Engaging Young Readers One Book at a Time

What a Year Can Make, or Not, From Books by Rose

Oh that, 2020! Right?

Last February, a group of author friends and I got together and created some fun posts for last February since it was Leap Year. Little did we know what was ahead of us.

I chose to write about trends for the year 2020. Sounded fun at the time, but then the next month, the whole world shut down.

Here’s the article from that here: ► We’re Leaping and Hopping for Leap Year 2020

Trends in 2020

Let’s break it down.

Fashion and Home Decor Colors

The big color for 2020 was suppose to be classic blue.

Classic Blue
Classic Blue

Friends, how would we know if this color for decor came true? None of us visited anyone’s homes. Even if we did, we had other more important things on our mind, like whether or not the stores would have toilet paper. Hmm, do they still sell blue toilet paper? I remember it coming in different colors. Maybe that’s why we never saw it on the shelves. It all makes sense now. 😂

 Bell Bottoms

Someone mentioned last year that Bell Bottoms were going to make a comeback from the 1970’s

Bell Bottoms

Again, how would we know if that happened?

So many times I read that people were not even getting dressed on any given day. Many start working at home, so PJ’s were the biggest clothing trends. I wonder if the sales went up for that apparel? 💲

Personally, I dressed each day and did my daily ritual. I haven’t been as rushed to do so, since we seldom left the house. I have cut down on doing the whole hair and make-up to the extent I was, unless there was a ZOOM call, of course. 💻


I don’t think I have to tell you about this subject. So many sports were canceled. Little League Baseball continued, which was a saving grace for us. We got to see our family and friends and have face to face conversations with people. What a treat! 💕⚾️ 💕

Friends and Family

Now, if you wanted to attend a big league baseball game, you could pay to have a cardboard cutout of yourself in the stands. We opted out, we were saving our money incase a toilet paper shortage were to happen again. 🧻


Awe, food. Now here’s a big one!

Pop Up Restaurants
Pop Up Restaurants

Pop Up Restaurants were suppose to be all the rage.

Eating out in 2020 didn’t happened for several months. Sadly, some of the small hometown restaurants didn’t make it. The one good thing, is businesses upped their game and created wonderful curbside deliveries. I don’t know about you, but we found some great restaurants and made sure we gave them our support to keep them going strong. 💪

Personal Growth and Self Care

Self Care
Personal Growth and Self Care

Many people were having trouble with this one, including me.

Not going bowling, not getting out going here and there made a big difference on just not moving enough. I’ve heard others say 2020 slowed them down and they were stress eating, or just plain eating more because they were home everyday.

I went through this some, so when I had my numbers checked at the end of the year, everything was “mildly elevated.” I did not like that, so I started moving more. I started watching what grams of fats and sugars I were taking in and it has really made a difference.

Audio Books

Audio Books
Audio Books

Audio books were projected to be on the rise.

With the libraries closed, with curbside services, I really missed going into the libraries browsing the shelves for those. Don’t worry, I kept them busy enough. I even told them they should keep a index card by the phone with the make of my car, because I would be there weekly. So, reading has not changed much at all for me this last year. 📚

Another hint: If you can’t find an Audio Book at your library, don’t forget to check Youtube. I have found some great ones on there. 😊



Here’s another big one that has been going strong and thrived through 2020. I can’t believe all the awesome classes out there I’ve seen this past year.

If you follow my pages, you know art has been a huge outlet for me. When I don’t create something, from being too busy with other things, I truly miss it. It’s been a 100% lifesaver for me. 🎨


Streaming TV shows has been highly popular these past years.

Watching TV has not changed for me. We watch our shows at night, but for me, it’s writing, reading and art during the day. Oh, that and conversing with family, friends and neighbors, which leaves me with…



I have visited with more people this last year than ever. Friends from long ago, neighbors that we barely saw, and family members to check in on. Even though, many of us can’t connect in person, it’s has been great catching up and staying in touch. 💞

Time Capsule

Last year at this time, our grandson and I buried this rock and a Time Capsule in our back yard with this list in it.

List for Time Capsule
Time Capsule

I really wanted you to see a video of us digging this up, but our ground is frozen and the cold snowy days have prevented us from doing this. We hope to soon.

Now For All The Good Things in 2020!

Outside of finally getting to visit and hug our kids and grandkids on Mother’s Day, Cat Michaels and I were busy, busy, finishing up and releasing our Middle Grade book, “Just Between Sam and Me.” It was released on December 02, 2020 and we couldn’t have been more pleased how everything turned out.

We were featured on many blogs, interviews and podcasts. In case you missed it, you can see them here.

“Reading with Your Kids”

Click on the image below to listen:

Reading with Your Kids
Reading With Your Kids Podcast

“The TufFish Show”

Click on the image below to listen;

The TufFish Show
The TufFish Show

“Adventures in Reading”

Here are some great authors featured here, but if you would like to listen to part of our chapter 17, from “Just Between Sam and Me,” I’m reading a few pages of our new book at, (17:32-21:42.)

Click on the image below to listen:

Adventures in Reading
Adventures in Reading

So, how have you all been holding up these past months. What big changes have you encountered? I hope you’ll leave us a note and tell us how you are doing and any new projects you have been working on.

Speaking of projects, I will have a new Picture Book for young readers coming out this year. All I can tell you is, I just finished page 13 out of 32 pages. I’m almost halfway finished and I’m having a blast with this one. 😊

As always, stay safe and stay well and…

Happy Reading! 💖


If you would like to get a copy of our new book, or any copies of my books, click on the icons below.

Barnes and Noble

PS. A fun “Valentine’s/Kindness/Pay it Forward” post is coming soon. Keep Watching! 💖

Valentine’s Day Giveaway Coming Soon!


  1. Sandra+Bennett

    Rosie, I really enjoyed this. Your look back and subsequent consequences were spot on. I lived in my track pants, no make-up and even forgot to wear jewellery for a while, which was not good as I felt my ears might have needed re-piercing. Zoom and messenger chats became essential for connection and I am so glad of that. It was great to be able to do workshops online too, it meant we could join a class from anywhere instead of our own community.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Sandra! I’m so glad you enjoyed this blog post. 🙂
      This last year sure did change our priorities, huh?
      I’m so thankful for the ZOOM and Facetime connections, too. I’ve learned a lot about technology through them and I’m so ever so grateful for that.
      I see you have been very busy with your new book and I’m so happy your series is turning into such a big success. Congratulations!

  2. Julie

    Just goes to show it is hard to forecast things! Thanks for the tip about audiobooks often being on YouTube.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Julie, no, we never know, do we?
      I was excited to find Youtube has some live readings of books, too. I also like to listen to Zig Ziglar’s past conferences. He was so amazing. I think you will enjoy listening to those, too. 🙂

  3. Cat Michaels

    What a year for trends, indeed, Rosie. imho, yoga pants are way ahead of bell bottoms as the new trouser trend for 2021! I live in my workout clothes and proudly sport my covid hair style (i.e., trimmed professionally just once in 12 months…oh my!. Can’t wait to see your new PiBo and V Day giveaway. Thanks for the smiles -:D

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Cat, yes, the comfy clothes are the way to go. I’m the same here with the hair upkeep. I feel I need to go in to at least give them some business once in awhile. I bet many salons have struggled during these past several months, too. 🙁
      Keep watching for more to come. Getting back to illustrating has been a joy to me.
      Take care and keep smiling. 🙂

  4. Jessica Adams

    Yes, 2020 sure was strange! My hours at work dropped way down, but it was okay so I could keep better track of homeschooling my girls. I also had more time to publish 4 coloring books last year. I can’t wait to see your new book coming out!

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Jessica, glad you’ve had some quality time with your girls.
      I’ve seen your coloring books and they are so cute and fun.
      Keep watching. It will be awhile for my next one, but I’m having lots of fun with it. 🙂

  5. Rebecca Lyndsey

    Haha, you are so true. I however don’t ever remember colored tp. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t around, just that I don’t remember if it was. Lol Now the blue trend for color…blue is one of my favorite colors and found throughout my home. So I’m trendy even if nobody sees it😁. .Really glad you had lots of positivity throughout all the negative! It’s important to concentrate on that.

    • rosieadmin

      Rebecca, glad my post made you laugh a little. 🙂
      I recall our grandmother having pink toilet paper in her bathroom. I’ll try and research that more, now.
      The positive beats the negative for me most days. It can’t hurt, right? 🙂

  6. Carmela

    This blog had me laughing. My room was painted blue before the trend started but how would I know who painted what? It’s good you pointed out a few positive things to come out of the pandemic like making connections with old friends. Just because we are separated doesn’t mean we cannot stay connected.

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Carmela, Classic Blue will never go away for color trends.
      It has helped me stay on the positive side. There’s always something to find the good in things. Somedays, we have to look a little harder, but it’s there.
      Connecting with others has really been my a wonderful thing for me this last year. We may have to find new ways to do it, but it can happen.

  7. Julie Gorges

    This blog gave me the giggles at a time when we all need some laughter. I also looked at our blog hop about Leap Year recently and thought – it just shows we never know what’s around the corner. It’s good you pointed out a few positive things to come out of the pandemic like making connections with old friends. I remember when colored TP was all the rage – maybe blue is still available. Lol

    • rosieadmin

      Hi Julie, I’m so glad this post brought you a smile. Yes, we all need a good laugh. 🙂
      I haven’t thought about the different colors of toilet paper until I wrote those words.
      I think we all know that anything can happen at anytime, after last year. Whew. If nothing else, it makes one get prepared, just in case…
      Having a group of positive and fun friends like you has sure helped me keep my spirits up. Thank you for the daily smiles on your fan page. Your posts are the best.
      Have a great weekend.

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