Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

The Case of the SMASHED WINDOW, by Toby Williams

We are back to tell you about, Toby Williams’s 2nd installment of her mystery series.

You may remember, back in September 2021, we talked about her first book, “The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE.” You can read more about that here.

Click on the cover below.

"The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE"
“The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE”


Let’s get started for our second interview.

(Author Toby A. Williams, Cover Design by Artist Corrina Holyoake, Edited by Lor Bingham-Calico Editing)

Was it easier to write this second book than your first middle grade book?

Overall, yes. With several characters already developed in Book 1, The Case of the HIDDEN SHOE, plus seeds of Brooke Lynn wanting to get involved in the community, the new supporting friends and family were more easily woven into each scene in Book 2.

About the Book: The Case of the SMASHED WINDOW (The BROOKE LYNN Mysteries – Book 2) by Toby A. Williams – Middle-graders Brooke Lynn and sleuth pal Mike are itching to crack the next case! When a respected neighbor, Mr. Wilkens, asks for their help after spotting some vandals break his window, they begin their new investigation – pronto! But the crime-busting duo are thrown off the trail as tensions arise and Brooke Lynn finds herself questioning everyone – even Mike and her very own BFF Susie! With the town’s hyped-up Chili Cookoff looming, a big cleanup day planned – which Brooke Lynn is helping organize, will they be able to solve the case in time before any further vandalism strikes the once-quiet town? And just like Book 1, this sequel will keep you on your toes… a real page-turner!

Credits: Cover Design – Corrina Holyoake (@corrinaholyoake); Editor – Lor Bingham, Calico Editing Services (@calico_lor)

When writing this new book, did you have the end all figured out or did it even surprise you?

The original concept for The Case of the SMASHED WINDOW did in fact have another ending. During the rewriting process, an additional incitement was incorporated to punch up the mystery, thus creating suspicion toward some less-than-obvious characters. This new direction ultimately led to a more suspenseful ending. And I am grateful to Lor Bingham of Calico Editing for pushing me when I was stuck; her professional talents were terrific once again!

Do you prefer writing shorter stories or chapter books?

Both genres offer a vast expanse of creativity yet they are completely different in plotting and planning. I have a slight preference to children’s picture books because of the magical compliment offered by the colorful illustrations. But honestly, they are both rewarding in their own way. Stirring any reader’s interest, no matter the level, is so important. Yes, to child literacy!

The Case of the SMASHED WINDOW link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PJS87NF

Tween readers will relate to your story with friendships woes and more. Did you interview or visit with readers this age for ideas for this book?

A couple of pre-teens were consulted for the first book to get a feel for tween lingo, and age-appropriate subject matter which carried over into Book 2. One of the tweens was a beta reader too. The input was enlightening and welcomed!

What is one message you would like to send out to your readers?

Being open-minded, kind, compassionate, and helping others is so important, now more than ever. Like Brooke Lynn, there are opportunities to volunteer in the community via local youth groups, school, church organizations, fundraisers, and team sports. From graffiti paint-over and cleanup days to charitable fundraisers through the various groups I’ve been involved in over the years, the most rewarding aspect has been helping others – no matter how small it may seem.

Thank you so much for this interview, Toby. Please tell our readers where they can find this book and other ones you have written.

Thank you, Rosie for this blog interview. It’s such a kind gesture when a fellow author supports another author in various ways. And I’m glad you are a fan of Brooke Lynn!

My books are available in three formats through online booksellers and at the links below:

Author Website:  https://www.tobyawilliamsauthor.com

Amazon Page:  https://www.amazon.com/author/tobywilliams

The BROOKE LYNN Mysteries series:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0985W37GT

The BROOKE LYNN Adventures series:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RLVL5TB

The BROOKE LYNN Adventures and Mysteries

News At Books By Rose

I had the honor to do an interview with Dr. Heather Rivera.

About Dr. Heather Rivera:

Heather Rivera, Ph.D. is an Amazon best-selling author. She has written eleven books—fiction, nonfiction, and books for young readers. Heather hosts writing workshops and offers private coaching.

Contact her directly at drheatherrivera@gmail.com for coaching services.

Click on the bookcase below to read our interview and what’s coming soon at, Books by Rose.

Thanks for stopping by. Let us know what you’ve been up to and any exciting plans you’d like to announce.

As always,

Happy Reading!



  1. Auden Johnson

    It’s cool to learn the different ways people approach their stories. It’s interesting they have a tween beta-reader. Great interview!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi, Auden, thanks for stopping by.
      Yes, that is cool Toby Williams was able to find someone close to the readers age. That’s hard to do sometimes.
      Thanks again. 🙂

  2. Jessica Adams

    Great interview!

    • rosieadmin

      Thank you, Jessica and thanks for stopping by to read about Toby’s new book. 🙂

  3. Julie

    Always so interesting to hear about an author’s creative process.

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks for stopping to read our interview, Julie. 🙂
      It is interesting to see how other authors pull their stories together, isn’t it?
      Thanks again.

  4. Julie

    Always so interesting to get in the mind of another author and hear about their creative process.

  5. Cat Michaels

    Brooke Lynn rocks-:D I enjoyed learning about Toby’s writing process, especially her use of pre-teen beta readers and editor to strengthen her narrative.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Cat, thanks for stopping by with your thoughts. I found her answers so helpful, as well.
      As you know, this writing journey is a tough one. Learning from Toby’s writing process will help a lot of people out there.
      Thanks again.

  6. Julie Gorges

    Always interesting to hear about other authors. Great interview!

    • rosieadmin

      Thanks Julie and I appreciate you stopping by. I’m always interested how authors come about their stories, too. 🙂

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