enjoy many fun activities as this story unfolds. (A portion of the profits sold will go to children in need of art supplies.)

“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail”

"Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Mystery Mail"
Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail

The triplets are back, and my, have they grown.The Midwest winter strikes them with a vengeance of snow. Stuck in the house with too many snow days, they turn grumpy with nothing to do. That is, until a mysterious package is delivered. Will the trio be pulled from their boredom as mail arrives each day? (A portion of the profits sold will be donated to students in need of art supplies.)

“A beautifully-illustrated snowy day tale, with added instructions for kids to make a craft and recipe from the story. Fun boredom-busting entertainment.” – Melinda Kinsman, Children’s Book Author and Illustrator

This new release is available in paperback and kindle.

“Moonshadow Mae”

"Moonshadow Mae"
“Moonshadow Mae”

Mae is a happy girl and loves many things.

One thing she adores the most is the moon.

She is in awe of the glowing shine and the shadows left behind.

Come along and enjoy this rhyming tale as Mae explores the wonders of the atmosphere above.

Enclosed are fun facts, special craft, and a yummy recipe in the back of this book.

This book is available in hardcover and paperback.

That’s it for now. Look for more books to come.

Author Cat Michaels and I are working hard to finish up an exciting chapter book for Middle Grade readers. Keep watching!

Happy reading everyone and I’ll see you back at the end of the month. My GR8Blog friends and I have some fun posts to share with you.


I Like the Sound of 2020!

"Happy New Years 2020 poster from Pixabay.

It’s hard to believe its 2020, right? I like the sound and looks of it.

I’ve seen fun posts already relating to the title of this year.

“Welcome to the Roaring 20’s.”

“I’ve Got 20/20 Vision for the New Year.”

We’ll just have to remember to write down 2020. That will be the tricky part for a while.

Now, for a short post on what changes I’d like to see for myself for the upcoming year.

Before I move forward…

I wanted to give a big shout out to those that purchased my children’s books for their young readers over the holidays. Please let me know your thoughts. If you could kindly leave a review on Amazon, it would be greatly appreciated.

"Thank You" poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

What’s Really Important?

Well, my last day of the year in 2019, ended me in the hospital with a surprise surgery. I didn’t need my appendix anyway, right?  I was back home on New Year’s Eve, but needless to say, it was an uneventful celebration. That’s okay, we never go out on that night and rarely make it to midnight, so no loss there.

"Important" poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

My whole experience last week, put things in a different perspective and reminded me how much I’ve taken my days of “feeling well” for granted. We get busy, going through life, working at things that we think are just so important to get this done and that done. When I felt well enough to get back to my, somewhat normal routine, I found the things I was so fixated on before, didn’t bring me the same significance of importance. Have you ever had that feeling?

Family, friends, and doing the things you love and enjoy is really all that matters in the end. Sure, I work hard on my job every day, which I love! However, I will be looking at it in a whole new way, picking out what’s the most important thing to focus on and spend my time doing that. Again, that talk to self is, not everything has to be done in one day. More on that in a minute.

What’s to Come for 2020?

"What's Next" poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

I’m not a fan of making resolutions, but a fan of thinking of things I would like to see happen more for myself and improving situations around me.

I do have a lot of things I’m looking forward to in 2020.

As I’ve said in many of my other posts, I’m Co-Writing a MG book with Cat Michaels. We are halfway there. Even though we still see lots of changes in the story from our first ideas, I feel like we are making it better than originally planned.  Cat is awesome to work with and we are having a great time.

Also, as you know, I have a Picture Book that I would like to finish after our MG book. I’m looking at the end of 2020 for that to be done. This book is written so all I have to do is the fun part. Illustrating it. Again, I want to accomplish this with joy and not rush it. It’s a darling story.

Personal Projects

Art poster for "Personal Projects."

Since I’ve always loved crafts, I plan to emerge myself more in making crafty items, for personal use, and for family and friends.  What better way for me to get away from the computer and take a break, right? I hope you will try this as well.  It’s refreshing and clears your mind better more than anything I have found so far. Not a crafty person? How about photography? Pick up an music instrument and play a song? Plant a flower garden? Refinish a piece of furniture? There are unlimited ideas out there. Pinterest and YouTube are great places to start.

I believe, giving yourself permission to do something you enjoy makes your mind more clear and more focused.


Other Personal Project. Walking!

Walking on Treadmill poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

My husband gets on me all the time because I’ve slowed down with my walking habits. Again, it’s that thing about sitting at the computer thinking I have to get everything done in one day. I’ve clearly realized, that breaking tasks up into different parts of the day will be much healthier for me. This is especially hard for me when I’m illustrating a book. I literally can sit here all day, enthralled in all the tiny details. I love it so much, I never want to stop.

So, I hope to get back to our treadmill, even if it’s for short breaks every day. I’d rather walk outside, but I will have to wait for warmer days to come for that.  

Do you have any special visions or plans for this New Year?

Vision Poster from Pixabay
Image Credit: Pixabay

What goals do you have set for yourself? Write a note in the comment section, I’d love to hear from you.

Have a safe and happy 2020 with many blessings and good health.

Thanks for stopping by.

As always…Happy Reading!


Click here to check out my Picture Books for your young readers. There’s a little something here for everyone. Enjoy!

Books by Rose
Books by Rose

I’m a proud member of GR8Blogs. Watch for posts on Facebook and Twitter this next week as I share what my author friends from this group have been up to. See you then…


My Ups and Downs and In-Betweens on the 2019 Writing Road

If you are a writer, what big project have you been working in 2019? Have you faced any challenges? What obstacles have you had to jump? Has your writing road in 2019 been a smooth one?

I’ve had an exciting year and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

This past year, I worked on writing and illustrating my latest book, “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail.” It was a fun book to make and I hope readers are enjoying the art project in this story.

In October, I released my ninth book! I had a book launch in November, giving away lots of fun prizes.

“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail”

If you are thinking of gifting this book, you can read the Kindle Version for the low price of $1.99. (Limited Time Only.)

***The art project will keep your reader busy for hours and hours on those snowy days, or anytime.***

Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Mystery Mail
Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail

Setting Up and Co-Writing with Cat Michaels – Writer

The first few months of this year were spent setting up and writing a story with Cat Michaels for a MG chapter book released next year.

Of course, we wanted to get right to the story, but, we had to decide on some business issues first. We plugged right in, getting started and paved the way to how this was going to work out.

Writing with a Co-Writer

Here are just a few things we had to consider. We had to decide on the technical issues. How were we going to write a book together living so far away from each other? What responsibilities did each one carry? How often would we touch base to discuss updates?  

Technical Issues Credit: Pixabay
Technical Issues

(Cat and I will hopefully explain this better for you down the road. For now, here are a few critical things we had to discuss before starting.)

  1. Objective
  2. Target Audience
  3. Desired Results
  4. Roles (How to divide the work.)
  5. Budget
  6. Royalties (How will they be managed and split?)

And so much more.

Building Timelines and Character Boards

Timeline and Character Boads
Timeline and Character Boards

For the writing part, we built a timeline and character boards. These were not made all in one day. After our characters evolved over time and more ideas kept popping up, we changed things many times. It was interesting when a situation took a whole new route and one we weren’t expecting. Writing is funny that way.


Many times in our story, we run across things that need to be researched. This takes time away from our writing, but it’s been worth its weight in gold.


Credit: Pixabay
Horses – Image Credit: Pixabay

There has been so much that we didn’t know about horses. Luckily, we have found some great people and resources on where to get our answers. Thanks to all that contributed to this. Cat even took this research to the next level on her travels.

Check out one of her trips here.


Country Fried Steak
Country Fried Steak

Another research item you may all remember, was a dinner meal the characters eat in the story. Our story is set in the Midwest and this well-known food is popular in this area. It’s Country Fried Steak. Or, is it Chicken Fried Steak? Since Cat was not familiar with this food, we thought we’d run a survey to our followers.  Country Fried Steak won! That post made us all hungry.

Psssst. There will be a recipe at the back of this book for you all to try out. Yum!

Life Happens

Cat and I both have many things we do in our personal lives. She went on a few trips. I had a few times where family situations came up and had to put writing on the back burner. Knowing these busy times were going to happen, I planned accordingly and wrote as much as I could. I was lucky for the most part. When I’d sit down to write a chapter or two, the ideas flowed like magic most days. A few times though, I’d find myself stuck and have to take a break.

***Taking breaks is highly recommended, by the way.***

Now to the Story

The story we started is very different than the one we originally wrote.

Here’s the image that started it all back in a story prompt Cat posted on February 27, 2015. Wow, that was almost 5 years ago!

Cat's post from 2015
Cat’s Post from 2015

Our older version did involve a horse, but the situation was much different. Also, a mysterious older lady befriended our main character. I won’t tell you too much, because someday, I think the story can actually work in another genre. After looking it over and discussing it, the topic in the main plot was not one a MG reader would enjoy or find interesting. That would not work, right? We have to entertain the reader.

We did keep the setting, the family, and the horse. That was about it.

A best friend was developed for our main character. (I happen to love this character and I can’t wait for you all to meet her.)

Another character we added, is a “mean girl.” It’s probably been the hardest part of the story for me to write.

How We Pulled this All Together

We decided, I would write the chapters and Cat would go in and do her magic. If you have not seen Cat’s work yet, you will see what I mean. She can take a boring ole’ sentence and make it fly off the page.

Cat has a wonderful critique group in her hometown to look it over and add their awesome advice. So far, this system has worked well for us. (Thank you N.C. Critique Group!)

My Dream for December and the New Year

Finishing our story and getting it out into the world to all of you! We still have a long way to go, but I feel we are on track to where we want to be.

I’m also going to work on gathering image ideas for a new Picture Book for Early Readers. That will hopefully come out late next year.

Share your Dreams for December and this Next Year?

Are you a writer in the middle of a story that you can’t wait to finish?

What big projects are you excited about?

Please share in the comment section. Oh, and before you go, find more smiles and inspirational recollections at these #Gr8blogs below.


Happy Reading!


Cat Michaels
My Ups, Downs and In Betweens on the 2019 Writing Road

Rebecca Lyndsey

Holiday Traditions that Ring in the Season

Julie Gorges

Baby Boomer Writer’s Ups, Downs & In-Betweens in 2019

James Milson

Christmas Peanuts & Linus’s Inspirational Message For Us All

Julie Schooler

3 Writing Wins and Lessons in 2019

Sandra Bennett

December Dreaming – 5 Ways Looking Back Can Help You Look Forward

Free Books from Books by Rose

Happy day after Thanksgiving! I hope you all enjoyed your holiday.

Image: Pixabay

I know many are out shopping today, as it’s the biggest day of the year to get great deals. Some are staying home and shopping online.

Image: Pixabay

As most of you know, I just released my new book, “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail.” My book launch was a great success and the items have been shipped off to the winners. Thank you all for showing up and supporting my new story.

Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Mystery Mail
Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Mystery Mail

The reviews for this book are building everyday. Here are a few of them for now…

5 Star reviews
Five star reviews
Snow Day Fun

Snow days can be so much fun! Especially when a mysterious package is delivered. Join Maggie, Millie and Merrie on their snow day, which turns into days and boredom kicks in. That is until a mysterious package arrives that has special instructions for each girl. Boredom is no longer an issue.
Beautifully written and illustrated. Great addition to this wonderful series.
Also includes instructions for your own craft and recipes from the story.

Who Doesn’t Love Snow Days, Mystery Surprise Packages, and Fun Project

Rosie Russell captures the excitement of snow days and receiving surprise packages in this delightful children’s story. She adds a bit of whimsy and mystery along with a fun craft project perfect for snowy – or rainy – days. Children will learn all about creating “widget boxes” which can be turned into a school project, a card for a loved one, or even a dollhouse. As someone who spent hours making miniature houses and cardboard furniture out of shoe boxes, I loved this idea. And if all that creating makes kids hungry, Russell even adds a yummy recipe. Beautifully illustrated, this third installment of a series revolving around triplets Maggie, Millie and Merrie is sure to please.

Interview with Cat Michaels – Writer

In a recent interview with, Cat Michaels – Writer, she asked this question about my new story.

Cat: Can children read your book as a standalone, or do they need to read the other two books in this series first?
Rosie:    This book can be read as a standalone. I made sure to include instructions and ideas from the other two stories.  I think readers will enjoy it even more once they read the first two books.

So, those first two books in my Maggie, Millie, and Merrie Series?

They are *FREE* today!

Not only today, this promotion will run until, Monday at midnight.

Maggie, Millie, and Merrie Series
Maggie, Millie, and Merrie Series

Click on these titles to receive your free Kindle Editions:

“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Adventure”

“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Coins”

Once you’ve read them, please leave a review and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy the fun adventures the triplets go on.

If you would like to give the gift of reading to your young readers this holiday season, here’s the link to my Amazon Author page.

For non-readers, check out my “Search and Finds.” They include hundreds of word finds and picture finds.

Books by Rose
Books by Rose

For new updates to come, subscribe to my page. Just fill out the links at the top right or bottom of this page.

Happy Reading!


Book Lovers’ Day

Book with rose and heart shaped pages.
Image: Pixabay

In honor of Book Lovers’ Day on August 09, 2019, my writerly pals and I are sharing all the ways we adore reading with the #BookLuvHop

We all chose different ways to celebrate this day. Don’t forget to visit the awesome bloggers listed at the end of this post. I hope you’ll find find more ways to share your bookish passions.

Book Art

For this day, I’m choosing Book Art. Being a lover of reading and art, why not combine the two?

Looking online for sources of book art, I came across many ideas. Painted book pages. Decoupage book pages. As an result, deciding which one to pick, was hard.

blue bird painted on a book page
Image: Pixabay

After taking a break from the thought, I found one right under my nose. It’s an art activity that was created by me in my first Maggie, Millie, and Merrie series.

These books have been close to my heart lately. See more below.

If you have read “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Adventure,” you know what the special art activity is in this book. Widget Boxes! I’ve read this story and shared this activity in classrooms many times and children loved making them. Adults have told me it’s one of their favorite projects to make, too.

Now For The Fun Part

Here’s some boxes I made from the pages of their book. The triplets story comes with instructions in the back of the book. You can make boxes with or without lids. If you make ones without lids, add a pipe cleaner or a stiff ribbon for handles. What a perfect gift to leave a little surprise for someone. They make great table decorations, too.

As in the story, the funny little gnome explains, “you can make them as small as a coin or big enough to sit in them.”

Widget boxes from "Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Magical Adventure."
Widget Boxes

Would I recommend for readers to use any old book they see? No, we better not do that. I made these from books that were proofs. Proofs are books authors order to see their work in print. It’s a must, by the way, if you are starting out as an author. There’s something about seeing the words on actual pages. It’s a great way to catch errors or if you want to make changes. Authors revise their books many times. Proofs cannot be sold and throwing them away is hard to do.

Other Books

If you see any books out there that are ARC (Advance Reader Copies) or proofs, try and think of a way to recycle them. Sometimes, books have been damaged and are no longer readable. These would be perfect to use. See what fun “Book Art” you can find on Youtube, Pinterest, and the Web. You will be glad you did and our Mother Earth will thank you, too.


You can use any kind of paper, cardboard, or card stock. I’ve even used cereal boxes. Practice making them first with thinner paper. It’s much easier.

What to put in your boxes? Treats and other small items is an idea. Make them larger for all sorts of gifts and treasures.

Treat boxes

Why Has Maggie, Millie, Merrie’s Books Been on My Heart Lately?

I’ve been working hard to release their third book in late fall. I’ll hold off telling you the title for now.

I can tell you this much.

  • The triplets have grown up a bit.
  • Something magical happens to them.
  • Readers will be introduced to a new fun art activity. A yummy recipe will be included, too.

If you would like to get caught up on their past two books, and want to learn how to make Widget Boxes, check out their first book, here.

Available in paperback and kindle.

"Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Magical Adventure" book.
“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Adventure”

Amazon Barnes and Noble Rainy Day Books

Book 2, “Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Coins.

This book includes another exciting magical story with activities that will keep readers busy for hours.

"Maggie, Millie, and Merrie's Magical Coins" book.
“Maggie, Millie, and Merrie’s Magical Coins”

Amazon Barnes and Noble Rainy Day Books

*If you are already a subscriber to Books by Rose, write me a note to receive instructions on how to make, “Widget Boxes.”

*Subscribe to Books by Rose in the top right hand corner to receive free instructions. We are excited to have you on board for future updates, new books, with more fun activities.

An Extra Surprise

I received a nice surprise. My author friend, Rebecca Lyndsey, sent me her book art project.

Check out Author Rebecca Lyndsey’s wonderful Book Art project.

Author Rebecca Lyndsey's Book Art.
Author Rebecca Lyndsey’s Book Art

Rebecca said this wasn’t hard to make and it took her about 45 minutes. She found the template online. There are many out there. Youtube has a ton of different ones to make. She said it was easy, just a bit time consuming. The book she used here, took 40 pages and 80 folds.

Rebecca’s latest release is called, “Into the Ocean.” It’s full of facts, humor, and lots of fun. You can find more about Rebecca Lyndsey and her books ► here.

More Fun With Book Art with

“What’s In My Wonderland

Georgia with What's In My Wonderland
Georgia with “What’s In My Wonderland”

Georgia is a passionate writer, photographer and aspiring author, she writes for her blog whatsinmywonderland, which was created in Jan 2018. Her blog covers many topics ranging from her lifestyle, to her mental health journey as well as anything and everything book related. Georgia enjoys to be creative and aims to inspire others to chase their dreams. She also sells handmade vegan scented candles on her website.

Check out Georgia’s cute Book Art project.

Hedgehog Book Art

You can find more about Georgia here:

Website Facebook Pinterest Twitter Instagram Youtube

How will you celebrate “Book Lovers’ Day?” We hope to hear from you in the comment section below. Don’t forget, if you blog, add your feedback and share your family-friendly blog link in our comment section, and we’ll spread blog love your way!

Thanks for visiting.

Tap on the names below for more ways to enjoy, “Book Lovers’ Day.”

As always,

Happy Reading!



Cat Michaels Book Lovers’ Day and Bibliophiles Everywhere with My R*A*P, Really Awful Poem, to Bookishness

Rebecca Lyndsey has a list of great books to share for Book Lovers’ Day.

James Milson – Happy Book Lovers’ Day – Why Lifetime Reading is Important

Sandra Bennett – 5 Reasons to Support Independent Bookstores


Summertime, Nature Finds, with Books by Rose

Summertime, Nature Finds, with Books by Rose

Here are some fun activities you and your family can do together. Have fun getting out while the weather is warm. Don’t forget to take along a pencil, notebook, or clipboard to record your findings. Take a paper bag on your journey. You never know what nature treasures you will find. Include a magnify glass on your search for the following suggestions.

Magnifying glass for search and finds.
Search and Find

Write it Down

Create a list of things you expect to find or make a list of things you come across.

Now, let’s get started…

Feel the Great Outdoors

Touch the different leaves and plants. Are they smooth? Rough? Brittle?

Feel the Textures of Nature
Feel the Textures of Nature

This is also a great time to talk to your kids about plants in your area that are not safe or risky to touch such as, poison ivy.

If you see a plant like this with three clusters of leaves…

Poison Ivy
Do Not Touch

Smell the Great Outdoors

Do the morning hours smell different than the evening hours?

Stop and sniff different flowers and plants. Record your findings.

(Remember, be careful to make sure those plants are safe.)

Smell the Flowers
Stop and Smell the Flowers

Listen to the Great Outdoors

In the morning, do you hear different sounds than in the evening? How are they the same? How are they different?

Do you hear more birds in the morning than in the evening?

Birds Singing
Stop and Listen

Look for All Shapes of Leaves

Summer and fall are great times to explore the leaves and their many shapes and colors.

Look for Leaves
Look for Different Leaves

Collect different leaves and trace them on a piece of paper to color later.

Do the old fun trick of rubbing a crayon on a piece of paper with the leaf underneath.

Cut them out to make a fun display or decoration.

Look for Critter Tracks

Look for animal tracks in your backyard, the woods, or a nearby park.

Can you guess which animal left them?

Animal Tracks
Look for Different Animal Tracks

Look for Insects

Snap a photo of them if you can, so you can do more research on them later.  For those that love to draw, make a sketch of them.

Look for Different Insects

Explore Ponds and Lakes

Can you find different types of fish? How about looking for toads or frogs? Do the ponds or lakes attract different kinds of insects?

Explore Ponds and Lakes
Explore Ponds and Lakes

What activities would you suggest for exploring nature in the summertime? Write us a note to tell us of your discoveries. We’d love to hear from you.

If you like search and find books, don’t forget to check out my two titles. There’s over a hundred items to find in each book, along with a fun story and extra activities.

Click on the photos below to find out more on these stories.

Magnifying glass with book "Search and Find with Jake and his dog named Cain"
A Search and Find of Every Kind with Jake and his Dog Named Cain
magnifying glass with book, "Sherman the Shopping Cart: A Search and Find"
“Sherman the Shopping Cart: A Search and Find”

Happy Searching and Reading!


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