If you’ve been following the journey of our new story, Just Between Sam and Me, we have great news! The Published Button Has Been Pushed and just in time for the holidays.

Released December 02, 2020.

Cat Michaels and I couldn’t be happier!
We’ve had a world wind of activities happening these past weeks and months.
Here’s a few of our interviews with, author, ► Carol Baldwin and author, Julie Gorges at ► Baby Bloomers Bliss.

In Case You Missed It….
Join us on how our this book journey started.
Click here for more. ► Just Between Sam and Me.
Thanks to All Our Advance Readers!
Cat and I have been submitting our book to many places and have passed it on to lots of readers for their honest opinions and reviews. We have been overwhelmed at the responses we have received. Here are just a few for now.
Click on the images below to read the full articles and reviews.

The reviews are still coming in so we’ll keep you posted.
Here are the links to where you can find our special priced kindle book for only $0.99. Grab your Kindle copy at this price until December 10, 2020.
Our paperback just went live! This low price of $7.99 will remain for a limited time, as well.
Enjoy everyone! We hope you will join us in celebrating, Just Between Sam and Me!
Oh, and Before I Go…
Don’t forget to check in on January 15, 2021 for a special interview podcast we did with, ► “Reading with Your Kids.” Details coming soon!

Off to celebrate.
Happy Reading!