Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

Tag: Goals

Four Special Quotes To Consider For 2022

In this blog post, you’ll find come special quotes to consider as you leap into the new year. I’ll share some of my favorites first, then at the bottom of this post, you’ll find some other inspirational blog posts from our author friends who will share theirs, too.


My Favorite Quotes From One Of My Favorite People…Zig Ziglar!

Before I start, let me tell you about Zig Ziglar.

Zig Ziglar was born on November 06, 1926, and sadly passed away, November 28, 2012. He was a salesman, a motivational speaker, and later became a wonderful author, sharing his wisdom to people around the world.

I first heard of Zig Ziglar when I was a high school graduate. Our mother had been a fan of him for many years. When my boyfriend, now husband, started in sales, she highly recommended he read his books and follow his advice.

Mr. Ziglar had some of the best quotes of anyone I’ve known. I’ll share some here with you today and give you my personal thoughts on each one. I hope you’ll take the time to look him up and watch some of his videos.

Please let me know if you would like to add your thoughts to the meaning of these quotes in the comment section below.

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” ~Zig Ziglar

This is the first quote of his I learned and it has stayed with me my whole life.

Helping other people get what they want is key here.

Credit for Image: Ave Calvar Martinez from Pexels

Say, you’re selling a product or providing a service. Of course, you want that customer to buy that product or sign up for that service. If truly in your heart you know they will benefit from this product or service, then you are helping that person get what they want or need. Even if they don’t buy, the excitement and passion you showed them, may want them to reconsider down the road. If not, it’s still a win. You helped them and that’s a wonderful feeling in itself. Doing good deeds shows great character, in personal relationships and in business.

Thought two on this.

The best way to bring yourself out of a bad mood or attitude, “stinkin thinking,” as Zig would say, do something for someone else. Helping others always makes us feel better, right?

“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.” ~Zig Ziglar

Ooh, I love this one! I know in my heart of hearts that if I want to become better at writing or drawing, I’m going to have to practice it, and practice it a lot. Showing up each day with with consistent goals in mind and doing them, is a must to me. Repeating the hard work through putting those actions into motion will eventually take me to the accomplishment of my goal.

Writing and Drawing
Image Credit: Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels

“You can start where you are with what you’ve got and go to wherever it is you want to go.” ~Zig Ziglar

Success Go Get It
Image Credit: Gerd Attmann from Pexels

Another one that hits home to me.

When I was a substitute teacher, my days were filled with walking into a blank slate of the unknown. I wouldn’t know which students excelled or didn’t. I would literally have to meet those students where they were at and help them the best I could. Comparing them to each other and what they knew, was something I would not do. I would meet them where they were at and we’d go from there. They in turn, would have to meet me where I was at, as well. I wish I could share all the wonderful stories of success I saw with those students. They liked that I saw them for who they were, not the expectations of what I thought they were suppose to be.

Another personal note, I was older when I became an author and illustrator. I had to start a road of learning with little background in this field. I had to start where I was at. Small steps were eventually built to bigger and bigger steps. Even after almost eight years, I’m still learning and growing everyday.

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” ~Zig Ziglar

I do believe we all have dreams we want to achieve in this life. Some want promotions, some want items, some just want to get through the day having a happy, healthy life with our family and friends.

Photo by Karyme Franca from Pexels

One thing I would like to add about dreams though, they don’t come true without some effort on our part. If you want that special dream home, a certain career, etc. it all takes planning, steps to make it happen and dedication to make it to the finish line. Sure, there are obstacles, but getting back to those plans at a later date is always a wonderful possibility, too.

Now join me as I introduce to you some amazing authors that have written on this subject to get you inspired for the new year. Click on their names below.

Thanks for stopping by, and as always,

Happy Reading!


Julie Gorges

Rebecca Lyndsey

Cat Michaels

Carmela Dutra

Sandra Bennett

James Milson

I Like the Sound of 2020!

"Happy New Years 2020 poster from Pixabay.

It’s hard to believe its 2020, right? I like the sound and looks of it.

I’ve seen fun posts already relating to the title of this year.

“Welcome to the Roaring 20’s.”

“I’ve Got 20/20 Vision for the New Year.”

We’ll just have to remember to write down 2020. That will be the tricky part for a while.

Now, for a short post on what changes I’d like to see for myself for the upcoming year.

Before I move forward…

I wanted to give a big shout out to those that purchased my children’s books for their young readers over the holidays. Please let me know your thoughts. If you could kindly leave a review on Amazon, it would be greatly appreciated.

"Thank You" poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

What’s Really Important?

Well, my last day of the year in 2019, ended me in the hospital with a surprise surgery. I didn’t need my appendix anyway, right?  I was back home on New Year’s Eve, but needless to say, it was an uneventful celebration. That’s okay, we never go out on that night and rarely make it to midnight, so no loss there.

"Important" poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

My whole experience last week, put things in a different perspective and reminded me how much I’ve taken my days of “feeling well” for granted. We get busy, going through life, working at things that we think are just so important to get this done and that done. When I felt well enough to get back to my, somewhat normal routine, I found the things I was so fixated on before, didn’t bring me the same significance of importance. Have you ever had that feeling?

Family, friends, and doing the things you love and enjoy is really all that matters in the end. Sure, I work hard on my job every day, which I love! However, I will be looking at it in a whole new way, picking out what’s the most important thing to focus on and spend my time doing that. Again, that talk to self is, not everything has to be done in one day. More on that in a minute.

What’s to Come for 2020?

"What's Next" poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

I’m not a fan of making resolutions, but a fan of thinking of things I would like to see happen more for myself and improving situations around me.

I do have a lot of things I’m looking forward to in 2020.

As I’ve said in many of my other posts, I’m Co-Writing a MG book with Cat Michaels. We are halfway there. Even though we still see lots of changes in the story from our first ideas, I feel like we are making it better than originally planned.  Cat is awesome to work with and we are having a great time.

Also, as you know, I have a Picture Book that I would like to finish after our MG book. I’m looking at the end of 2020 for that to be done. This book is written so all I have to do is the fun part. Illustrating it. Again, I want to accomplish this with joy and not rush it. It’s a darling story.

Personal Projects

Art poster for "Personal Projects."

Since I’ve always loved crafts, I plan to emerge myself more in making crafty items, for personal use, and for family and friends.  What better way for me to get away from the computer and take a break, right? I hope you will try this as well.  It’s refreshing and clears your mind better more than anything I have found so far. Not a crafty person? How about photography? Pick up an music instrument and play a song? Plant a flower garden? Refinish a piece of furniture? There are unlimited ideas out there. Pinterest and YouTube are great places to start.

I believe, giving yourself permission to do something you enjoy makes your mind more clear and more focused.


Other Personal Project. Walking!

Walking on Treadmill poster from Pixabay.
Image Credit: Pixabay

My husband gets on me all the time because I’ve slowed down with my walking habits. Again, it’s that thing about sitting at the computer thinking I have to get everything done in one day. I’ve clearly realized, that breaking tasks up into different parts of the day will be much healthier for me. This is especially hard for me when I’m illustrating a book. I literally can sit here all day, enthralled in all the tiny details. I love it so much, I never want to stop.

So, I hope to get back to our treadmill, even if it’s for short breaks every day. I’d rather walk outside, but I will have to wait for warmer days to come for that.  

Do you have any special visions or plans for this New Year?

Vision Poster from Pixabay
Image Credit: Pixabay

What goals do you have set for yourself? Write a note in the comment section, I’d love to hear from you.

Have a safe and happy 2020 with many blessings and good health.

Thanks for stopping by.

As always…Happy Reading!


Click here to check out my Picture Books for your young readers. There’s a little something here for everyone. Enjoy!

Books by Rose
Books by Rose

I’m a proud member of GR8Blogs. Watch for posts on Facebook and Twitter this next week as I share what my author friends from this group have been up to. See you then…


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