Time is zipping by us faster and faster. It’s hard to believe it’s June already.
I hope you are able to enjoy some beautiful weather where you live. We are warming up here, right on schedule.
In This Blog You Will Find:
*Fun Warm Weather Activities
*Summer Treats
*Art Therapy
*Exciting News
Fun Warm Weather Activities
Here in the Midwest, the temperatures are warming, the flowers are blooming, and summer is in full gear. What a great time to get out doors and enjoy the sunshine for that extra boost of Vitamin D.
Memorial Day Weekend is the time most the pools were suppose to open.
From what I’m hearing, many of them are still closed due to the social distancing rules.

I hope this won’t stop you for some cool water splashing in your own backyard.
When growing up, we had a neighborhood pool to walk to on those hot days.
Most of the time though, we’d pull out the hose and sprayed our way to hours of fun.
Don’t forget the Water Balloons, too! Now, they make them so easy to fill up in half the time.

Create a Nature Search and Find
In July 2019, I wrote a more extensive blog about about this, which you can check out here: https://booksbyrose.com/summertime-nature-finds-with-books-by-rose/
Parents and kids, here are a few suggestions for exploring the great outdoors.

Here’s a few supplies before getting started.
Take along a pencil, notebook, or clipboard to record what nature treasure finds you come across.
Grab a paper bag and magnify glass to take on your journey.
After collecting your items and investigate your findings on the internet.
Have fun:
*Observing different insects.
*Looking for different plants and flowers.
*Watch for animal tracks.
*Explore ponds and lakes.
Summer Treats
Don’t forget to treat yourself to some popsicles or some homemade ice cream.
Since this recipe from last year was a big hit, I wanted to share it again.
Homemade Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

What you’ll need:
2 cups heavy whipping cream
Chilled, 1 (14 ounce) can of sweetened condensed milk,
Chilled, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon or more of Mint extract, or other flavors that you like. Taste as you mix.
Chilled, 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips or soft candies of your choice. You can add more, it’s up to you.
Directions and Tips:
Place two cups whipping cream in a metal bowl.
With your mixer, choose your “whip” setting.
Mix until it becomes the consistency of store bought whipped cream.
(It takes awhile, keep mixing. The first time I tried this recipe, I didn’t whip it enough and the ice cream came out too hard.)
Add chilled sweetened condensed milk and extracts. Mix to combine.
Place in the freezer for three hours.
After three hours, remove and give it a stir. Add your chilled candies.
(Important note: Your candies should be chilled. They will melt in the ice cream, even at room temperature.) For safety reasons, stick to small, soft chewy candies. Hard, round candies can be a choking hazard.)
Add your ice cream to the container you want your ice cream stored in, with a air tight lid, and place back in the freezer for three more hours. Your ice cream takes a total of six hours or more to set.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Art Therapy
I’ve had many convey to me, writing and reading has been difficult to concentrate on these past few months.
Some days, it’s better to turn off the internet and news to switch up to something different.
I personally have found, staying busy is the key for me. Finding different art mediums has been my saving grace.
Here are just a few things I’ve done to keep my mind off things.
If you’ve followed my past posts, you’ve seen how I’ve kept busy with hands on crafting for our Little Free Library.
Another way I’ve been keeping busy, I took a workshop to learn more about portrait drawing.
They have you find a reference photo to start with and teach coloring and shading.
I’d have to say, learning to draw eyes has been one of my favorite things to learn.

After researching even more drawing techniques, I found another one called, “Whimsical or Whimsy Art.”
Below is the drawing I came up with, which was a fun start.

Exciting News
As you all know by now, Cat Michaels and I have been working on our MG book.

The manuscript, Cat Michaels and I have been working on, is done!!
We have a lot of work ahead of us these next several months. As it goes through it’s final edits and we proof the physical copy of our book, you will start to see bits and pieces of what our story is a little more on what it’s about.
Of course, we won’t give away too much. We don’t want to spoil it for you.
We are so please with the awesome feedback we have received so far.
For more coming news, don’t forget to subscribe to my page.
Leave us a note in the comment section below to tell us how you are doing.
Any plans for the summer?
I wish you a wonderful June 2020!
As always,
Happy Reading!

Loving your art, Rosie! It’s so exciting that your book with Cat is done! I bet that was a fun project to do together! Happy summer!
Thank you so much and thanks for your support always, Jessica.
It has been fun and now we’re down to the hard part…getting it all wrapped up. Keep watching.
I wish you and your family a wonderful summer. I hope you will be able to go and do something super fun. You deserve it with all the hard work you do. 🙂
First, congrats on finishing your book with Cat! That is something to celebrate for sure. I enjoyed the new art piece, very nicely done.
As we have our heat spikes here, we’ve been enjoying water balloon fights.
Thanks so much, Carmela. Yes, Cat and I are pretty excited to get this far. Lots of work ahead, still.
I appreciate your kind words on my art. It’s been fun trying new techniques in drawing.
Water balloons are so much fun! I hope you enjoy the your warm weather. The days are flying by way too fast for me.
Wishing you a wonderful summer, Carmela and family. 🙂
We might be in the grips of winter here, but I still enjoy my bush walks, especially now my grandson comes along. We search for all kinds of treasures. The other day he discovered how to splash in puddles, rocks sink but leaves float. It was such a wonderful playful yet fun learning experience. Looking forward to reading your MG novel, you and Cat have worked so hard on it, it’s sure to be wonderful.
So happy you are able to get outdoors with your grandson. Isn’t it fun to watch them explore the wonders of nature, Sandra?
I have no doubt you are a great teacher for when he has all those inquisitive questions. 🙂
Yes, Sandra, we are getting pretty excited to get to this stage in our book. We can’t wait for you to read it someday.
Thanks for your support always.
I can’t believe you are a great writer AND artist as well. Definitely keeping yourself busy.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Julie.
Yes, staying busy and loving it.
I hope you have a wonderful summer. 🙂
Congratulations on finishing your book!! Can’t wait to see the final results! You have listed some great ideas. I am definitely in for some art therapy. I have a resin kit I hope to get to use soon. Your ice cream recipe sounds yummy! Here’s to a fun filled summer!
Thanks, Rebecca!
We can’t wait for you to read our book soon. We’ll keep you posted.
I’ve seen a lot of resin projects. I’m glad you are enjoying trying new art projects, too. It’s been a life saver for me the past few months.
Yes, the ice cream is very good and rich. I hope you enjoy it if you make it.
Have a wonderful summer, Rebecca. 🙂
Wow, Rosie, you’ve been busy. That mint chocolate-chip ice cream looks yumalicious! As a kid growing up along the ocean, we hit the beach every moment we could. I miss it terribly, especially since our community pool will not open this summer due to covid concerns.
Yep, getting there with our middle grade tale. It’s in the hands of our editor for a final proof before production. Then on to our artist for a few B&W illustrations before turning it over the graphic designer for her amazing formatting of the manuscript into a book. I am beyond ready to share our tale with kids but still more to do.
Enjoy your summer and stay cool!
The ice cream is very rich but so very good.
Lucky you being near a beach. I hope all the kids will get to enjoy some water fun this summer.
So excited to see our book grow and get this far. The feedback has been amazing and I’m so grateful for all our support.
Yes, lots of work ahead, but lots of fun, too. We’ll get to talk about our story, which I can’t wait!
Thanks always, Cat! 🙂
Love all your fun ideas on how to have fun and enjoy the summer months – even if staying at home. Congrats on finishing the book. Can’t wait to see the final results!
Thanks, Julie! It’s so hard to believe it’s summer already. Spring was kind of a blur not even knowing what day it was. Ha!
I hope you will have fun things planned for the coming months.
We are over the moon to have our manuscript done. Now for the hard part, and I’m sure you know all about that. Getting those last things in order for the finished product. We have some exciting months ahead though, too.
Thank you for your support always. 🙂